How I ended up in obedience training

Hi, everyone. Quite a few people have asked me how I ended up in such a predicament with my neighbour, so he has told me to write an explanation here for you all. First of all, I should explain that I live with my mum and there is no one else in the house. She drinks a bit and has lots of bf's so I don't see much of her, and am on my own more often than not. I have never met my dad and don't know who he is. My neighbour is divorced and lives alone. ( I vaguely remember the time of his divorce when I was little as there was a bit of gossip at the time).

One day last summer I was sunbathing in our garden. Our garden is pretty secluded and anyway, I thought all the neighbours were at work. Anyway, it was a lovely day and I was half asIeep and thinking about a guy that I fancied and without really thinking about it, my hand had wondered into my bikini bottoms and I was stroking my clit while my legs were wide open, and getting quite turned on.
Unfortunately I had made an error in thinking all the neighbours were at work as unknown too me, our immediate next door neighbour had retired a couple of weeks before. He had also been working out in his garden and had looked over the fence by chance and you can imagine what he saw!

* I shall give my neighbour a made up name now as I think it will read better. I always have to call him Mr.(surname) so for refering to him on here I will call him Mr. Bold*

While I was still unaware of him, he took a couple of pictures of me. Then he shouted at me to stop and that I was a dirty filthy girl. (I remember the exact words and that is why I chose the user name I did, on here). That made me stop pretty quick, I can tell you. He really made me jump and I pulled my hand out of my bikini bottoms so fast and in shock. I started trying to apologise to him but he wasn't listening and said he was going to tell my mum and show her the photos and then he stormed off into his house. I was left on the lawn and I remember I was crying in embarrassment, and fear of what my mum would say when she found out.
After I had recovered a bit, I thought about it a bit and eventually decided that i had to go next door and see if I could persuade Mr. Bold not to tell my mum, although I have to admit I was petrified at the idea of this.
When I had banged on Mr. Bold's front door, I heard him stomping down the hall muttering and almost ran off if I'm honest. He opened the door and looked at me in such disgust I will never forget, and asked me why I, such a vile filthy girl, was banging on his door. I broke into tears again and begged him not to tell my mum, and he told me to come inside with him. We went into his lounge and he sat in his armchair while I was stood in front of him and he explained exactly why he had to tell my mum. I can't remember his exact words but basically he said that it was absolutely imperative that my mum knew, otherwise how could she punish me?
Mr. Bold's logic seemed impossible to argue against and I was struck dumb for a couple of minutes apart from my sniffling. Then I had what I thought was a brilliant idea, and suggested it quietly to Mr. Bold.

"Perhaps you could punish me yourself Mr. Bold. Then you wouldn't have to tell my mum, would you?"

Mr. Bold didn't seem to impressed with that idea as I looked at him, and I begged a bit. Then he gave me a tissue to wipe my face and said that he would think it over for a while. He told me to come back that evening when I had a chance, and he would give me his decision. Then he showed me out.
I spend all afternoon worried sick and then my mum came home and we had tea. Then my mum had a couple of glasses of wine before going off to meet her latest bf. All the time, I was scared to shit that Mr. Bold was going to knock on the door and tell my mum, but he didn't.
When mum had gone out I went and got changed and put jeans and a big jumper on as I didn't want to provoke Mr. Bold anymore by showing any of my body and then I went next door, heart in hand. When I knocked on the door, he answered and told me to come in. Then I found myself again standing in front of Mr. Bold while he relaxed in his armchair. Then he asked if I was sure that I would prefer him to punish me rather than my mum, and he explained that his methods would be very painful for my bum. That shocked me for a second but then I thought about the alternative and quickly decided I had no options and I agreed that I wanted him to punish me.
Mr. Bold explained that I would get a severe spanking on my bare bottom, as he put it. Then he instructed me to come around the next morning while my mum was at work. As he showed me out he mentioned that I should wear a skirt and a nice top when I came round so as to look more feminine.
I spent the evening in nervous anticipation and did not manage to sIeep much at all. In truth I was scared almost shitless. Even so, late on, I started getting a tingle in my pussy and had to use my fingers to get myself off. This confused me greatly at the time. Scared and horny at the same time was not something I could get my head round.

