Tim and Sandy

It's been a while. Things are busy this time of year. I wanted to tell you about Tim....Sir Catt. Prior to Tim coming into our lives we had only played with others a few times......We were just getting started. Tim came into our lives just after we move to Texas in 2000. Prior to that we had lived in the California Bay Area (Santa Cruz) and the total of our public D/s lives had been a couple of trips to "Off Folsom" (At that time "Breeders" were not welcome to the Folsom Street fair so the D/s Community started Off Folsom....they have since combined and all are welcome at Folsom Street) but only as spectators.

Before meeting Tim we had only played a couple of times with Master Don and his wife Subbyslut from Minnesota and some online videoplay with Liz and her husband. Liz would later spend some months with us here in Texas but that is another story. We had both been chatting online and being in Yahoo groups looking but not seriously for like minded friends. We thought we had found a couple that we both were attracted too and were about to have a meet up when the wife said to Linda......."Oh....this will be great.....I just cannot wait to see you with the dogs." So much for that relationship.

One evening while chatting online Lisa got an IM from a guy named Sir Catt. he said out of the blue "Your tits look just like my slaves" (Lisa had been posting some "R" rated pics of herself). Believe it or not she took the bait and they had several long conversations. Not only about BDSM but also about Wine and cooking. Turned out Tim was a wine connoisseur and gourmet cook among other things.

After chatting with him for a while Lisa hooked him up with me and we hit it off. Tim also had a passion for fishing and hunting and I loved to fish so we had plenty in common. As it turned out Tim was 3 weeks older than me so our ages were in line as well. Tim also introduced us online to his slave Sandy and she seemed compatible so we decided to meet.

We went over to Sandy's apartment a one Friday evening. Tim appeared to be just what we were looking for. Sandy.....OMG......What a perfect slave...Tall...Pretty......great body. but more than that......Some women have this quality that just make you fall head over heels. Sandy has that. It's in her eyes. She has these eyes that you are just drawn too. The kind of eyes that you know you can never lie to her........cause she can see right through you and into your soul. Sandy has three k**s and we used her apartment on the weekends, when they were with their Dad. It all seemed to be working out. Everyone got along.....Tim and I drove down the road to pick up some Chinese and give the girls a little alone time to get to know each a little bit. After dinner we drank beer.....Lisa wine......Sandy does not drink....and talked for a few hours.

It went so well we did it again two weeks later. This was rapidly becoming our ideal situation. A couple who shared our kinks that we enjoyed spending time with. After a couple of nilla get togethers Tim suggested we get together again with toy show and tell being the theme. Now I must stop a minute and tell you about Lisa. She is very shy and self conscious about her body and of course she only agreed to this cause she assumed it was just looking at toys and talking about them. I was under the same assumption. We were to get together on Friday night but during the day on Friday while at work I got this frantic phone call from Lisa.......who was at this time babbling about she wasn't gonna get naked.....she didn't care what his rules were....etc....etc. I got off the phone with Lisa and called Tim. Seems he had called her and told her that once the toys came out the clothes came off. I just couldn't believe what he had done. I tried to explain to him there was a different way to handle Lisa but he was being Mr. Dom at the time telling me that they needed to understand the rules. I told him I'd let him know later if we were still coming cause at this point I didn't know if I could get her to go. (I was very annoyed with everyone at this point.)

I left work early to try to settle the situation down and when I got home I tried talking to her and she was still pretty riled up. After making her a couple of stiff drinks she calmed down enough to agree to go but said she wasn't getting naked for anyone. Once we arrived at Sandy's place we had a couple more drinks and once again Tim and I went for Chinese allowing the girls some alone time and thanks to Sandy......Lisa had settled down and was up for the evening after dinner.

We ate the Chinese and moved to the living room, My "Toy bag" was already on the living room floor and Tim brought his out of the bedroom. The minute he did Sandy stripped naked and that actually made things a little easier on Lisa. The two toys that had been the topic of discussion the last couple of weeks between Tim and Lisa.....what she was most curious about and anxious to try were the Violet Wand and the TENS, as we had never tried electrical play. As Tim was explaining to her how these devices worked, I was undressing her......getting her down to socks and her panties hanging off one leg.

Tim then used the wand on her a bit and it got her very hot. but the best was yet to come. Tim brought out the TENS. His TENS has 2 outputs so on one he put nipple clamps and attached them to Lisa's nipples and started a low current. Then on the other output he put a stainless steel egg.....Like a vibrating egg....and had Sandy put it inside her.
At this point Tim was running the show and I was just a spectator on the couch with Lisa's head in my lap. Tim was behind the couch and Sandy was kneeling on the floor between Lisa's legs making sure the egg stayed in place. Tim then began to bring up the current......sending little shocks of electricity to Lisa's nipples and the inside of her pussy. What I saw next amazed even me. Lisa began to cum. This was somewhere between a long series of orgasm after orgasm and just one long 30 minute orgasm. She just kept on cumming. She was rolling her head and just saying......"Fuck.....oh Fuck".....over and over again. Sandy who is not allowed to swear said to Tim.....Oh Master She keeps saying fudge". In my life ......I had never seen a woman react like that. It was the most amazing thing. Finally after 30 minutes or so.....out of mercy...Tim shut off the TENS and Sandy removed the attachments and we left Lisa some time to recover.

This is the one thing I will never forget. Tim and I went out to the front porch for a smoke and a beer. Also to give a little time for things to settle down in the living room and give Lisa at least, some rest. Or at least that was the plan. After sitting outside for about 10 minutes I had to go to the bathroom so I went back inside expecting to see 2 naked girls......one on each couch. Instead to my shock I found 2 girls on one couch twisted up like a pretzel and fingering each other.. I stood there shocked but quickly regained my composure and quietly left. Never in my life have I ever heard a word from Lisa about wanting to be with another woman. And as far as I knew Sandy was not Bi either. While this is a story for another day Sandy is the only woman Lisa has ever been in any way shape or form intimate with.

After Tim and I came back in and the girls had a chance to "relax" for a bit out came all the floggers......whips.....canes.....clamps and more. There were several more hours of play, much of which has blended together in my mind over the years. Suffice to say I played with Sandy.....Tim with Lisa. We wrapped it up and headed home about 3 AM with a promise to do this again soon. I asked Lisa on the way home if she had a good time and she said "what do you think" and asked her if she wanted to do it again and she said....."turn the car around".

Life has a strange way of dealing though.......We would only see Sandy once more over the next 10 years and Tim came into our lives in ways we would never have thought. Both the story of Tim and us and the Story of Sandy and me in particular should also be told but not here.........another day.
Published by xnyer2000
9 years ago
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edger48 2 years ago
Where do I sign up??
wolf017d 3 years ago
So hot!
abstractart1001 4 years ago
Great story love to get some updates
willd64 7 years ago
Very nice~
Nice! Love to hear more.
JerichoX 9 years ago
Such a wonderful introduction into carnal joy! Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
leglicker11 9 years ago
That sounds like one very intense night... Very, very hot story.
nadia877 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing! :smile: