New trainee slave, Melissa

“Ok Melissa upstairs and get a shower, Lucy and I will be up soon to get you ready for a little trip we have planned to go to town for the evening”. “Yes Master, Mistress” comes the reply, Melissa is now confused who is actually in charge now. “Believe me Melissa I am in charge”, I confirm. She smiles as she closes the door and runs upstairs.

Lucy and I follow shortly afterwards and I order Lucy to go into her bedroom and get ready. “I have laid out your clothes on the bed”. I enter the other bedroom just as Melissa is coming out of the bathroom, still toweling down her glowing body. “Now my sweet, tonight you and Lucy are going to be my two little sluts. We will go into a bar and you and she will stand at the bar to see what attention you can get while I watch on from a safe distance”. “But Master, I am not a slut, I don’t like being the centre of attention, please don’t make me, please”. “Stand in the middle of the room and stop whimpering”. Melissa knows by the tone of my voice I am not messing around now and I grab the towel from her and throw it onto the bed. Standing beside her I slowly insert two fingers into her warm inviting pussy. Slowly finger fucking her, her juices soon begin to flow and she is dripping wet. “Perfect”, I remove my now soaking fingers and order her to bend over. Gradually the two lubricated fingers are used to massage her ass-hole. Another finger then a forth are all dipped in her pussy to be juiced up before her ass-hole is gaping quite wide.

From the table I take a very large butt plug and show it to Melissa. “This will be your friend for the night, I am sure you will get well acquainted”. “That is far too big Master, it will split me apart”, she protests as she stands up straight. I rub the large black phallus across her face before presenting the end of it to her mouth. “Open, it will need some further lubrication before it finds its home for the night”. Reluctantly Melissa opens her mouth and I begin throat fucking her with the butt-plug. She is gipping and choking with saliva running down her chin. “Now my dear bend over once more”. “Please master no I won’t be able to take something that big”. I grab her head forcing her forward thus exposing her wonderful rounded ass. Several slaps from my hand on each buttock enforces the fact I am not messing around here. Slowly and quite deliberate I insert the tip of the plug, gradually forcing it into her gaping hole. “Aaarrrgghhhh” screams Melissa as the plug is now almost two thirds of the way in and much more force is now needed to push it further. One last push and a very loud scram from my Slave and the plug is fully inserted her hole closing slightly around the end of it. Tears are running down Melissa face, I can see by the way she is standing she is a great discomfort.

To make sure there are no accidents and the butt plug stays in her ass all night I use a crotch rope to hold it in place with rope running either side of her pussy also to add to her discomfort. “There perfect, walk to the bathroom door and back see how it feels”. From the first couple of steps it is obvious Melissa is really uncomfortable walking. “Master I cannot possible wear this all night, I will split apart”. “You will soon get used to it my dear, it will become your friend”, I smile.

On cue there is a knock at the door and in walks Lucy looking absolutely stunning. Melissa’s eyes light up as she sees the vision before her and for a moment her thoughts are taken away from the pain she is feeling in her rear. Lucy is dressed from head to toe in a black latex catsuit, showing off her perfect body to perfection. There are red laces tied all the way up the back of each leg and on her feet are 5” stiletto heel shoes, locked onto her feet with small padlocks around the ankles. Locked around her neck is a stainless steel collar and finally a close look at her groin area shows a slight bulge. This is the end of an electronic dildo inserted deep in her pussy, held in place with tight latex panties. “You look stunning Lucy and you are just in time to help me get Melissa ready for our outing”. Lucy smiles, she love dressing as she is at present and love even more initiating other young women into her slutty ways.

She walks over to Melissa, who is kind of shuffling around trying to make herself more comfortable. Lucy massages her ass gently tapping the end of the butt-plug causing Melissa to utter a couple of loud gasps. “Ok lets get you ready”. First a cream leather waspie corset is laced tightly around her waist, this having the effect of pushing Melissa’s breasts upwards and outwards. “Please, no tighter, I can hardly breath”, she protests as Lucy pulls further on the laces before finally tying them off. “No bra tonight my dear”, as I help her on with a pure white satin blouse which is so tight it gapes open at the top showing tantalizing glimpses of bare breast as she moves around. Next a very short cream leather skirt is handed to her to put on. “This will hardly cover my butt Master, I have to wear panties, please Master”. “I think you know the answer to that question. You will have to be careful how you walk and sit if you don’t want everyone to know what you have underneath that skirt”. Again I smile at the obvious discomfort etched on her face as she fastens the skirt and stands up straight pulling down on the hem to cover herself up as much as possible.

“Now sit on the edge of the bed while Lucy completes your outfit”. Melissa physically jumps off the bed as she tries to sit down and the plug is forced deeper inside her. “Sit, I said”. Slowly she again lowers herself, again pulling on the hem of the skirt to try her best to cover up her crotch. Lucy brings a pair of cream leather over the knee boots which are quickly zipped onto Melissa’s legs. That is not the end though, each boot has a thin leather strap around each ankle and another around each thigh just below the top of the boot. Once buckled they are locked with small padlocks. “Now my sluts stand up side by side I want to look you both over”. I circle the pair fondling their asses, their breasts and generally having a good feel of the leather and latex which encases their bodies.

