Out In Public pt.2 (12-23-13 first apperance)
Friday late night was swiftly approaching and I was chatting with a guy online that was gonna come over and play. so I shaved and deusched and showered. did my makeup and put on sexy clothes and wig, the whole shebang. he was to show at 1130 then emailed me and said 12 then never messaged back.determined to not let the whole night be wasted with me looking so sexy I jumped in the suv and went one town over to the gay club. there online site said they had drag shows Friday. a gay bar with a drag show what a perfect sissy gurl hangout, or so I thought.....
Upon entering first I had to show my "guy" id to the doorman," I look quite different on my id but its me, hun." I whispered into the doormans ear.
A heavy set short lesbian approached me checking me out.
"Hi honey how you doing?"she said.
"good" I assured her and went and seated myself at the bar.
The doorman was conversating with a few guys and I ordered a beer and looked out at the dance floor and surrounding tables. I noticed a few lesbian couples but the only gay men I saw were the bartenders, but the place was packed with str8 cpls or rather str8 guys with there bi Gfs. I sipped on my beer enjoying sitting in a bar in full sissy drag for the very first time. About half a beer later a heavy set blk girl hit on me and I must say I did admire her thick ass quite a bit....kinda pictured her showing me how to make that ass clap better(ive been working on it) at this time a male gay cpl finally came in. I immediantly noticed the tall blk man, his other was a little white boy. they walked right up and said," hi",my heart fluttered. I said," hi."
Suddenly my arm is grabbed by a drunken girl and she hugs me and says or rather slurs,"there you are im sooooo sorry"
All the while she is grinding her boobs against my chest and holding onto me. the cpl order their drinks and someone comes up they know and starts talking to them. they wander away. drunk girl's bf shows up and escorts her away from me. alone again I downed my beer and ask for directions to the bathroom. the bartender looks me up and down for a long minute then points me to the guys. I walk in go to the stall and squat an pee then I go to the mirror to fix my lipstick. I notice a young man(boy) finishing at the urinal I step back and tell him he can wash his hands so I don't hold him up. he steps back and gets a screwy mean look in his eyes looks up at me.
"WHAT THE FUCK,"he bellows slurring the whole while,"don't you fucking like girls."
The small part of my sissy mind that was still a guy could hardly keep from reaching out and throwing him through the wall but my fem side quickly composed me and I replied,"of course I do I love them they're awesome."
Now readers if you think I was antagonizing or bullshitting you are wrong. This thing I said to him was truer for me than him....I love girls so much I choose to emulate them. his kind choose to use them....not saying anything about gender roles, or using because what good sissy doesn't like being used. anyway I digress. even though I put on a fem air and took the high road I did stand up straighter so he would notice I was about a foot taller than him. he decided to exit the bathroom but went straight up to the doorman who was talking to some other guys. I returned to the bar and ordered another. it is at this point I am approached by another girl she rest her ass right against my knee and nearly sits on my lap as she orders her drink and smiles at me and says,"hi cutie"
"hi,"i replied back as I gazed across the dance floor again.
As I did so I noticed my ass clapper still checking me out but I also notice two blk men. one portly and bald, the other short but in shape with long dreads. the later was showing the former dance moves and I mean to tell you he knew them. one of the guys that was talking to doorman comes over and grabs the girl off my lap and escorts her away. it dawns on me that some guys have noticed I was a "gurl" but the girls either thought I was a genetic girl or were transbian type females :)
now the dancer saunters over to the bar. I compliment him on his dancing and he gets a big smile and thanks me, checking me out. it is now last call.
wish I didn't have to drive a town over. wish I had seen and talked to the dancer sooner.wish first drunk girl hadn't run off first mixed gay couple alas.....but at least I had an adventure. I down my beer and head for the door as I leave several guys are standing outside the door smoking. they all look at me and roll their eyes and kinda chuckle.....I kinda rear up... they kinda back down but I hear them whisper as I walk to my ride. As I drive home I contemplate what it means that my worst treatment received as a CD sissy gurl was at a gay bar.....oh life and its beautiful ironies.
~June Bonney
(first appearance 12-23-13 Club Sissy)
Upon entering first I had to show my "guy" id to the doorman," I look quite different on my id but its me, hun." I whispered into the doormans ear.
A heavy set short lesbian approached me checking me out.
"Hi honey how you doing?"she said.
"good" I assured her and went and seated myself at the bar.
The doorman was conversating with a few guys and I ordered a beer and looked out at the dance floor and surrounding tables. I noticed a few lesbian couples but the only gay men I saw were the bartenders, but the place was packed with str8 cpls or rather str8 guys with there bi Gfs. I sipped on my beer enjoying sitting in a bar in full sissy drag for the very first time. About half a beer later a heavy set blk girl hit on me and I must say I did admire her thick ass quite a bit....kinda pictured her showing me how to make that ass clap better(ive been working on it) at this time a male gay cpl finally came in. I immediantly noticed the tall blk man, his other was a little white boy. they walked right up and said," hi",my heart fluttered. I said," hi."