The next day, after my mum had gone out, i dressed up nicely in a skirt and blouse with a bit of make up, but not enough to look slutty. I was scared to go next door and my heart was pounding, but I eventually found the courage and knocked on his door. For the third time I found myself standing in front of Mr. Bold's armchair. He questioned me and made sure I hadn't changed my mind, and pointed out that he could still tell my mum instead if I prefered. The thought petrified me and I begged him to punish me himself. So, he put me across his lap and I felt him gently carressing my bum. Then he pulled my skirt slowly up....and then he shouted at me angrily to get up, and demanded to know what the hell I was thinking, wearing tights for him. This sent me into floods of tears as I was already a wreak, and I feared he had changed his mind and was going to tell my mum.
He took a few seconds to recover his composure then, to my relief he told me to go back home and put some stockings and suspenders on and then come back to him. I went off and did as instructed as quickly as I could and came back to Mr. Bold. This time when he lifted my skirt he sounded a little happier and he continued to rub my bottom for long enough that I wondered what he was doing, and whether I would get the promised spanking. He paused for a few seconds and pulled my panties down to my knees and then continued. The rubbing on my bottom was nice and my pussy started to tingle much to my surprise as I was in such a humiliating position. Then suddenly he gave me my first smack and I almost leapt out of his lap in shock, but he held me firmly and started to deliver a steady streams of smacks on alternate cheeks. It rapidly started to hurt badly and I started crying, but Mr. Bold ignored me and carried on. I was shortly blubbing like a baby, but all the same I started feeling my pussy heating up. I thought this was odd to start with but it continued, Mr.Bold spanking me, me blubbing and my pussy getting hotter and hotter, and then I felt the wettness get too much and I was scared I was going to leak juice. This took my mind off the pain and concentrated it on my pussy, but that seemed to have a negative effect and I just hoped that Mr. Bold wouldn't look down at my pussy. Then he stopped and all I could hear was Mr. Bold breathing a little heavily from the exertion, and I could feel my bum pulsating with heat and pain. Unfortunately, with the beating, I had quite forgotten to keep my legs together and the pain had encouraged them to open as far as the panties round my knees allowed.I suddenly realised that Mr. Bold hadn't said anything and suddenly sensed he had bent forward to look between my legs, and it was too late to cover up my excitement. Mr. Bold suddenly bellowed at me to get up and remove my skirt and panties completely. I did this as quickly as I could in fear at his quick change in mood. Then he told me to turn away from him, open my legs and grasp my ankles, which I did instantly. I could sense rather than see clearly that Mr. Bold had his face down behind me and was closely examining my pussy. I don't think I had ever felt so humiliated, but I could also feel it making my pussy wetter than ever. Mr. Bold then stood up and told me to stay exactly where I was. Then he left the room. I didn't dare move, but from my position holding my ankles I looked up between my legs and I could see a string of juice hanging down from my pussy. The next moment I saw Mr. Bold had come back and was behind me taking a photo of my excitement. Then he sat back down and started talking. As best as I can remember he said,

" Zoe, this obviously isn't working as you are clearly sexually excited from your punishment, and I have taken another photo as evidence. I fear I will after all have to tell your mum and show her the photos so that she can deal with you."

I let out a squeal of despair and started blubbing again, while begging him not to do that. I begged him to deal with me as he thought was necessary until he was satisfied, and I promised not to complain or object to whatever he decided. While all this happened I was of course still in position holding my ankles and I looked a bit of a mess with all the crying and my make up had run and I even had some snot on my face.Mr. Bold remained silent for a few moments then told me he was going to have to think about it. Then he made me go and stand in the corner with my hands on my head and told me he would tell me his decision in an hour. He didn't talk again, but I heard him go and make himself a cup of tea and then a chair being pulled out from under the table, so he must of sat down in the kitchen. I was too scared to move and just stayed in the corner quietly crying.
When Mr. Bold came back in, I was that worried that he was going to give up on me, I had to concentrate so I didn't wet myself in fear, but I tried to keep my crying quiet. He sat back in his armchair and called me out of the corner to stand in front of him again. Of course at this point I didn't have a skirt or panties on, but I hardly even registered that fact because of everything else. I was still very aware of the pain in my bum and the heat in my pussy.
Mr. Bold drew a deep breath and started to speak,

" Zoe, after a lot of thought I have decided that it is possible that I can deal with you myself, but only if you agree fully. I will have to give you a series of punishments. I think every Saturday evening is the most suitable as you are always alone at home then, and you will also have Sunday to recover before you have to face the world again. These punishments will obviously have to be a lot stricter than that which you received today, as this one has clearly not worked. Also, while you are receiving these punishments I will take some control of your general behaviour and you will have to do as you are told. If you have any objections at all, this will not happen and I will do as I first said I would and pass the evidence to your mum.
Any questions Zoe?"

