That hurt

OK so I've been hanging out with will a decent amount recently we haven't been doing anything sexual he hasn't stayed the night since the last blog post but the last time he did stay over he slept in bed with me and we didn't do anything

So nothing sexual is going on but I still like him even if I'm not trying to hook up with him and I probably would try if he wasn't so hung up on his x gf .... the one that may have cheated on him and then dumped him for the guy she may have cheated on him with

But I've been nice and I've been there for him even just as a friend even though he can be a dick at times like...

We had plans for sat night but he didn't make it he did call and ask if we could postpone till the next day and I was fine with that but then I got a call from him sun night and it went like this

Me- hey
Him- I'm not coming over tonight
Me- why?
Him- cuz I don't want to
Me- ...ouch
(And I'm thinking wow that really hurts why would u say something so mean to me)
Him- I'm just fucking with u I'm at the door come let me in

Is just me or was that a dick move even if he didn't mean it

Oh yeah and I think he just got back with his ex the ex that just dumped him and I know I was just trying to be his friend and nothing physical has been going on but still I'm really hurt by that even if I shouldn't be
Published by Zedoary
9 years ago
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sevenmantis 9 years ago
You are beautiful, don't sweat the small shit...and surround yourself with positive people.
You would not be who you are, if you weren't suffering for this... and getting simultaneously some kind of 'out of control' need of continuing the dangerous game... But he seems to be your 'mirror'...
Hooked to someone who humilliates him and uncapable to leave her?


You probably do not need to be conforted, but to be treated that way... but by someone else, a different kind of man, tough and virile, dominating, attractive... But at the same time, the one who loves you.

That way, pain has a full meaning... and a reward.

Not a mirror of yourself, but your master.

Someone superior, in real life and in fantasyland as well.

A paraphrasis of a famous motto, would help to make clear what I think: "No humilliation, without real MUTUAL possesion!"

I hope you find the one. You deserve that.
In the meantime, I pervertedly kiss your generous and lusty bossom, torturing your nippies.
TTT_X 9 years ago
Well your a better person than that! You were there for him. You comforted him and allowed him to sleep (sleep only) with you! It does seem he has has issues with his ex. I hope you find a good guy to share soon!
xbbwxddd 9 years ago
he wants to play with you ?
Nastycpl86 9 years ago
Not a dick move, he was trying to show you that he really did want to see you. I call it the " sweet and sour". Its a physiological game to get you not only thinking but to keep thinking about how you truly feel about him for much longer than you expected. Obviously it worked....
cavalier098 9 years ago
He is just not cool. Too many hang ups.
Car97 9 years ago
That's not cool. Man who would not be at your house every second of the day by your side. I know I would want to be
Mistermagicstik8 9 years ago
Did you ask why, "He didn't want to"? Definitely a punk ass move though twice in a row.
grizzley31 9 years ago
From my stand point it's just a joke, a bad one but a s joke. Frm what you have said he wants you and is trying to play the funny/tough guy to peak your interest
evilmulder666 9 years ago
Kind of a dick move, frankly.
joehorny12in 9 years ago
Eh, the joke is iffy. I'm sure he didn't know it was gonna hurt you so much. And I actually kinda understand the situation you're talking about lol. Its a tough one
kinkyslave84 9 years ago
Yeah that sucks and I can see your perspective. I don't think he meant anything bad by it, some guys can be a dick without realizing, don't over think it.
gottagetit123 9 years ago
I think it was just a joke.
hellyeeeeah 9 years ago
No that's not a dick move. Maybe it hurt you because feelings?