Bangali wife unwilling and unaware........

It's been a while since I have posted a story but this time my wife ended up getting shorbot (beverage)fed to her during a family reunion and the drink had been altered with some sort of sleeping sedative little did I know my mama (uncle from mums side) had a devious other plans wife had the usual gold jewellery and the full works done before we visited the gathering in London also the k**s were over at my sisters so had no issues regarding baby sitting she had worn the saree below the belly and a full sleeved netted blouse covering her cleavage but it was completely backless her saree was made of georgette material so her flesh folds could be seen from a side angle view .she had a nose ring on bangles that caused an electrifying sound with every movement and slip on heeled sandals with a bit of platform she had a complete hairless body for a 37 ear old except for her cunt which for my sake she keeps it bushy so here goes the family consists of my uncle his two young daughters and disabled wife he had invited us all for the birthday party of his youngest daughter and it's custom for a Muslim to donate cash rather than boxed gifts as the gathering was in full swing, a few faces seemed to bother me, two English and one south Indian gentleman who were huge in height he in particular had a completely black skin complexion like an African male he was ofcourse Hindu which I found out later the hard way, of all males attending party he seemed Keenly interested and kept looking into my wife's direction, since she usually dresses extremely modestly due to persistent request from the birthday girl more than myself she agreed to put on her best saree and ofcourse since she didn't want it to slide off of her buxom body my wife had no choice but to wrap the saree extremely tightly around few times beneath her belly flesh which resulted in revaing her beautiful boy button and hairless bikini line, and not forgetting to mention this method and way of d**** resulted in revealing her most precious attributes of all her huge arse, you could see the the individual arse cheek, majority males were looking in her direction Infact perving but the one truly r****g her visually was the Indian fellow. As the people departed and went back to their homes those 3 gentleman remained, two of whom were outside in the guest garden area which included its own accommodation. soon as the girls had finished eating up they excused themselves for bed and left along with the their mother. so me my wife remained sat on sofas opposite each other, i was sat reading a magazine and on the single seater sofa to her right was the hindu gentleman she was sat gracefully headscarve still on and Cross legged her backless blouse revealing her entire back as she was sat in an arched position even with crossed legs since she's a chiropractor she's posture conscious although still in her heels usually she would have been bare feet since these heels were tricky to tie up around around her calves she kept them on I could see from the corner of my eye whilst pretending to be busy reading the indian guy was ra@#$!ng her with his eyes, few mins late I heard her high heels clacket and clang as she uncrossed a leg and put one of her French pedicured foot down on the tiled floor it made both of us look in the direction of my missus as she was about to excuse herself in order to find out which room was allocated to us. she realised the gentleman that was sat next to her was amongst the guest and a stranger which cause a further discomfort since she never remains around strangers and as she got up from the sofa her purse fell out of her hand and she bent over and had to arch her arse out as it had dropped beneath the coffee table only to enrage the men further all out of accident and un intentionally hers 48'' arse identical to the Scottish porn actress Ashley Rider was on display her saree hugging her fat juicy arse and thighs for a meere few seconds luckily before she could get up the indian guy pretending to be the gentleman got up from the sofa a could tell he was drunk his groin was level with her arched buttocks since she was in heels there he pretty much stood behind her, I was witnessing all this from a face forward view this guy was built but his waist size was no match for my bbw muslima wifey his lower part groin and hips couldn't not be seen as he stood behind her , I figured he got more than just close briefly as my wife found her purse and was getting back up to a standing position she realised her arse was jutting out almost just then she took a glance to see my face I pretended to remain glued to the mobile phone as she backed up her arse cheeks must have touched his groin and just then he asked beti milgaya (dear did u find it) suddenly I saw my wife's face In aww and her eyes widened, I pretended not to see this and was busy on my mobile phone when uncle rang me I stood and turned luckily seeing the reflection in the mirror as I spoke with him I said il be right there he hung up but I kept on pretending to speak as I quietly left the room I saw the reflection and heard her say after her eyes widened and she replied na uncle all okay she surprisingly dropped her purse this time from the sudden panic and m*****ation and had to kneel down fully to retrieve her it in a doggy position and she had pretty much