My take on cuckoldry part 1
I get a lot of messages about or from want to be cuckolds. I take what people say on this subject with a grain of salt 99% of the time.
Not every white woman who has been with a black guy is into the concept of cuckolding someone. Basically it's psychological masochism and it's not in our nature to generally be mean. However we do attend to give into our boyfriends/husbands sexual wants even if we aren't into it. Sometimes the sex act works out, other times we don't enjoy the request. Probably 25% of the pictures on the internet of nudes on the internet are from ex girlfriends trying to make their boyfriends happy, or them saying "hey look at me, I'm a freaken cool chick...I'm letting you video tape me giving you a BJ".
I think it's safe to say that for the most part this fetish really doesn't happen to often in the real world. First you need two married people who are willing to go outside their marriage, which honestly is not a far fetch idea anymore. Still most people don't for various reasons. Second you need to be extremely open, and shockingly enough people aren't that open even if they are crazy about each other because they are scared that the other person will think their curiosity is strange, therefore making them strange. Thirdly the ability to actually pull it off. If a couple wants to explore this fetish they are going to need another guy, which of course there are sex sites for that purpose but people generally wont have the nerve or don't know how to find that other person. Plus your average married couple with 2-3 k**s, running around to sport practices, making dinner, and work don't have a lot of time to really relax and actually have the situation and privacy to enact this fantasy. Basically the stars have to align for a cuckold experience to happen.
To make it clear I'm talking about the cuckold experience, not when the partner joins in or just sit backs and watch. By cuckold experience I mean when the woman verbally degrades her boyfriend/husband. With that said I do feel like wife sharing or even the guy just watching is far more realistic than the woman calling her partner a wimp,sissy, a small dick bastard, etc. Some type of ill will is attempted.
I understand that porn has changed things and have made people a little bit more open which is a good thing. I don't think there is anything wrong if both couples are actually into it bringing another person into the mix. Men in the last ten years seem to be more open to the idea, which is always good when guys act less hot headed. Having a lot of male friends I have seen their girlfriends naked via cell phone shot, and notice guys sort of showing off their girlfriend/wives to their friends. Which can be a dick move, but if you give someone a nude picture you have to assume the risks.
The word cuckold has become strongly associate with white couples with a black couple, and we all probably seen the videos where the guy comes home, or the couple is laying in bed and the wife says she wants to be with a black guy and all off a sudden a well hung black guy shows up and the fun starts.
If you watch the amateur movies, rarely does the wife call the husband names. She might tell her husband how much she is enjoying it, but isn't degrading him. This is how it probably really plays out in real life.
The cuckold fetish really isn't anything new, in fact it dates back pre-civil war era. There are some hints and diaries found where white land owners would find a black slave or field hand and watch his wife have sex with him. Generally she was pregnant at the time. It sounds like a plot from a porno but land owners were generally some of the richest people at the time and there are a lot of theories and research that support that upper middle class to the wealthy are generally the one's who act out on fetishes.
Besides that c***d birth wasn't exactly safe back then and a lot of mid-wives thought if the birthing canal, the vagina was widen that giving birth would be easier. Mind you even 50 years back doctors believed in blood letting. It's hard to imagine these Southern Bell's getting banged in a barn by a black guy with all the racism but fare more strange and weird sexual and medical things have happened through the course of history.
Not every white woman who has been with a black guy is into the concept of cuckolding someone. Basically it's psychological masochism and it's not in our nature to generally be mean. However we do attend to give into our boyfriends/husbands sexual wants even if we aren't into it. Sometimes the sex act works out, other times we don't enjoy the request. Probably 25% of the pictures on the internet of nudes on the internet are from ex girlfriends trying to make their boyfriends happy, or them saying "hey look at me, I'm a freaken cool chick...I'm letting you video tape me giving you a BJ".
I think it's safe to say that for the most part this fetish really doesn't happen to often in the real world. First you need two married people who are willing to go outside their marriage, which honestly is not a far fetch idea anymore. Still most people don't for various reasons. Second you need to be extremely open, and shockingly enough people aren't that open even if they are crazy about each other because they are scared that the other person will think their curiosity is strange, therefore making them strange. Thirdly the ability to actually pull it off. If a couple wants to explore this fetish they are going to need another guy, which of course there are sex sites for that purpose but people generally wont have the nerve or don't know how to find that other person. Plus your average married couple with 2-3 k**s, running around to sport practices, making dinner, and work don't have a lot of time to really relax and actually have the situation and privacy to enact this fantasy. Basically the stars have to align for a cuckold experience to happen.
To make it clear I'm talking about the cuckold experience, not when the partner joins in or just sit backs and watch. By cuckold experience I mean when the woman verbally degrades her boyfriend/husband. With that said I do feel like wife sharing or even the guy just watching is far more realistic than the woman calling her partner a wimp,sissy, a small dick bastard, etc. Some type of ill will is attempted.
I understand that porn has changed things and have made people a little bit more open which is a good thing. I don't think there is anything wrong if both couples are actually into it bringing another person into the mix. Men in the last ten years seem to be more open to the idea, which is always good when guys act less hot headed. Having a lot of male friends I have seen their girlfriends naked via cell phone shot, and notice guys sort of showing off their girlfriend/wives to their friends. Which can be a dick move, but if you give someone a nude picture you have to assume the risks.
The word cuckold has become strongly associate with white couples with a black couple, and we all probably seen the videos where the guy comes home, or the couple is laying in bed and the wife says she wants to be with a black guy and all off a sudden a well hung black guy shows up and the fun starts.
If you watch the amateur movies, rarely does the wife call the husband names. She might tell her husband how much she is enjoying it, but isn't degrading him. This is how it probably really plays out in real life.
The cuckold fetish really isn't anything new, in fact it dates back pre-civil war era. There are some hints and diaries found where white land owners would find a black slave or field hand and watch his wife have sex with him. Generally she was pregnant at the time. It sounds like a plot from a porno but land owners were generally some of the richest people at the time and there are a lot of theories and research that support that upper middle class to the wealthy are generally the one's who act out on fetishes.
Besides that c***d birth wasn't exactly safe back then and a lot of mid-wives thought if the birthing canal, the vagina was widen that giving birth would be easier. Mind you even 50 years back doctors believed in blood letting. It's hard to imagine these Southern Bell's getting banged in a barn by a black guy with all the racism but fare more strange and weird sexual and medical things have happened through the course of history.
9 years ago
Actually....a very well written thoughtful post