Taboo. Part I

I want to talk now about taboo. No, I'm not talking about "taboo" the porn category... :)))

The Merriam-Webster dictionary gives the following definitions on the term:
1. "forbidden to profane use or contact because of what are held to be dangerous supernatural powers"
2. "banned on grounds of morality or taste "

Also there is lots more info on the subject out there, you can check it out if you feel I'm bulshiting. In any case I'm just going to state some personal opinions on the matter so if you don't agree that's your issue. On the other hand, if you don't agree, what the flying fuck are you doing browsing a porn site and reading a a porn model's blog?

Taboo is one of the older and more established of societies bad habits. Of course, it had it's uses in the beginning. First used to regulate things a wise ancient leader could not plainly explaining to his rather stupid followers, things like i****t, overpopulation etc., the taboo has managed to be an insidious and nasty part of our lives to this very day. Being a spiritual and social leader 2000 years ago, you wouldn't know where to start explaining stuff like the genetics of i****tual relations to your people because the subject was quite unclear to yourself. Being slightly smarter than the next guy, you realized that bad stuff happens if people start having c***dren with their parents, but that was about the whole extent of your knowledge. So you used taboo! You told your people that fucking around with relatives will gravely upset the gods, mother nature and the universe. You told them not to even talk about it, because, you know, talking about stuff makes it seem less scary, even doable. And they believed you because you were the Wise Old Man .

The taboo is a very powerful tool. Once the ban on a subject is securely in place it stays there for a really long time - thousands of years even, regardless of the general evolution of society. If the subject is considered so bad and harmful that people aren't even allowed to speak about it, it gets warped in an aura of fear, a dreadful mystery that will bite you even if you only think about it. With terrifying efficiency the taboo grips a human mind and strips it of it's ability to think, to use logic. Thus society as a whole is made safe from deviations and bad genetics. As proof of this, you might notice that some words were censored out of this blog post! :))) I hope you guys can figure them out...

Of course, that was just fine and dandy back in the day, but now, in the modern society with it's laws, rules and information available everywhere, the old taboo has lost it's purpose... but not it's power! Right now, in many parts of the world, it is forbidden to eat certain things, talk about things and so on and so forth, solely for religious or mystical reasons. And I'm not talking about the Islamic world - I know that's the hot topic right now, but Islamic extremism is just the visible tip of the iceberg. This sanctioned mentality is available in most parts of the world, yes, even in Europe and North America. I know this from personal experience (and I won't give away any more details for obvious privacy reasons).

I'll take Eastern Europe as an example. In most rural and even some urban areas of the eastern European countries, the subject of sex is very fucking taboo. Even more than murder! If there's a murder, it's the talk of the village, but if there's a ****... nobody talks of it, the police avoid it like the plague and efforts are made to keep it out of the press. And the girl is usually considered the guilty party - but that's a discussion on patriarchal societies and I'll talk on that subject another time. In these rural communities sex is something not to be discussed under most circumstances. People grow up not being able to talk to their parents about it - if they try, their attempts meet with silence or punishment. SexEd is absent in school, and thus the individuals are forced to learn about this stuff by whatever means they find, that is if they wish to learn about it. This gives the subject of sexuality a deep aura of fear. It is something so dreadful that one's not even allowed to think about it, let alone speak! People grow up and some leave their native places but the taboo sticks with them. Even if they learn stuff, enjoy life, work, get into romantic relationships, sex will always be a little terrifying for them. They'll tell themselves that it's something intimate, to be done with your partner, alone, in your bedroom, but deep down in their minds these people will always find sex a little disgusting, a vile little necessity that's to be done as seldom as possible. Of course these opinions and effects vary from male to female (girls are generally more scared of sex than boys) and among different types of persons. Just take a moment to think about what a society like this would do to somebody who openly does porn online...