I shook my head and said no, and that I was happy with his conditions. I really did not want my behaviour to get out and was so grateful that he had decided he could sort this all out himself. Mr. Bold then started to question me, saying he had to know a lot more about me. I had to relate all my sexual history to him which was difficult because some of it was a bit hazy. But my general history was that I had been with about 20 boys but I couldn't be sure and I couldn't remember all their names. Mr. Bold seemed horrified at this and did quite a lot of tutting and shaking his head. When I had answered all his questions he told me that I would not be allowed to see any boys until my punishments had ended. He also explained that for someone who behaved in such a slutty manner, having pubic hair was unhygenic, so I would have to shave it off and then keep it shaven. ( I never knew this before!). Then he told me to make an appointment at an STI clinic as soon as possible to check whether I had any infections, because he didn't want to catch anything off me. Finally he told me to clean myself up, get dressed and go home, and then report back to him at 8pm on Saturday for my punishment. I did as I was told and fled out of the door, relieved that all this would still be secret.
I got back in and was so relieved it was over for a while. I stripped straight off and jumped in the shower to clean myself properly. I could still feel my bum and spent a bit of time looking at it in the mirror - it was still red. This reminded me of my pussy which was getting excited again and the next thing I know, I was lying on the bathroom floor with my fingers buried, getting myself off. I think I had a better cum than I had ever had before and it took a little while to recover. When I had, I decided I had better get rid of my hair and found a razor and foam and got to work. When I had done it, it felt a bit strange as it was the first time I had even shaved myself, but it was OK. Through the evening I seemed aware of my bald pussy all the time which got it hotter and hotter, and that night I got myself off again twice more.Over the next couple of days as it got closer to Saturday, I got more and more scared but in some strange way excited and every night when I went to bed, I ended up playing with myself for an hour or more while wondering what was going to happen on Saturday.The only other thing of note during the week was that I went to the STI clinic on Wednesday, but I didn't have the results that week.

By the time I got up on Saturday morning I could think of nothing else but my punishment that night, and I was getting really scared. Every time my mum talked to me, I didn't hear her because my mind was elsewhere. She disappeared about midday with her bf and I knew I wouldn't see her again before midday Sunday at the earliest so that was a relief. Despite being scared, my pussy was getting wet and I had a play and had a cum about 4 o'clock just to try and calm my feelings down. Then I started to get ready, having a shower and shaving my pussy again to make sure it was smooth, then I got dressed and put on some light make up. I put pretty underwear on and the same blouse and skirt as the time before, and this time I made sure I was wearing stockings and suspenders.By five to eight I left my house, and I was so petrified I had to f0rce my legs to walk me to Mr. Bold's front door which I knocked. He answered and told me to come in. However this time he told me to follow him downstairs and we went into his basement. When we got there I was quite surprised as our basement is bare bricks and concrete, and full of spiders webs. Mr. Bold's basement had been made into a normal sort of room. It had an armchair in it, the walls were plastered and painted. The only things different to a normal room was the floor which had a sort of vinyl covering and the fact that the middle of this room had an old vaulting horse type of thing in it.
Pretty much the same as when we were upstairs, Mr. Bold sat in his armchair and relaxed while I had to stand in front of him. Then he explained a little about the evening.

" I could see you looking around and wondering Zoe. We have come down here for several reasons which I shall tell you. Firstly, this is a much better sound proofed room, being more or less underground. So if you start screaming it won't disturb the neighbours. Then you will see that the floor is covered in vinyl rather than carpet, so you are able to dribble or drip bodily fluids anywhere and you will be able to clean them up easily afterwards. Thirdly you will note the horse in the middle of the room which you will be put over to receive some of your punishment. And last but not least, this is designed to be more intimidating for you, and will hopefully prevent your sexual arousal."

If I was scared before, I was now terrified out of my wits. Halfway through Mr. Bold's little speech my terror got the better of me and I lost control of my bladder. I now had a puddle of pee expanding around my feet as it ran down my legs. Mr. Bold showed no sign of noticing and just continued talking.

"Now Zoe, too business. You are here because you want me to punish you. Is that still the case Zoe, or do you want to change your mind and we can go the alternative route?"