her face on the bottom magazine shelf of the coffee table but ofcourse her purse was totally beneath that table and carpet rug that it was on. as she went down this time her saree had risen above her knees revealing her calf length black nylon stocking suspenders and now that she was bent over her calves were visible she was in a (downwards dog yoga position) I could just see her saree covered arse mounds from my view passed the coffee table, i just couldn't see her face or the expressions she may have been making now she was stuck what happened next shocked me. my uncle text me to meet him outside immediately I sensed that something might actually be wrong furthermore as I walked out of the room i turned back only to see the Hindu uncle spitting his saliva on his hand and was taking his hand towards his groin turns out he had already pre prepared to assault her and before I fully stepped out I heard him unzip his pants and pull off a condomwhich was already on I heard it snap back he dropped that to the floor, then I saw him go down by one knee that's when i was out the room I text my uncle I'm in toilet and put my phone on silent and hid behind the curtains this time from behind him as that was nearer to the passage and window he must have taken his penis out of his fly very swiftly raised her saree and immediately put his face between her arse cheeks I assume he was tongue fucking her cunt my wife whimpered for the first time I heard her say no please naaaa it was too late he stood on his knees behind her and caught one hand pushed her further down her arse was still arched I could see his penis erect and hanging with the fleshy foreskin which was oozing pre cum enter her suddenly just as she got her grips and was backing out from be each the table which didn't help as she backed out he lunged into her and that too from a further distance from.where I would have been which indicated thing he was VWE (very well endowed) I heard a shallow cry from the wife I could tell she was in brute pain like ahh ahah she only made such noise when he lunged into her not as he pulled out this went on for 5 mins he was going in and out at a fast pace then suddenly I saw him taking his hands off her hips and move upwards on her back to her neck whilst she was still under the coffee table he caught hold of her headscarve I saw him slam forward into her from behind extremely harder than before as he pulled back on the hijab her head smacked the table as he was grunting with each skeet he tugged and her head hit the table however there was no more whimpering from my missus it was total silence it seemed she succumbed to her ordeal he was grunting for a good 30 seconds until he stiffened and gave a loud sigh of satisfaction and ecstasy as if his life long ambition of fucking a pious wife that too of a different religion has been fulfilled as he let go of her hijab and got off her back I quickly stepped out before they could both notice me I was by the garden with uncle he knew I drank began to pour a drink for himself I managed to see take a quick glance of the behemoth even then he remained semi erect I saw the tip was of course in good shape and girth his foreskin was bulbous and longer too as expected of a Hindu male there was a thick trickle of baby batter gathered at the foreskin and a string of that sperm lead to her vagina he pulled away breaking the connection that kept them both together only to stand and walk to the front of her juand the table he moved it aside as she got up from between the magazine shelf her headscarf had already come undone he gripped the bun of her hair with his right hand she couldn't move away and said open your mouth you whore and told her to stick her tongue out she didn't understand so after giving her a demonstration by sticking his own tongue out she nodded and stuck it out he the with his left hand squeezed his semi erect manhood from the hilt to where his testicle were all the way to the cock tip milking that final skeet with his hand the pooled up portion of baby batter dropped onto her tongue along with another perhaps tablespoon worth of jizz he squeezed and pumped and squeezed and told her to suck his foreskin this was a total surprise to me as she had never sucked me off ever or even want to smell my sperm here she was lacking and allowing a Hindu stranger to fill her womb and mouth with millions of his offspring he didn't need to ask or tell her further she was gurgling as she was about to say something to him when I noticed he'd pulled out his phone and took photo and later I found out it was a video asked her to show him the sperm in her mouth she tilted her head slightly back and narrowed her mouth from open to slight close and more of his sperm gathered in a pool I was shocked she didn't even gag he got the phone close to her face recording every nook and cranny of her beautiful face not even distorted from the fucking she recieved as well as even a smear of her foundation she still looked presentable you wouldn't know that she was just fucked with that done he said okay now swallow and again demonstrated it to her since she couldn't speak much English or understand and then she did it gulp only once I heard and as she finished another drop must have accumulated on his foreskin about to drop as his cock was no longer being held by him it was hanging as free as a bird