So funny. One of my admirers writes 10.06.15

With as much as you turn me on I'd waste no time, I'd turn you around and bend you over. I couldn't get enough of you and I'd slide my cock into your pussy. I couldn't help myself but to be forceful. Grabbing you by the hips, I'd drive my cock into you over and over. The air would be filled with the sounds of my cock penetrating your wetness and our skin slapping together loudly. As I fucked you, I'd wrap my arms around you, clutching at your breasts with my left hand. Meanwhile, my right would be snaking down your front till I reached your clit. As I pounded my cock into you from behind, I'd rub your clit with my fingers and palm. Only when I felt you tense and squeeze my cock inside you as the orgasm shudders through your body would I finally be pushed over the edge and fill you with a load of cum.
But of course, that's only the beginning as you deserve to be filled with far more cum than that. ;)
Published by Alice1997
9 years ago
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jedsmith 2 years ago
The guy must have the anatomy of Mr Tickle!
rnp497 2 years ago
what do you think of this comment Miss Alice? 
Bobby777788 5 years ago
to MissDeMeanour : Overthinking much ? 
Reply Original comment
MissDeMeanour 6 years ago
The more times I read this, the more questions it raises, concerning the intentions or the latent character of the original correspondent.....Assuming that he maybe DOES work weekends in a circus, then it may well be possible that he has befriended a Contortionist who may have sympathetic leanings towards Folks with Dimensionally Different Arms, and who has taught him some of the Sacred Secrets of Contortionism. Which, of course, explains his stated entrhusiasm to "turn you around and bend you over". I mean, it's OK for those who have been properly trained in the finer ponts of Contortion, to go turning and bending any which way they bloody well like, but it's an entirely different thing altogether to just bash on in there willy-nilly, turning folks around and bending them over, without as much as a warm-up. In fact, by the sound of it, he's not even taking into account which bloody way you might have been facing in the effing first place, is he ?? Dunno about you, but Bending over I can do. Even as far as touching my toes. But touching my ankles, I suspect, would be extremely painful, (if not physically impossible for profound medical and mechanical reasons). I can, however, scratch my ass without any difficulty or even without looking OR Bending for that matter (that's multi-tasking for you eh?). :smile:
MissDeMeanour 6 years ago
"As I fucked you, I'd wrap my arms around you, clutching at your breasts with my left hand"  ... hmmm. You do realise that you might possibly be in danger of having made acquaintance with a man whose Right arm is considerably longer than his Left Arm, don't you ? Depending, of course, on which breast happens to be his intended target. Elementary, my dear Alice....A Right Arm, passing around your back (that's what yer average Linguistic Snob might refer to as 'circumventing') in the execution of the breast clutching activity, needs to be somewhat longer in order to reach the Right Breast , than it requires in order to engage in a bit of the old Clutching business if said target is the Puppy on the Left....However - and this is a scientifically proven fact - the Exact opposite may be said of the Left Arm, which could very possibly have a limited range of travelability or, indeed, may well be biologically programmed to deal solely with Right Breast Clutching. Can't quite make up my mind what might be going on there. Whacky Theorising I am adept at, but neither Biology nor Criminology are my fortes. I do know a bit about History though, and one distict possibility is that the whole exercise is in fact, a military tactic, as in the famous Pincer Manoeuver devised by Atilla the Hun and which was a big favourite with General Erwin Rommel, so perhaps the original Amorously-Intended-but-possessing-upper-body-limbs-of-varying-dimensions Correspondent might in fact be a military man.... SAS or worse still, the dreaded Spetsnaz (but don't be at all alarmed if he looks even remotely like Dolph Lundgren, whose movies a-la-Nasty-Psychotic-Up for Hire-Commie Mercenary are spectacularly shite). OR maybe he might work at weekends as a side show in a circus whose owners don't give a toss for political correctness and who have absolutely no gnawing at the vitals of their conscience in exploiting of Bearded Ladies, dwarves and people who have one arm longer than the other. In which case, it can be said with outright certainty that he didn't write to you on a Saturday as the circus owners don't tolerate slacking on the job so he wouldnt have time to be writing to you. But he might have done it on a Tuesday, for example . Unless of course, that happens to be Hair Washing day, which begs the question "Is his hair more thoroughly scrubbed in the left than it is on the right", which casts even more suspicion on his character. Mind you, that's just MY opinion though, and I certainly wouldn't stand up in court and swear to it or anything.  But some circumstancial evidence is rather convincing. Such as, when you find a trout in the milk, for instance.  :smile:
Gena12 8 years ago
That kind of lust is worth listening to. :smile:
mono161 9 years ago
The air would be filled with the sounds of fanny farts
mic7t8 9 years ago
This guy sounds very sexually frustrated, lol...x
would be happy to lick and suck your pussy clean after all these loads of cum
soab 9 years ago
Could have been straight from my pen, except for the part with the right hand. Well, actually, it mi
007RN 9 years ago
here here love to to second or third that with my own follow-up loads of cum in any or all your hole
dinopix30 9 years ago
Sounds reasonable to me, all us guys want to do this with attractive women. Thanks for the add, hope