I confirmed that I did want him to punish me as I couldn't bear the thought of my mum finding out, and he nodded in satisfaction. Then he told me to remove my skirt and mop up the pee on the floor with it, which I did quickly after I had got over the shock of what I had to do. He told me to leave the skirt where it was, drop my panties on top and then get over his lap which I hurried to do. He ordered me to open my legs so he could see that I had obeyed him and had a smooth pussy, then he caressed my bum for a few minutes like last time. Again this had the effect of warming my pussy up against my will and it was as much as I could do not to start squirming to his caress. Without warning he started smacking my bum hard, and he continued longer than last time. It felt like an hour but I have been told since that it was no longer than 10 minutes. I was blubbing loudly by the time he finished. He ignored that and sent me to the corner, hands on head, telling me not to move. Then he left the room. I guess he may have gone for a cup of tea like last time, but I don't really have any idea. My bum was extremely hot and felt a little swollen. It certainly hurt!.
I didn't move, I wouldn't have dared, but the heat was certainly moving around my pussy and I wondered whether I would be able to keep it from Mr. Bold. When Mr. Bold came back, he sat back down and told me it was time for round two. He told me to come out of the corner and back over his lap. When I turned round I saw the slipper in his hand briefly, before going back over his lap. I sensed he was staring at my pussy again, and I hoped he couldn't see my arousal, but then he started with the slipper. This electrified me as it was a lot harder than his hand and stung like mad. This carried on for a similar length of time as the hand spanking and I was howling by the time it finished. My bum felt like an inferno and I could feel it pulsating. I suspect by this time that my make up was spread all over my face by the tears. He put me back in the corner and left the room again. This time I struggled to keep my hands on my head because all I wanted to do was rub my bum. It felt twice as large as normal and radiated heat, while my pussy seemed to be enjoying it even though the rest of me hated it. I hoped that this would be the end of the punishment, but knew it couldn't be as he hadn't put me on the horse yet.

Mr. Bold eventually came back into the basement, told me to get out of the corner and put myself over the horse, which I did. Then Mr. Bold fastened my arms and legs too it so I couldn't move much at all in any direction. While he did this, he explained that it was for my own safety because without it, I would probably fall off and injure myself. Mr. Bold stood in front of me and I could just see him out of the corner of my eyes. He didn't have anything in his hands and I wondered what he planned to do, but all that was answered when he undid the belt on his trousers and pulled it out of the loops. I instantly lost control of my bladder again in fright although there was not much pee to lose this time. It just dribbled down my legs. He wrapped the buckle around his hand and then doubled the belt over and walked behind me so I couldn't see anymore. I started crying again before he had even hit me, and when it did come, it felt like my bum had exploded and I could not catch my breath. Mr. Bold says I screamed on the first one although I do not remember that. I have no idea how many times I was hit but it was a lot and I couldn't focus any thought at all. But suddenly in the middle of this I felt that I was about to cum. I tried really hard not to, I really did. I think if Mr. Bold had stopped then I might have managed it, but I had another almightly hit on my bum and I was cumming uncontrollably. I didn't enjoy this at all, I was in too much agony but I couldn't stop it or even hide it, because when I cum it makes my whole pelvis buck like mad. ( Mr. Bold later told me that it looked like my bum was in a disco dancing competition). As I started to cum, I don't think Mr. Bold was very happy because he increased the pace and strength of the blows and he gave me a really hard dozen or so quickly while I was cumming. Apparently I screamed all through my cum, although all I remember at that point is pain, lots of pain.
After that Mr. Bold stopped and walked out of the basement, leaving me fastened to the horse and crying loudly. He came back a few minutes later with a cup of tea for himself, and a pint of water which he made me drink. Then he sat down in his armchair watching me, still tied to the horse. I was just sniffling quietly by now. He remained silent and just sipped his tea. After about half an hour he got back up and left the basement again. I had stopped crying by now but my bum hurt badly and I was too scared to say anything. No way did I want to end up getting more punishment so I remained silent, just hoping it would be over soon. Mr. Bold came back shortly with another cup of tea for himself, and another pint of water which he made me drink even though I didn't want it as the first drink had been enough. then he went round behind me and I sensed him examining my bum. He still didn't say anything but a couple of minutes later I felt his hand caressing my bum. It felt cold and was soothing me a little and I realised he was rubbing some lotion into me. I started begining to enjoy it and was begining to move my bum in response to his hand, but he slapped my thigh hard and told me to stop being a filthy girl. Then he stopped and sat down drinking his tea in silence. We must have remained there another half an hour or so in silence broken only by the occasional sniffle from me. I was beginning to get desperate to pee again, but I didn't dare to talk and ask to use the toilet so i just tried to hold it off and think about anything but my bladder.