between his legs still semi erect and perhaps 2 inches more than me when I'm fully erect or 7"in length his phone was pointed straight at her withiut asking she took her face down beneath between his thighs all the while keeping eye contact she stuck her tongue out caught his foreskin before his seed dropped to the floor and sucked it up chewing sucking slurping and eventually pushing his dick deep into her throat......and remaing their whilst looking at him she took him so far she left an imprint of her expensive lipstick on his groin eased off his dick gave him a visual inspection and just before she tucked his dick in she gave its tip a kiss she zipped him up gathered her headscarf from the floor and ran away quickly clacket and clanging in her heels what surprised me more was the fact that even when remaing on her k eyes her vagina didn't even let a drop of his sperm out I knew he'dfilled her up with copious amount of it but exactly how much I will never know but from later when I did find out that prior to today he abstained from sex for 3 months he didn't even masturbate. l was quickly out and saw uncle was pouring total.of 4 glasses after ours so I asked whom is the 6th glass for uncle replied well your missus ofcourse she will mellow out I replied she's very pious and religious she will refuse he replied well then I won't tell her it's got alcohol in we walked in saw that my missus purse was on the table but missus was now where to be seen the gentleman that fucked my wife had literally slumped back on the sofa with both his leg strecthed forward his tie was loose top few buttons were undone and a blemish smeared over his trouser fly area from what I could tell they were the dried juices of my wife's cervical secretion we heard her clackety clang and noticed she's walking back perhaps from the bathroom I knew since she text me that her periods had started which meant we couldn't sleep together it's forbidden in another household for married couple to sleep in same room if your the guests. I noticed her lipstick was no longer of the same colour it was now purple sparkly with a thin lip liner outlining her juicy lips other than that everything else looked the same she had her phone on her .uncle said he made everyone a drink and asked her kindly to finish her soft drink he picked up the glass from the top with his open palm and as he grabbed hold of it I noticed him dropping two pls of some sort she thanked uncle and took the glass of him she first took a sip and noticed bitterness he again politely asked her the other guests wish that you finish one drink before you leave she gulped immediately not trying to hurt his or the guests feelings it was vodka lemonade with lots of ice I was shocked I've never imagined her knocking back alcohol that too which contains vodka as I excused myself for the bathroom to wee upstairs, just then uncle butted in and said well I best show beti Asma her room for tonight she was already partially asleep from the drink she was just given not enough to lose balance he asked her to walk up rather than lead her just so he could watch her heels clacket and clang and her arse from behind he was so close I thought his face would disappear between her arse cheeks. I got to my floor which had the bathroom and I went in due to call of nature nearly took 30 mins to get back down as I returned I noticed my uncle and his Hindu friend seated i overheard uncle saying that he had put in few pills into the drink and its already taken effect she didn't even realise as she was groped by uncle as they entered the guest bedroom she nearly fell back onto him he grabbed her hips from behind just in time and managed her to regain her balance with right hand and with his left he caught a fistfull of her left breast managed to brush his entire palm over it and feel its consistency size and said just before letting go he cupped it and felt it's weight ofcourse they were full of milk he pinched her nipple whilst they were between his ring and index finger and we were yet to ween our toddler off breast milk the indian guy stood up and replied shocked SHE'S LACTATING in his mind he must have been cussing himself that he won't be the first to feed on her milk......bitch complained of a dizzy head uncle said and sat down on the bed she was about to bend forward and take her high heels off but she couldn't he apparently took this as the moment and told her to take a nap and lie down she could take shoe off afterwards she said okay your right and laid back on the bed with her heel clad legs hanging off the edge of the bed. He pretended to leave as he switched off the light of the room pretended to open the door and just close it he approached her again the moment she started to snore he turned lights back on and came back down she will be oblivious to the ordeal she will be going through its a custom for a Muslim couple not to sleep together in house of relatives. He said he left the other guys to enjoy to their and left them with a packet of condoms and bottle of lube strictly clarifying that they can only use her vagina as expected the Hindu guy smirked knowing that he was the only one to have given her a prefilling so he thought. I had a weird feeling that something maybe be due to happen to her in my absence.
Published by safraz
9 years ago
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