The game
I maybe a nerd girl that loves games like Zelda but now I playing texting games and I don't care for it
Who will text who first?
How long does it take them to text u back?
How long should u wait to text them back?
"When I text u its cuz I miss u when I don't text u it cause I'm waiting for u to miss me"
If u text all the time your needy if u don't text enough u don't care... I really don't like this game
So the new guy... I didn't fuck him but he did spend the night with me the other day I had hoped he would text me that day but I wasn't really expecting it most people won't text the day of it makes u seem desperate I wanted him to text me first but when he got my number he made it a point to call me right then so that I'd also have his number so maybe he was waiting for me to text him just like I was waiting for him to text me
I really don't like this game
Any way I did text him last night since he hadn't text me yet and he replied instantly that's good I like that makes me think maybe he was waiting for me to text him we talked briefly about absolutely nothing but it was pleasant and he didnt say anything dirty so that's a plus
But now what? He text me last so I guess that means its still my turn I was thinking about going out again this weekend telling him when and where I'd be and that I wouldn't mind seeing him if he wasn't busy if he shows up that's great if not.... :-\
Who will text who first?
How long does it take them to text u back?
How long should u wait to text them back?
"When I text u its cuz I miss u when I don't text u it cause I'm waiting for u to miss me"
If u text all the time your needy if u don't text enough u don't care... I really don't like this game
So the new guy... I didn't fuck him but he did spend the night with me the other day I had hoped he would text me that day but I wasn't really expecting it most people won't text the day of it makes u seem desperate I wanted him to text me first but when he got my number he made it a point to call me right then so that I'd also have his number so maybe he was waiting for me to text him just like I was waiting for him to text me
I really don't like this game
Any way I did text him last night since he hadn't text me yet and he replied instantly that's good I like that makes me think maybe he was waiting for me to text him we talked briefly about absolutely nothing but it was pleasant and he didnt say anything dirty so that's a plus
But now what? He text me last so I guess that means its still my turn I was thinking about going out again this weekend telling him when and where I'd be and that I wouldn't mind seeing him if he wasn't busy if he shows up that's great if not.... :-\
9 years ago