Eventually Mr. Bold spoke. But all he said was that he didn't think this was going to work, because the harder he punishes me the more aroused I get. I immediately started crying again assuming he was going to tell my mum and started begging him not to, but to deal with me himself in whatever way was best. By this time my toilet need was very urgent and with the new dose of fear, I couldn't hold it anymore. So I was peeing all over the floor while still over the horse. I wasn't sure how much more humiliation I could take in one night, but again Mr. Bold did not say anything and just carried on as if me peeing myself was the most normal thing in the world.

"Simply punishing you is not going to work Zoe. You are quite simply the worst case of incorrigible sluttery I have ever come across. Punishment simply gives you sexual pleasure, and I can not see that we can ever change that. All that can be done is to take your sexual urges under control and channel them in a useful way, and that will take time, a long time, to achieve. What you are in need of, possibly the only thing that can save you from your own sex drive, is to be put into long term intensive obedience training Zoe. And if you can actually find a trainer to train you then it will be an almost full time job for him."

(I remember this little speech quite clearly, particulary his use of the word 'incorrigible' because I had never heard it before and had to look it up in the dictionary).

I was panicking now and begged him to be my trainer himself. I didn't want him to tell my mum of course and I had no idea how I could find someone else to train me. Mr. Bold continued,

"Not so fast Zoe. You don't know what this involves yet. If, and it's a big if, I become your trainer, then I will control every aspect of your life during the training and everything you own will in reality be owned by me. It will at times be painful and humiliating and you will find it is hard work. The period of your training would be open ended, and I would be the only person able to say that it is finished. You would not have any say in when it ends if you choose to enter training. Do not imagine that it will last a year or two as I will not even review how you are doing until you are 25. However, it is quite likely that your training will last your entire life time and if that were the case, I would leave you to another trainer in my will as obviously I will die before you. So this could well be the last decision you ever make in your life Zoe. Think about it carefully, and do not give me an answer until this 8pm next Saturday."

I could only nod my agreement to Mr. Bold although I didn't see any other option but to agree to his terms and enter training. At least I had a week to think about it.

Mr. Bold finally unfastened me and let me down from the horse. He made me strip off the rest of my clothes then go and get cleaning stuff from the kitchen and then I came back and started to clean up all the mess I had made. Mr. Bold took my key and went to my house and brought me back a clean skirt and blouse so I would be able to go home in clean clothes. I put all my dirty clothes in a plastic bag to take home so I could wash them. When I had finished cleaning Mr. Bolds basement I was allowed to use his shower to clean myself. While I was doing this I caught sight of my bum in the mirror and was shocked as it was almost entirely black and dark purple bruises. I had to keep the shower cool as well so it didn't hurt my bum any more. When I had finished, I went through to the lounge. Mr. Bold made me turn away from him, and grasp my ankles so that he could examine my bum again. Then he put more lotion on it for me which was nice and soothing. I made sure I kept my bum still this time even though I was enjoying it. He then told me to moisturise my bum every couple of hours, so it would help it heal and it would be ready for another beating all the sooner then. Finally at 3am, Mr. Bold allowed me to dress and return home.

When I got home I stripped off again straight away as my pussy was aching after all the caressing of my bum. I gave myself two good cums before i moisturised again and went to bed. The week passed fairly normally, with lots of moisturising and the bruises slowly fading. On the thursday, I got the results from the STI clinic and I was clear. I texted the news to Mr. Bold, who replied with one word, 'good'.
I had thought long and hard through the week and I still could not see any answer but to start my obedience training with Mr. Bold and resolved that that is what I would do on Saturday.

I have now finished this post and I will start another entitled ' The beginning of my obedience training' shortly.
9 years ago
Please or to post comments
viper40 8 years ago
awesome cant wait for part 2 x
fannylicker57 9 years ago
Looking forward to part 2. Did you ever notice whether his old dick got hard?
2442_Edwina 9 years ago
Very interesting reading.....may I congratulate Mr Bold on his teachings.
xander763 9 years ago
how could he not expect you to be sexually aroused,,,having an older man looking and enjoying your pert young bum,,fresh pussy,,,he intends to fuck you ...wanting you to see clinic,,, im assuming you were sexually active,,,with men,,,this happened summer last year ? xmonths have passed ,,many enjoyable spankings
brvhrt99 9 years ago
Oh Wow....
brvhrt99 9 years ago
We need to hear about the spanking next...
catmanworld 9 years ago
cool story:wink: