My Recent Cancer Scares

Okay, this is not a sexual posts or anything hot. It’s just something I feel I should share as I have been going through it lately and it has impacted what I do with my site and for fun.

A while back I noticed a small mole I had on my stomach get a bit bigger and also change shape. I went in to see my Doctor who referred me to a Dermatologist to get a proper inspection. The Dermatologist took a sample to have it checked, and it came back as a Stage 1A Melanoma. It was about 3/16″ around and 0.78mm deep. Of course, an operation was scheduled to remove it, which I had done on Wednesday.

In the meantime, as all that was happening, I noticed a couple of small hard lumps on my breast! So again I saw my Doctor who sent me for a mammogram at the hospital. A week later I get a call that they needed to do an ultrasound on the lumps to see if they were tumors or not. I went in for that two weeks ago.

I heard on Tuesday that the lumps were benign cysts, which was great news. They are a result of the HRT regiment I am on as they are side effects of the hormones I have to take. Then Wednesday, I was back at the hospital for surgery to remove the Melanoma on my stomach.

It was such a small blemish which result in me having 4 inches by 2 inches of skin removed, right down to the muscle, and then everything stapled back together. So as I write this, I have 10 metal staples in my stomach! They come out in 2 weeks, but I still have to take it easy for a couple of more weeks while it heals. I am sure I am going to have an ugly scar :(

Below is a picture showing the Melanoma and then the results of surgery. The second image was taken yesterday.

Now you know why I haven’t been as active the last little while. A lot of this got into my head as the last thing I ever wanted was Cancer! I am lucky in the the cancer I did have was at it’s very early stages and has a 97% survival rate.

Remember to always have new or strange looking blemishes and moles checked out. This is something you want to catch as soon as you can, and not when it is too late.
Published by carolcox
9 years ago
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Ann9rx 2 years ago
Sorry you went through this. Thank you for sharing and educating people. 
wildthang69 2 years ago
so glad your ok
wanker6551 2 years ago
Happy to hear you’re ok!
Bearhung 4 years ago
I do going to Dermatology every year. She does freezing several spots on top ears and nose.  Very cold freeze and burn. Worth it than being sorry.  Thanks Carol for post that.  You did bravely and now you are well.  Keep up checking....  
tossacoin4 4 years ago
wow, that was scary, i'm glad you caught it on time!
titol64 4 years ago
Afortunada de que se cazara a tiempo,elmal dia se fue disfruta del futuro
aguynamedchuck 4 years ago
to carolcox : I am so glad.  I am a red head and see a dermatologist every six months.  I gladly let him examine every inch of my skin because I worshipped the sun as a girl.  Chuck is date complected, no skin changes and he runs naked at naturalist camps.
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carolcox Publisher 4 years ago
to aguynamedchuck : I am doing well. I did have another spot biopsied a few months back but it was benign, thankfully :smile:
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aguynamedchuck 4 years ago
Wow, I read this and copied and pasted an edited copy to my vanilla friends.  The big ‘C’ is scary and strange-looking growths need to be professionally examined and evaluated.  I hope you are well!
chiguy_38 5 years ago
That must have been very scary for you.  I'm glad you caught the melanoma  at stage 1 and took care of it pronto.  (Also good news that the lumps were just cysts).  As you say, it pays to get yourself checked often.  I had a friend at work who found out he had melanoma when it was stage 4.  He lasted only a couple of months.  He was only 30yo.  It was so sad.

I wish you well.
patmonk 6 years ago
PS. Have also posted thumbs up and commented on a couple of your sexy posts.
patmonk 6 years ago
Sorry to hear this. Briefly I'm an old fart now, 74, been many places, seen and done many things. Recently 'retired' after a 20+ year career as a visiting RN Hospice Nurse. Over the years many of my patients have found significant comfort and relief by including cannabis in their protocols. It can be used in many ways and you can avoid getting high if you don't want to. You may want to check it out. I don't claim that it is 'curative', much more research is needed, but it has multiple potential benefits. I also had a cancer diagnosis a few years ago, fortunately it was a wimpy one, prostate, so far so good.  I now grow a few plants every year and make my own meds, couldn't afford to buy. It ain't rocket science, it's just a weed.
You are one of my favorite MILF's, Love your vids. Stay well.
Patrick Monk.RN. Hospice Case Manager. SF. Ca.
CUMSLUT888 6 years ago
carolcox Publisher 6 years ago
to CUMSLUT888 : I am so sorry to hear that. I was very lucky as I caught it just as it was starting. Many people are not as lucky as I was.
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CUMSLUT888 6 years ago
divedog1960 7 years ago
I get checked for this Often.. Lots of Scars I do have... Better sooner than Later.. I remember many years ago my Doctor asking me if I was OK with her taking a Biopsy of this Mole.. My response was HELL NO.. CUT THAT THING OFF NOW.. WHY WAIT.... Results came back that it was in Transition from Ok to NOT OK... Good thing I Had her remove it.. My Scar is almost in the same place.. about the same size. I just lost a couple of Friends from this type of Cancer .. One is still alive But looks like a Doctor went wild on her with a Knife ... Took out over 40 lymph nodes and not a good Rate of survival.. Her mole was not that Large from where it started. ..
SM-Mfucker 7 years ago
Wish all the best to you, Lady!
nighttonic 8 years ago
Every time I go in for an ultrasound, they find something. I had a benign cyst on my liver which they didn't bother removing. For a while, I thought I got a death sentence.
Loganlong 8 years ago
I am very happy they caught it early!!! xoxo
sandycpl02 8 years ago
glad all is well with you Carol....must get my spots checked....
biorgium 8 years ago
Really great of you to share this with us Carol, was that a tough decision at all? You do a lot of good by making people think about health, and about getting themselves checked.

When I told my doctor I was separating from my wife, he advised me that if I wasn't having much sex anymore, I needed to regularly masturbate to help keep my prostate healthy. Some studies show that men who don't cum often enough may be at higher risk of prostate cancer. I'd like to sincerely thank you Carol, for helping to keep me happily drained on a regular basis :smile:

And don't worry if you don't spend as much time on this site. Your well-being and rest are much more important. You've already given so much pleasure to so many of us over the years, you've more than earned the right to make yourself the priority.

Love and respect, Rick
Dude...'lumps' ? Seriously?? Wish you all the best and it turns out it can be treated...and is nothing related to the 'little c'
Why am I only seeing /reading this now??? So glad you are OK and over with many posters below beating any format of cancer is a wonderful thing...and you give sage that always get it checked out....better to he safe than sorry.
DennisTheFirst 8 years ago
Good luck with this! Just had a spot removed from my face. Hope this works out well for you.
Bertie54 9 years ago
Glad you are OK - just had a "lump" scare myself, but OK.
NonameNopain 9 years ago
All the best to you Carol
1jonjuan 9 years ago
Good catch ...... I too had a small melanoma caught early and removed....... ahh the wonders of modern medicine.... :smile:
kaspin1974 9 years ago
Thank god ur ok hun ..
NYLooking100 9 years ago
All the best to you...please take care dear
canadaguy70 9 years ago
Wow, all the best and take care