Halloween night

So I already told u I was stood up on Halloween that I was late cuz I'd been waiting on him and I missed the costume contest but I went out anyway and I did have fun while I was even if I was only out for just over 2 hours and I spent more than that waiting on gambit :-\

Anyway once I got there I never once sat down I spent most of my time dancing and mingling everyone loved my costume I even had one girl that danced with me several times and even stuck her face in my tits I liked that I had a few guys hitting on me I told some of them I'd been stood they all said he was a fool one of the guys that had been hitting on me told me he was sorry that had happens and I told him that really he wasn't sorry at all and he agreed he was glad he had the chance to talk to me

One of the guys that had been hitting on me well kinda he started hitting on me after I approached him and was flirting with him I don't think he would ever have just come up and hit on me and I could tell I made him nervous physically I was out of his league he was an average looking kinda nerd boy dressed as Harry Potter

I like sweet nerd boys I'm a nerd girl and I wanted someone to make me feel better about being stood up so as he started to slip away I went after him we were kind of alone on the stairs when I got a little to close I was in his space and like I said I made him nervous he even apologized for it and told me how gorgeous he thought I was and I kissed him cuz I didn't think he would ever be brave enough to kiss me and as kisses go it was that bad it was really more of a slow ish peck kiss then anything nothing amazing kinda disappointing tbh but anyway so after that he started going down the stairs again and I followed him as he continued down halls and around dark corners we ended up in small room idk even know what it was I wasn't paying attention we kissed a bit more but not that much and nothing deep as kisses go it was kinda disappointing to tell the truth and then he pulled Hus dick out and I don't remember exactly what I said but it something like that wasn't what I had followed him down here for and typical men before I just walked out of the room and went back up stair with everyone else

I thought he would be the sweet nerd boy that would make me feel better and maybe have some quick chased kisses but no I can't kiss a guy with out him pulling his cock out I'm really starting to lose faith in men
Published by Zedoary
9 years ago
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anrianri 8 years ago
joehorny12in 9 years ago
Oh, and that girl was lucky lol. Any of us on here would've died to be able to put our face in your tits. You should've just took her home lol
joehorny12in 9 years ago
Maybe he was just trying to be the nerd and fool you. I'm a nerdy kinda guy and hell I probably would have trouble talking to you lol I'm way too shy around girls. Hell I don't even know how I would reacted to the kiss cause I've never had one. I know I definitely wouldn't have been brave enough to pull my cock out. I'd be waaaaay too shy lol. The most I would've done would maybe be trying to kiss you back, compliment your costume, and maybe do some awkward hitting on you lol
Sunflower_Guy 9 years ago
I know everyone here is going to hate me, but I'm going to say this.
You have to stop letting other people dictate your emotions. You have gotten addicted to attention and every time there is a drop in the phenomenal amount of it you get (because you are super gorgeous), it triggers you to start worrying.

People get stood up all the time. That is a reflection of the person that didn't show up, not the person who did. You need some contemplating time.

I have a sense that there is something in your past that is causing a strange never ending anxiety that you try and cover up with powerful primal stimuli. It may work, but it is just symptom relief. Only you can cure it. If you want to open up and talk, pm me.

Sermon over. Let the Hate rain down on me.
JoseLuisAgostino 9 years ago
Just do what make you happy!!!
Oralpirate 9 years ago
Sorry to hear!! Some men are intimidated by gorgeous women and when they finally get a chance with them they blow it!!!
THIRDCOAST 9 years ago
I'm sure about these other guys, but with a sweet body like yours, it would be hard not to respond sexually. Keep the faith there is someone out there for you that will make you feel special everyday......:smile:
the-neverender 9 years ago
Sorry to hear all the bad luck hun some guys are just too stupid