
Part 1

My wife, Julie, runs her own business trading in collectables – mainly British stuff which she sells abroad. Much of it she can do from home but occasionally she visits customers or they visit her. In the meantime, I have a more conventional job in Central London
One of her best customers was a Dutch guy called Pieter who regularly bought her merchandise to sell in Northern Europe. I had met him a few times and he was a nice guy, mid 30s, always charming and well dressed. We had all been out together a couple of times and I got on well with him.

Like all businesses, it had its ups and downs. During the recession, things were not so good and sales were down all round but Julie carried on trying to win new business. It was around then that Pieter indicated that he might be able to up his order. Naturally, Julie was keen to secure the business and they arranged to meet while Pieter was over in London.

When we both got home, I asked how the meeting had gone and she said that Pieter was in a position to place a big order but the price was keen and there were conditions attached.

“What sort of conditions?” I asked, expecting price squeezing.

“He wants sex to give us the deal” she answered, sheepishly.

“That’s outrageous!” I said. “He can’t just demand to have sex with you”

“No” she said quietly. “you don’t understand. It’s not me he wants to make love to – it’s you!”

To be continued...
Published by Paulbr987
9 years ago
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Luckyjim4 6 years ago
I’m all ears x
rossi1966 9 years ago
Oh yeeeesss can't wait for the next bit x
vsd 9 years ago
He should have told you/ whispered you, not Julie. When you confront him, don't forget to ask what he has seen you