Well, that's all I have time to write right now. I'll continue on the subject as soon as possible.
Thanks for reading and, as usual, feel free to express opinions in the comments!
Published by AmedeeVause
9 years ago
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sandycpl02 1 year ago
thanks, a very well written and thought out post. 
myxhambis 2 years ago
non solo prende radici il tabù, ma in italia più un qualcosa è vietata, più attrae ad infrangere il divieto
BigBiCockSucker 2 years ago
Thank you.     I've had "taboo" urges since I was young.    I've had a couple of "taboo" relationships.   One "taboo" desire has gone unfulfilled, but one has been on going for decades, though off and on with sometimes years passing between what I consider some of the most intense sex I've ever had.    I very much love your insight and hope to read more.
ever play the game "Taboo" [or any other adult game]?
vempyre 5 years ago
to RuiLiberal : Agree with the author of this blog and you who wrote the comment. As for me, sex sees not much bounderies, except the obvious, hint:
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sweetfun 6 years ago
i agree with you. there will be a second part?
domdomdomdom 7 years ago
It is truly tragic that some cultures/societies are so blinkered.
RuiLiberal 7 years ago
I totally agree with you.
I've never understood why meaningless violence and murder (such as we see on TV and movies) is considered OK and sex is considered something dirty and sometimes taboo...
domdomdomdom 7 years ago
A thoughtful piece.
airman4u 8 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to write something so interesting. While we have come a long way, sex is still considered a major taboo in some countries. In the UAE if a woman is raped she goes to jail on a morals charge.
sexlover19 9 years ago
Had to close my account for a bit - sorry about that. :smile:
sexlover19 9 years ago
to electricbill : I'm actually a lawyer (yes, really!) and moved from criminal to family law a few years back because of the kind of thing you talk about. I handle some nasty divorces but at least I'm not (or almost never) dealing with women who have been beaten and raped as part of their 'journey' to court. There really are some vile pieces of filth out there and while, as you say, judges are changing, there are still some total throwbacks who seem to exist in a different dimension, never mind timezone.
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sexlover19 9 years ago
to electricbill : Cheers, EB - good points well-made. :smile:
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sexlover19 9 years ago
Cheers, John. Well-said. One of my oldest and dearest friends (and I know people ALWAYS say "Oh, but I've got LOTS of Muslim/Hindu/Jewish/Jedi friends!) is a guy who emigrated here from Pakistan as a youngster almost 20 years ago and still practices his faith while having intermarried and being no stranger to a packet of cigs or the odd beer. It's worth remembering that he's in the majority - for the moment, anyway.
Regarding your last point, as someone who is happily British but born and resident north of the border, I'll continue to behave like a Scotsman wherever I happen to be in the world. :smile:
electricbill 9 years ago
Some of the rape trials that we got hear about just made me sick, the fact that they could be allowed to pick a woman to pieces on the stand over what she was wearing, how much leg she was showing or volume of alcohol consumed.
Yes I agree and sadly that damage has been lasting as we know so many cases simply don't make it to court these days as women are just not prepared to put themselves thorugh that grilling.
I can only speak for the Uk laws & hope that we have made real progress dragging the judges out of the stone age regarding what I feel is the most invasive and mentally damaging of terrible crimes.
electricbill 9 years ago
Absolutely agree and this is a VERY much brushed over area in our current media coverage of any problems being brought in the wake of seemingly forced assimilation. We do not get to hear about the astonishingly high levels of rape going on in the most compassionate & liberal areas of Scandinavia because it is in the interests of the media/government mouthpiece to keep everyone fairly ok with it what is actually more out of control than they let on. The fear of backlash, vigilantes and even worse, the govt looking like they fucked up! is enough to ensure what has become a virtual media blackout on the subject of sex.
Let us also not forget that we are treated to videos of people about to be relieved of their heads in some far away desert & shocking images of mass graves & bodies being pulled from buildings, shootings in shopping malls & sieges.
So just what is it about sex that our msm find SO much more disturbing than violence? the answer is simple, they have no interest in & nothing to gain from people having sex, showing love, having fun. They have everything to gain by keeping people brainwashed & desensitised towards the idea that we live in some grand theft auto type reality or at the very least one in which people have lost comprehension of the blurred line between fact & fiction.
It's all about control, they don't want you to get along, they don't want people having sex & fun, they need you to be staying at home convinced that you are going to be gunned down at any moment.
The answer is to reject the media bullshit version & spread knowledge & awareness of what they are up to. I mean have you ever seen a news report that encouraged people to get along and go out, be nice to each other?! They could use that television to build peace but they might never do that if there is any chance of them becoming redundant.
sexlover19 9 years ago
Interesting read. Regarding rape, I remember being in hospital (broken wrist - not masturbation-related!) when I was 15 and the guy in the next bed was a deeply unpleasant businessman-type who was fawned over and waited-upon by his wife and daughters when they visited. At one point (not during visiting times) there was a general discussion about a rape case which was in that day's newspapers, and this arsehole said: "If more wives did their duty properly there would BE no rape." If I could have, I would have walked over and punched the cunt in the face.
Regarding cultures where any discussion of sex is taboo, while I'm not one who regards immigration to countries like the UK as "swamping us with an alien culture", it's impossible to ignore the fact that this and other Western countries are now attracting a significant minority of sexually-repressed and frustrated young men from abroad who are suddenly finding themselves immersed in a sexual culture they cannot begin to understand or respond to in a civilised way.