Melissa is handed a long cream leather coat to put on for the journey while Lucy wears something similar in black. Both women are very quiet as we drive into town and park in the car park of a large public house. “Ok girls lets go in and have a drink”. Lucy goes first with Melissa stumbling a little behind her, the butt-plug making walking in a lady-like fashion very awkward. Once inside the busy bar I ask the girls what they want and go to get the drinks while they find a quiet corner and sit down. While waiting for my order I notice Melissa speaking to Lucy. I suspect she is trying to find out exactly what is going to happen tonight. I reach inside my pocket and press the button on the remote which send an electric shock pulsing through Lucy’s pussy. She stares directly at me but gets the message and all falls silent at the table until I arrive with the drinks.

“Now Melissa, Lucy is fully briefed about what is to happen this evening. She will be beside you guiding you through what you need to do and where you need to go, understood?” “Yes Master but……..” I put my finger to my lips, “No questions just follow instructions”. After around 10 minutes of drinking and complete silence I again reach for the remote just to test it is still working. Judging by the little squirm from Lucy it definitely is. Little does Melissa know but Lucy has been fully briefed and each shock she receives means to move on to the next part of the evening’s surprises. “Ok girls, off with the coats and Lucy, Melissa is all yours. Enjoy yourselves”, I say with a big smirk on my face.

Both girls stand and Lucy leads Melissa over to the bar where they sit on bar stools. The walk over to the bar has attracted the attention of numerous young guys who are stood around in groups all over the pub. I muse about what they are thinking. Some will obviously think they are prostitutes from the way they are dressed. Some may think they are a pair of lesbians on a fun night out and others may just think they are going to a fancy dress party. Whatever, I can see many pairs of leering eyes looking across to them. Melissa is still trying to get comfortable on the bar stool, trying to cover her pussy with the slightest bit of leather she can pull down over it. Lucy then receives the shock which means she has to spring into action. Melissa is taken aback as she feels a hand on her thigh, which gradually moves further upwards towards the hem of her skirt. Some of the guys I can see are nudging each other and pointing out what is going on. Lucy is also noticing and when she thinks there are a good number watching she flicks the skirt up giving a quick glimpse of Melissa’s pussy, a now very embarrassed Melissa with red blushing cheeks. Lucy now moves her hand to the left breast almost popping out of the tight blouse Melissa is wearing. Using her long nails she gently circles Melissa’s left nipple for a few seconds. More and more eyes glare at the pair of sluts at the bar.

After a few minutes two young “studs” approach the girls, they have taken the bait. They buy Melissa and Lucy a drink and chat. Lucy takes the lead; she knows what to tell the guys. Melissa sits and cannot believe what she is telling them. The brief was to say that Lucy was a high class prostitute who was meeting a client at a hotel just down the road. The man wanted two girls and as it was Melissa’s first night working as a prostitute, it was decided that she should accompany Lucy to learn the ropes. I can see Melissa’s mouth drop open in amazement at what she is hearing but she says nothing. One of the guys is a little shy and says nothing but he is clearly besotted by Melissa as he cannot take his eyes off her. The other is quite bold and is now resting his hand on Lucy’s latex encased thigh, slowly rubbing backwards and forwards. The bar is getting a little crowded now and my little group do not stand out quite so much. Another quick blast on the electronic dildo and Lucy moves onto the next stage of the operation.

Melissa is again totally speechless as Lucy begins to negotiate a price with the guys about having a quickie in the pub car park as they have a little time before they are due at the clients. The guys go to the toilet to think things over, meanwhile I see Melissa protesting to Lucy that she can’t do it. She looks over to me and I just smile. Lucy tells Melissa she will be severely punished later if she does not go along with everything. The guys return and “Mr Bold” smiles at Lucy and I can see a wad of bank notes being handed over, while “Mr Shy” suddenly becomes a lot more forward and I can see his hand reach under the hem of Melissa’s skirt for a quick grope. Melissa slaps his hand away.

The four then head towards the back door, leading to a passage, which in turn leads to the toilets. “Ok guys, Melissa is going to show you two now what a total slut she can be, aren’t you girl?” A puzzled look again appears on her face. “Melissa go into the gents, go into a cubicle and sit on the toilet but leave the door open”. “No fu…….”, Lucy puts her hand over Melissa’s mouth and presses her head against the wall, “You will do as you are told”. Now it’s the guys turn to look a little worried, if this is her first time why is Lucy being so forceful with her? “Ok guys you follow her in and make sure she does what I have told her. Make her stay there until at least half a dozen men have been in for a pee”.
“And by the way you may notice something else while she is sitting on the toilet, take a look at her ass-hole”, she smiles. Melissa is about to protest once more but one look at Lucy and she know she must go along with whatever she is told.

Just as the trio disappear into the gents I arrive in the passage and have quick word with Lucy before exiting through the “Emergency exit” at the far end of the passage, which leads out to the car park. Lucy remains outside the toilets until, following visits from around 8 young men, Melissa and her two companions reappear in the passageway. Melissa by now is bright red, having to expose herself like that was never in her list of things to do. “Ok guys let go out to the car park for your treat”. As they appear through the emergency exit all hell breaks lose. The two girls are grabbed by two men while two others pull spandex bags over their head and down their bodies quickly binding them with cable ties including one over their mouths to act as a gag. Both girls are bundled into the back of a waiting van writhing a protesting. Oh, what happened to the guys, they ran off into the distance never to be seen again. Heroes to the end.

Melissa is thrashing around wildly in the back of the van, as is Lucy, neither girls knowing what is happening. My young slave has totally forgotten about the enormous butt-plug still embedded deep in her ass, so concerned is she as to what is happening. Fear had taken over her mind. The journey bouncing around in the van seems to last for hours, it is in fact only a matter of around 30 minutes before all motion ceases and the back doors of the van can be heard opening. The two girls struggle once more but first Melissa and then Lucy are hauled from the van.

What is to become of me, Melissa considers as she is manhandled by two men and carried to who knows where. She is tossed face-down on what feels like a mattress on a bed and again two heavy bodies hold her down while a third begins cutting the cable ties starting by her feet and stopping when reaching her waist. She tries to fight off the men but they are too strong as one of them unzips the skirt and rips it from her body. Next she hears a rattle of chains and feels cold steel being locked around each ankle spreading her legs wide apart. Again she fights against her bonds but her ankles are locked tight. The rest of the cable ties up to her neck are then cut and her wrists are spread attached to what she still assumes is a bed. She is now spread-eagled face down with just the one cable tied still acting as a gag and still cannot see anything as the spandex bag is still covering her head. She thrashes wildly, protesting to be set free.

“Look what we have here” she hears a voice say and feels a searing pain as the butt=plug is pressed deeper than ever into her ass. More hands rip of her blouse and she is now naked apart from the leather corset. A hand feels underneath her body and starts fondling her left breast, then another hand appears from the other side and starts fondling her right breast. “Oh my God” she thinks to herself how many people are here looking at me. Finally she feels the cable tie which is in her mouth being cut and as someone pulls off the spandex bag a hand pushes her face into the mattress to make sure she cannot see anything. Quickly, a leather blindfold is buckled around her head followed immediately by a ball gag. She is now totally helpless, still not knowing what is to happen next.

The strap holding the butt-plug is next to be unfastened, however this brings little relief as now someone is using the strap to whip her ass while the butt-plug is being used to fuck her ass. Melissa is getting frantic now but no relief is in sight as what appears to be around a dozen hands are fondling virtually her whole body. Her pussy and clit are getting great attention as are her breasts. She keeps feeling cocks being rubber against her body and face as she thrashes around more and more. After what seems an eternity she suddenly hears a mans voice “Ok guys, fun is over for the night, hope you enjoyed yourselves”. All at once she feels nothing and all is silent. She is laid there quivering from the fear wondering what will be happening next.

There is a shuffling in front of her and she lifts her head trying to work out what exactly in happening now. She feels a pair of legs wriggling under her shoulders and then feels hands on the side of her head, smelling the distinct aroma of a woman’s pussy as her head is buried into a heavenly crotch. He nose is rubbed up and don the pussy and she can hear moans of ecstasy from her female friend. “Now my dear, I am going to remove your gag so you can lick me to an orgasm, do you understand. No screaming or shouting or you will be severely punished”. Melissa is now feeling a little more re-assured and relaxed as she recognizes the voice, it is Lucy. The gag is removed and she immediately gets to work on Lucy’s dripping pussy.

Her relaxed state lasts just a little time as out of the blue a hard thrash from a whip descends on her ass, followed by another and another, 12 in all. Her ass is burning and she begins the squirm. “Lick”, demands Lucy or the punishment will be harder. Another dozen strokes from the whip and she is feeling faint from the pain, but continues to try and satisfy Lucy at the same time. Lucy is obviously really turned on by the thought of Melissa in agony and she cums immediately the whipping ceases. The butt-plug is next removed from her ass-hole but it is immediately replaced by a hard thick cock which fucks her furiously until she can feel sperm being pumped deep into her warm orifice.

By now poor Melissa is exhausted and lays slumped on the bed. She feels the blindfold being unbuckled and as she blinks to adjust to the light she sees stood before her Lucy and her Master. Lucy still has her love juices dripping down her inner thighs while Masters glistening cock reveals it was he who had just exploded deep in her ass. “Welcome back to the real world Melissa my dear, I do hope you enjoyed you latest adventure”. Melissa smiles “Yes Master but who were the others, how many were there, who were they?”. “Questions, questions, maybe one day I will answer them. In the meantime my slave we will leave you chained to this bed for a rest. Have a good sleep and we will be back for you soon”. “But how long will you be”. “No more questions, have a good rest we will be back soon”.

Melissa hears the door close and relaxes, within a few minutes she is sleeping, no doubt dreaming what will happen next…………………………………….

Published by twevsmiff
9 years ago
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Intochastity 4 years ago
WoW. Great story
slth8469 8 years ago
Great story
soplete38 9 years ago
good history,hard sex and need think.
nadia877 9 years ago
Looking forward to reading when time allows, added to my faves so i don't forget!