I have all these qualitys ( positives ) less Verified Profile. Agree with this blog.
Nice try, but I'm not sure that many of the users on here can read....haha. They seem to ignore my friend request blog and just steam ahead and send an invite.
I do enjoy reading your comments, by the way. Haven't noticed many of them lately.
to spicybucks :I got your invitation and I looked at your profile! The 30 day limit is not the only requirement! Please note, that I friend only peaople, who comment on my uploads frequently! So try it again later! Greetings
"Unfortunately, far too many users here just press the friend button without ever reading our profiles!!!" So it is! Almost every day I get up to 10 requests of users, who have not visited my profile.
to pallmall78 :Klauen nicht (ich brauche es ja noch)! Wenn du es benutzen solltest, dann würde ich mich sehr darüber freuen, wenn du einen Verweis ainbauen könntest (z.B. gefunden bei justonemoreuser oder so).
to justonemoreuser :JOMU I suggest you post this in "About Me" part of your profile page. Put it as the first thing so no one visiting has any reason not to understand your feeling on this matter. I agree with you and unfortunately more times than not someone just hits the friends button. My rule is if I see a request I check my comments and messages. If the requester has not done any of those they get the big red X
Der Blog scheint auch nichts zu bringen. Ich hatte heute wieder 7 Freundschaftsanfragen, von denen sich garantiert keiner vorher mein Profil angesehen hat. The blog seems to change nothing. Today I had again 7 friend requests, of which surely no one has previously looked at my profile.
I will follow you from now on and hope to earn your friendship.....
Take care.....
less Verified Profile.
Agree with this blog.
I do enjoy reading your comments, by the way. Haven't noticed many of them lately.
Have a awesome weekend!
The 30 day limit is not the only requirement!
Please note, that I friend only peaople, who comment on my uploads frequently!
So try it again later!
So it is! Almost every day I get up to 10 requests of users, who have not visited my profile.
Wenn du es benutzen solltest, dann würde ich mich sehr darüber freuen, wenn du einen Verweis ainbauen könntest (z.B. gefunden bei justonemoreuser oder so).
The blog seems to change nothing. Today I had again 7 friend requests, of which surely no one has previously looked at my profile.