Suddenly my arm is grabbed by a drunken girl and she hugs me and says or rather slurs,"there you are im sooooo sorry"
All the while she is grinding her boobs against my chest and holding onto me. the cpl order their drinks and someone comes up they know and starts talking to them. they wander away. drunk girl's bf shows up and escorts her away from me. alone again I downed my beer and ask for directions to the bathroom. the bartender looks me up and down for a long minute then points me to the guys. I walk in go to the stall and squat an pee then I go to the mirror to fix my lipstick. I notice a young man(boy) finishing at the urinal I step back and tell him he can wash his hands so I don't hold him up. he steps back and gets a screwy mean look in his eyes looks up at me.
"WHAT THE FUCK,"he bellows slurring the whole while,"don't you fucking like girls."
The small part of my sissy mind that was still a guy could hardly keep from reaching out and throwing him through the wall but my fem side quickly composed me and I replied,"of course I do I love them they're awesome."
Now readers if you think I was antagonizing or bullshitting you are wrong. This thing I said to him was truer for me than him....I love girls so much I choose to emulate them. his kind choose to use them....not saying anything about gender roles, or using because what good sissy doesn't like being used. anyway I digress. even though I put on a fem air and took the high road I did stand up straighter so he would notice I was about a foot taller than him. he decided to exit the bathroom but went straight up to the doorman who was talking to some other guys. I returned to the bar and ordered another. it is at this point I am approached by another girl she rest her ass right against my knee and nearly sits on my lap as she orders her drink and smiles at me and says,"hi cutie"
"hi,"i replied back as I gazed across the dance floor again.
As I did so I noticed my ass clapper still checking me out but I also notice two blk men. one portly and bald, the other short but in shape with long dreads. the later was showing the former dance moves and I mean to tell you he knew them. one of the guys that was talking to doorman comes over and grabs the girl off my lap and escorts her away. it dawns on me that some guys have noticed I was a "gurl" but the girls either thought I was a genetic girl or were transbian type females :)
now the dancer saunters over to the bar. I compliment him on his dancing and he gets a big smile and thanks me, checking me out. it is now last call.
wish I didn't have to drive a town over. wish I had seen and talked to the dancer sooner.wish first drunk girl hadn't run off first mixed gay couple alas.....but at least I had an adventure. I down my beer and head for the door as I leave several guys are standing outside the door smoking. they all look at me and roll their eyes and kinda chuckle.....I kinda rear up... they kinda back down but I hear them whisper as I walk to my ride. As I drive home I contemplate what it means that my worst treatment received as a CD sissy gurl was at a gay bar.....oh life and its beautiful ironies.
~June Bonney
(first appearance 12-23-13 Club Sissy)
9 years ago
I really enjoy our banter and I have learned much from our conversations, but I am also interested to know if any of my content, other than this, appeals to you. if so would love some comment on those also. I'm sure it will turn into quite the dialogue.
I know this is very different from where your incredibly intelligent statement started from, but if anyone would appreciate it, I thought it might be you,,,lolz...
Misogynism, "sexual" empowerment, feminism, and even sissydom is set up in such a fashion. sometimes you can climb the mount of the bones of "ism"s and just manage to see above the heap. Beyond the hype. Like this, true gender neutrality has zero to do with the sexual, but so many are trapped in the "dialect" that they have no other way of expression, and that in itself holds it up for inspection and ridicule by the masses. So much so that a transcendent exercise becomes the very thing that binds us to the flesh.
Enough on that subject for the moment. I'd like to use some space to agree with you on the thoughts on raw living food and other things. I am still a babe when it comes to the knowledge of glutamates and their role in inflammation but will research it. And i'm also bound to my love of sugar and chocolate but I work at it. One exercise that I have used, kinda like a food meditation is to sit and envision the processes that brought my food to me before I eat it. Try not to watch TV or read while you eat like this. Your thought should be solely on the living processes and being thankful for it.
A perhaps oversimplified example but a good one anyway is this, say your eating any vegetable. Envision the seed it started from, the soil and minerals, the sunlight, the rain, and the manpower. All of this energy residing in it, waiting to be harnessed and used. Of course the fresher, more organic, and less processed the better usually. That said, I think that food prejudices are as hard to conquer as societal prejudice sometimes. Telling people to not eat the wrong things is akin to telling people to not treat people different because of skin tone and asking for your support of this group. WHAT GROUP IF WE ARENT DIFFERENT?
I didn't even want cake until you explained to me how dreadful it was
Processed denatured cooked and chemical
laden food affects the mind negatively
in subtle ways leading to denatured
thoughts and an artificial mode of
The living foods connects you with the
eternal wisdom of nature and her life
giving ways. Raw living food imparts the
divine knowledge to your body, mind and
spirit through its structured energy
Cooked processed food loses its divine
energy pattern once it is fragmented,
packaged and heated.
Living food builds and purifies your
blood and that pure blood made from
fresh living fruits, herbs, nuts and
seeds regenerates and illuminates the
mind with the living eternal wisdom
contained within the DNA of the plants.
If you want to see the effects of our
unnatural eating habits just look at how
our world is today. No animal has ever
veered from natures laws the way humans
have, which is partly what we've been discussing.
Raw living foods is a huge part of my
personal regeneration. After a lifetime
of wrong living I am finally coming into
alignment with the Divine Intelligence
as I simplify and release gluttony and
excessive mixing of food for pleasure
which arises out of spiritual
I am truly sorry you've run against so much prejudiced, that's truly a shame, you have a very sharp intellect with the ability to express your written thoughts, plus your very photogenic, that's allot of pluses!!!
Stay positive and strong!!!