
OK so I gave the guy that cancelled on me a second chance I asked him to come over and watch a movie with me he said yes but then the day if he cancelled on me again

The other day I was out shopping and I had a soldier hit on me i c soldiers around from time to time cuz there is a base close by I gave him my number and he wanted to take me out to dinner but I didn't go cuz as we talked more I found out he isn't from around here and is only here for training he is leaving tomorrow and not coming back

I went out the night before last checking out different places trying to figure out where I want to party on my birthday in just a few weeks I did find one place I liked and I had several guys hitting on me and even a few girls dancing up on me but one guy really had my attention I spent a lot of time with him he asked for my number and for whatever reason my email but that was the night before last and I haven't heard from him
Published by Zedoary
9 years ago
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anrianri 8 years ago
cavalier098 9 years ago
Maybe after talking to you for awhile you scare them off. As in I mean that they are afraid they couldn't handle you.
563156 9 years ago
you have shittier luck with people of the opposite sex than i do :wink:
joehorny12in 9 years ago
Well early happy birthday!!!!!! Hope you enjoy it. Wish I could party with you. You could be my wingman and help give me ladies lol jk
rick82 9 years ago
Key west?!
redrocket2211 9 years ago
If you ever travel to the Greater Boston area, I will take you out and show you a good time and I will be there!!
Car97 9 years ago
I am sorry about the guy who keeps canceling. Wish you lived closer I'd say we'd hang with you on your birthday.