Katie's tips for better jerk-off pics and Vid
When I expressed disappointment at the vids and pics one of my men friends showed me, he said he was sorry, he didn't really know what women wanted.
Of course I can only speak for myself' as a mature bisexual woman with a broad (that’s the right word) experience of men and their appendages. I have 3iscussed this with a few other women, and there seems to be a bit of a consensus, so here goes.
1. Whether it’s video or a pic, we don't need to see the whole of your organ filling the frame. Really, erect cocks all look pretty much the same in close-up. Show us a bit more of the man attached to the cock.
2. Side views are good, so we can see the full glory of your cock pointing outwards and upwards, waiting to fulfil some lucky woman\s desires.
3. We like to see balls, too, so sit down, spread your legs (as you like us to do) and give us a shot of the whole thing: penis and scrotum, or, in your own language, cock and balls.
4. A nice arse is good to see, if it's not too flabby. No spread cheeks, though. The male anus does nothing for me.
5. Don't be embarrassed by a limp dick. As long as it's not shrivelled like when you come out of a bath, a limp dick can look very sweet, and of course it makes me want to caress and fondle until it becomes strong and...Well, useful.
6. If you MUST make a video, again, not too close up. What usually happens that your enthusiastic stroking makes your cock go out of the frame half the time, usually at the moment of ejaculation so that we miss the climax. And I would like to see more of your body while you are handling yourself.
7. Must you stroke so frantically when making your video? Sometimes I fear that the whole thing will fall off. And unless you have really good equipment, a web cam doesn't capture movement very well, so all you see is a meaningless blur of movement. When I give a hand job, my man usually likes me to stroke slowly, making sure I go along the whole length of his shaft, from the tip to his scrotum. Maybe I accelerate towards the end, but never to a speed greater than he would use if we are actually having sex.
8. I do like to see that white stuff spurting out, though I know it is hard to get the lighting and background right.
9. Personally I do like to see a man pleasuring himself over one of my pictures. I think it's called a "tribute".
10. Finally, if you do come to a happy ending in your video, don't just shut it down as soon as you cum. Let me sense your after-flow for a few seconds.
Of course I can only speak for myself' as a mature bisexual woman with a broad (that’s the right word) experience of men and their appendages. I have 3iscussed this with a few other women, and there seems to be a bit of a consensus, so here goes.
1. Whether it’s video or a pic, we don't need to see the whole of your organ filling the frame. Really, erect cocks all look pretty much the same in close-up. Show us a bit more of the man attached to the cock.
2. Side views are good, so we can see the full glory of your cock pointing outwards and upwards, waiting to fulfil some lucky woman\s desires.
3. We like to see balls, too, so sit down, spread your legs (as you like us to do) and give us a shot of the whole thing: penis and scrotum, or, in your own language, cock and balls.
4. A nice arse is good to see, if it's not too flabby. No spread cheeks, though. The male anus does nothing for me.
5. Don't be embarrassed by a limp dick. As long as it's not shrivelled like when you come out of a bath, a limp dick can look very sweet, and of course it makes me want to caress and fondle until it becomes strong and...Well, useful.
6. If you MUST make a video, again, not too close up. What usually happens that your enthusiastic stroking makes your cock go out of the frame half the time, usually at the moment of ejaculation so that we miss the climax. And I would like to see more of your body while you are handling yourself.
7. Must you stroke so frantically when making your video? Sometimes I fear that the whole thing will fall off. And unless you have really good equipment, a web cam doesn't capture movement very well, so all you see is a meaningless blur of movement. When I give a hand job, my man usually likes me to stroke slowly, making sure I go along the whole length of his shaft, from the tip to his scrotum. Maybe I accelerate towards the end, but never to a speed greater than he would use if we are actually having sex.
8. I do like to see that white stuff spurting out, though I know it is hard to get the lighting and background right.
9. Personally I do like to see a man pleasuring himself over one of my pictures. I think it's called a "tribute".
10. Finally, if you do come to a happy ending in your video, don't just shut it down as soon as you cum. Let me sense your after-flow for a few seconds.
9 years ago
Extremely well said Katie, I agree. The masculine body is wonderful, I love to see a man's chest and shoulders and like Katie said buttocks are nice, very nice. Great advice.