Wife flashing engineer

Engineer is going to call in next couple of days. Going to ask wendie to flash him? What do you think she should wear? Short tea shirt no knickers ? Or would you like some sexy knickers on. Tell us how you would like to see her if you are him...
Published by ukwendie
9 years ago
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swimjim4699 7 years ago
Thong bikini in a dressing gown with a wet crotch patch from masturbating, maybe even a cream pie in there!!!
Did Wendy flash? Hope she was in just a thin, short term shirt and tiny thong to answer the door and then just the t shirt :wink:
sparrs2 9 years ago
Dressing gown and a smile. If I were the engineer I wouldn't need a second invitation to brush my hand up Wendie's leg.
ishable 9 years ago
dressing gown only. Then she could let it slip open.....