Dirty Dancing - part I

From my erotic and creative friend written form me, I love him for doing that, this story could be so true ....

Dirty Dancing
Phil Yeadon (FilthyMind)

Diana loved dancing, in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by strangers, moving to the beats and not caring who was watching her.

It was nearly the end of the two weeks holiday and it had been a great get away with her husband, lots of sight seeing and plenty of time relaxing on the beach soaking up the sun. Tonight was a night to party, the last Saturday night away.

A man they had met on the beach had told them about this nightclub, a little of the beaten path and entrance by invitation only. The two tickets he gave two Diana’s husband had the address on them and the taxi driver had seemed impressed when they showed them to him.

Now after a few drinks Diana’s husband was talking with the same man sat at their table, Diana had heard one of her favourite songs start playing and leaving them to their conversation had hurried onto the dance floor not wanting to miss a beat.

As soon as Diana found a spot to dance she was surrounded by other people getting up to enjoy the song, and the bodies crushed around her just added to the atmosphere.

Suddenly there were hands on Diana’s hips and a body pressing close to her as she swayed to the music. Turning to see who it was, Diana looked up into a strong handsome face and deep blue eyes. The man smiled at her, pulled her closer and grounds hips against her ass.

Laughing to herself Diana pushed her ass back into him and wiggled it a little more, feeling him pushing back at her and grinding harder. The man moved his hands down and in so that just his thumbs stayed on her hips and his fingers moved in towards the top of her thighs.

Diana liked the feel of his strong hands on her and pushed her hips forwards and then ground her ass into his groin a little more. There was a hint of something else there, Diana smiled, her dance partner was getting a hard on.

Diana glanced over towards her husband sat talking on the edge of the dance floor and smiled, he was going to love hearing all about this later on when they got back to the hotel.

As the beat of the music continued Diana felt his fingers moving on her thighs and realised he was slowly bunching the hem of her dress higher pulling the material up her thighs as they danced. The short while cotton dress Diana had picked out for this evening was now helping her dance partner, its hem was only a few inches below Diana’s crotch to start with and he would have her panties exposed in no time at all.

Diana raised her arms and swayed with the beat of the music and pushed her shoulders back against her dance partner as she felt his fingers on the top of her now bare thighs. Her his pushed forward slightly then ground back into what was no unmistakably a large hard on pressing against her ass.

Fingers moved against Diana’s thighs, feeling her skin and then moving up and feeling the edge of her panties. With a quick move two fingers from each hand pushed under the edge of the soft material and pressed into the flesh of Diana’s pussy mound. The fingers became more urgent now. reaching down feeling there way to their goal.

Diana stopped swaying as much against her dance partners hips and closed her eyes as she felt the fingers touch her lips, she knew she was wet under her panties and her dance partner was just about to find out how wet.

Two fingers from one hand pushed her lips apart and a finger from the other hand started to rub between Diana’s wet pussy lips searching for her clit.

For the first time her dance partner spoke into her ear, “You have an audience!”

Diana hadn’t realised it but her eyes had closed as the fingers parted her pussy lips, snapping them open and looking around she saw two couples dancing in front of her but with their eyes locked on her and the hands starting to rub harder inside her panties.

Published by diana-desire
9 years ago
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bendeR17 9 years ago
Great story. I loved it. Reminiscent of Emmanuelle Arsan "Emmanuel." I would even say that it is the continued adventures of Emmanuelle ...