So as you may have realised I have a huge interest in breeding.
There's a lot I want to explain about my views and what I've done in the past, for some it's a very REAL thing for others it's more like a FANTASY
My interest began about 6 years ago when I joined a site called Fetlife. I saw things about breeding and looked into it more and more. I joined groups on Yahoo about it and chatted more and more with people.
After lots of discussion and finding more information I realised that breeding for real was a very serious thing and not to be taken lightly. Obviously if one becomes pregnant you are bringing into the world a new baby who needs bringing up so huge responsibilities and lots of serious questions to address - does the father want to be involved, contribute? How will you chose the man to breed you? What will you tell family and friends if you become pregnant? And lots more.
I thought about it a lot over about 6 months and then made some efforts to try some breeding in a responsible way.
Before I share my past breeding exploits I think it's best to state my current views.
The whole concept of breeding is still a huge and exciting idea for me. But in reality if carried out it could be a dangerous and irresponsible act.
There's lots of issues in terms of health risks and if becoming pregnant the resposibilities of looking after a young life.
SO for the forseable future the breeding act will remain a fantasy.
That doesn't stop me from chatting about it, sharing views and opinions, watching videos on the subject.
So if you're interested and find me breedable please get in touch and we can discuss and have some fun :)
More to follow..............
There's a lot I want to explain about my views and what I've done in the past, for some it's a very REAL thing for others it's more like a FANTASY
My interest began about 6 years ago when I joined a site called Fetlife. I saw things about breeding and looked into it more and more. I joined groups on Yahoo about it and chatted more and more with people.
After lots of discussion and finding more information I realised that breeding for real was a very serious thing and not to be taken lightly. Obviously if one becomes pregnant you are bringing into the world a new baby who needs bringing up so huge responsibilities and lots of serious questions to address - does the father want to be involved, contribute? How will you chose the man to breed you? What will you tell family and friends if you become pregnant? And lots more.
I thought about it a lot over about 6 months and then made some efforts to try some breeding in a responsible way.
Before I share my past breeding exploits I think it's best to state my current views.
The whole concept of breeding is still a huge and exciting idea for me. But in reality if carried out it could be a dangerous and irresponsible act.
There's lots of issues in terms of health risks and if becoming pregnant the resposibilities of looking after a young life.
SO for the forseable future the breeding act will remain a fantasy.
That doesn't stop me from chatting about it, sharing views and opinions, watching videos on the subject.
So if you're interested and find me breedable please get in touch and we can discuss and have some fun :)
More to follow..............
9 years ago
Now would like to have a son
Guess i would like to have another child with you