Back in 2003-2004, I discovered porn on the internet. Later that year I made a friend in high school that helped me expand my interest into sex stories and literotica stuff. Around 2007 or 2008 one of my favourite sites was xnxx.com. At the time, it hadn't branched into tubesite stuff there were just photo galleries in a link form, very similar to freeones.com right now, and sex stories. I was 16 or so devouring as much porn as a 16 year old with a fair internet connection and a few hours alone each day could handle, which means a lot.

When it comes to sex stories, I like some plot, some history shared. My favourite themes are where people are related, ideally closely like parent or aunt with a younger man and all in good fun, someone being innocent and corrupted but given choice in the matter, and if I can get it, a guy surrounded by loving women. Romance, surprisingly, I've found actually matters in the stories. The vids, I don't care one way or the other, but the stories with romance involved really appeal to me. Now, my interests are not uncommon, there's a lot of literotica that matches those points. On xnxx, back in 2007-2008, I discovered an author there named Von Armand. His stories were just the kind I like and involve all of the themes mentioned and more. If I'm honest, I developed a thirst for Von Armand's stories. They grabbed my attention. The stories had lots of detail and a great plot that wasn't complicated or over-simplified. The stories weren't *all* about sex but the sex was a major theme and I thought quite well done. One of my only problems was that my deep enjoyment of Von Armand's stories tripped the switch in me that *demanded* the stories have a conclusion. You know what I mean, it's possible to read a story that doesn't have a lot of background and you don't find yourself invested in so if it ends abruptly it's okay and not a loss? Von Armand's stories had my very interested and even somewhat emotionally attached. I wanted to know what happened to the characters. I wanted to know how they evolved from the beginning to the end. I wanted more.

Unfortunately, there was another problem. Von Armand didn't write very quickly. From his stories, all involving recent high school grads and just starting college, I'm guessing VA himself might have been doing that at the time and thus was unable to pump out the stories in a faster manner. His stories took what felt like forever to come out. Then in July 2010, he posted his most recent and from what I can tell, his last story on there. Five years ago. Five very long fucking years ago. One of his stories was left unfinished just as a new character was introduced and another story series as a sort of parallel to a third series was just started and was beginning to be fleshed out. I used to check in on his profile on xnxx every day, then every week, then about once or twice a month, and so on. Eventually I let at least a year pass, maybe more.

I'm writing this post because I just finished rereading almost all of his stories posted, the main ones anyway and I'm feeling at a loss. Like a man dying for a drink but no a drop in sight. I want more. However, it seems clear to me that VA is done writing, maybe forever, maybe on xnxx, maybe just with that name. I've tried to find more stories posted elsewhere by VA using Google searches but I can't find anything that pops out. Sometimes people will get attached to a screen name and use it in multiple places, like their Skype name is the same as their email and so on. After 5 years, I think it's safe to say VA isn't writing any continuations of those stories on xnxx. This puts me a position I want to get some feedback on.

My stories that I've written all suck compared to VA's. My detail is lacking, my plots are simplistic, my characters about as filled out as Calista Flockhart. However, I am relatively new to story writing, so I see lots of room for improvement if I keep at it. VA's stories need someone to continue them in my opinion. I was hoping I might come across some fan-made continuation but I haven't any yet. I'm wondering if maybe I should try my hand at it. Makes me think about being 6 years old and trying to fill a grown man's shoes with my undeveloped feet. I don't have a lot of faith and so far I'm just one guy with no support from anyone with the idea of writing a continuation (and probable new direction based on the original stuff but with my own taste and style) of one of my favourite authors works in the genre of literotica. I could use some support if I'm going to try and I thought I would ask you what you think.


That link should take you directly to VA's author profile on xnxx. You can read all of his stories there and get a feel for them. A side effect might be me sharing some great literotica with you, which is great too. MSA (you'll see what that means when you check out the link) contains relationship taboos between blood relations while MSB (again, check out the link) contains no actual sex of that sort, only flirted with. I...don't remember what "my Neighbors" contains. All stories I've read are well-written and unless you're disgusted by relations in a physical relationship, I suggest reading both MSA *AND* MSB. Divine and Temptation are, without any spoilers, a different side of MSA with the main characters of MSA taking a back seat.

If you would tell me what you think about whether I should give a continuation of MSB at least, please do write a comment here. If you want to say anything else, maybe about how you like the stories, or how I wrote way too much in this blog post, please feel free to comment on that too. I'd really like to see several comments and ideally a discussion here. Thank you for reading!
Published by anon8101
9 years ago
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Thanks so much for sharing this and I will see what I can dig up..... and I completely understand and share your frustration......
Amongst the many erotic story sites that I enjoyed including Literotica, AllMe, ASSTR and others, I remember reading an extremely erotic group sex story that was well-written and included more than just the intro and the sex..... I am dying to find it...

The story was told from the POV of the fiance, who was nursing a hangover and chiling with friends at his place