A Porn Idea A Day - Wednesday 07.10.15 (Plastic)
This week in the UK stores have become legally obliged to charge customers for every plastic bag they use when purchasing groceries etc.
This rip-off has been implemented thanks to campaigning by boring environmentalist tree-huggers who claim there is a negative environmental impact from discarded bags.
This has been widely condemned (by me) as an outrageous attack on the plastics industry - an industry that has contributed so much to society. From clothing...
To tooth floss...
To diving equipment...
But the plastic industries greatest contribution to the world is plastic porn whores - made for us to jerk off to...
So today's porn idea is that we all show our support for the plastics industry by blowing a load to a plastic whore tonight!
This rip-off has been implemented thanks to campaigning by boring environmentalist tree-huggers who claim there is a negative environmental impact from discarded bags.
This has been widely condemned (by me) as an outrageous attack on the plastics industry - an industry that has contributed so much to society. From clothing...
To tooth floss...
To diving equipment...
But the plastic industries greatest contribution to the world is plastic porn whores - made for us to jerk off to...
So today's porn idea is that we all show our support for the plastics industry by blowing a load to a plastic whore tonight!
9 years ago
here the whores are whores, real life is so depressing
I should just correct your researcher on one small item: only England is affected by this week's legislation (the last intransigent part of the UK to see sense). The rest of the "Kingdom" gave up on sea-bird haute-couture a while back. Our puffins have never been so happy!