Halloween Gallery 2015
Having already run four events here -- two for Xmas, plus one each for Valentine's Day and St Patrick's Day -- I've decided to run a fifth, to celebrate Halloween.
The usual rules apply. Ladies only (sorry, chaps, but feel free to post on your own page); you show as little or as much as you wish (don't forget, you can always shield your shyness behind a mask); image files must be with me by Saturday, 24 October.
To prove your contribution isn't simply the result of photoshopping, . It can be on a piece of paper, a badge attached to your Halloween costume or even drawn upon your body with lipstick. You'll find plenty of inspiration in those earlier galleries.
Since the entire idea is to showcase and promote the wonderful women of Xhamster, it would also be nice to have a few words about yourself to post alongside the image, especially if you appear here on webcam and wish to attract new viewers.
The previous galleries and parades have been a lot of fun, and I do hope everyone involved has just as much this time!
-- Steve
Files should be sent to [email protected]
9 years ago