On Intelligent (well read) Submissives.
I love intelligent girls. Absolutely adore them. And I find those who are passionate about reading and writing share a common thread. They all yearn for an equally intelligent Master/Dominant who can reach deep into their erotic ācentersā, rip the pages from their fantasies, and give them a lifetime of living, breathing memories.
An intelligent submissive appreciates the beauty of the dance on the fringe. She is a strong, independent, talented, capable woman in her own right, yet she hungers for a Master/Dominant who can fuck her mind long before he touches her body. She needs a man who can respect her as an intellectual equal but effortlessly assume his role as Master/Dominant - the only man she would ever consider yielding to. For her, this need is utterly palpable. She can feel his hands through his words, his voice, and his instruction.
And herein is the salient insight. Intelligent, gifted submissives are the naughtiest, sluttiest, hungriest girls imaginable. They are capable of giving themselves completely up to the man they trust and respect, and going places they themselves do not yet know they are capable of going. They are insatiable once leashed (note the irony). And they hunger to experience whatever their man challenges them with and sate him with the gift of their bodies and their talents.
For the man who can appreciate my words - I promise you - the dance on the fringe can be a most inspiring journey of sensual delights with a smart, talented girl.
The organizing principle of female sexuality is the desire to be desired. Female desire, is activated when a woman feels overwhelmingly desired, not rationally considered. Female erotic literature, including all those shades of gray, is built on this fantasy. Sexual desire in this view does not work according to our expectations and social values. Desire seeks the path of desire, not the path of righteousness. It thrives not on social order but on its negation. This is one reason all religions and societies try to control, contain, limit and re-direct it. Female sexuality is more self-centered than a maleās - male fantasies focus on giving satisfaction, not on receiving it. Men see themselves in their fantasies bringing the woman to orgasm, not themselves. Women see the man, set aflame by uncontrollable lust for them, bringing them to ecstasy. Men want to excite women. Women want men to excite them. At the end of the day, the accumulating evidence appears to reveal a paradoxical element at the core of female desire, a tension between two conflicting motives. On the one hand is the desire for stability, intimacy, and security ā picture the flame on the burner of a gas stove: controlled, utilitarian, domesticated, and good for making dinner. On the other hand is the need to feel totally, uncontrollably desired, the object of raw, primal lust ā a house on fire.
Women need the desire of a man who is himself desired. This contingency is responsible for much of the contradictory nature of female intention that befuddles inexperienced men. Yes, a woman loves the idea of the man so struck by lust that he loses control around her, and yet she knows that a manās lustful abandon means nothing if he surrenders himself to any willing provocation. His surrender means so much more when itās wrested after a string of battlefield victories, and his self-pride is at its zenith.
This is the impetus for the female attraction to men who walk the line between strong sexual intent and cavalier dismissiveness. To solicit a woman, then push her away, then coyly reconsider, repeated as necessary and with emphasis at each step added or removed according to its reception, until the passionate coda, is the formula for winning seductions.
A woman wants to be desired and taken, but she also wants to feel like she, alone among women, is capable of inflaming that desire, and what better proof of her power to arouse and capacity to awaken well-fed b**sts to the hunt than the b**stās initially cagey appraisal of her worth as prey?
Male desire is a conflagration. Female desire is tinder waiting for a match.
An intelligent submissive appreciates the beauty of the dance on the fringe. She is a strong, independent, talented, capable woman in her own right, yet she hungers for a Master/Dominant who can fuck her mind long before he touches her body. She needs a man who can respect her as an intellectual equal but effortlessly assume his role as Master/Dominant - the only man she would ever consider yielding to. For her, this need is utterly palpable. She can feel his hands through his words, his voice, and his instruction.
And herein is the salient insight. Intelligent, gifted submissives are the naughtiest, sluttiest, hungriest girls imaginable. They are capable of giving themselves completely up to the man they trust and respect, and going places they themselves do not yet know they are capable of going. They are insatiable once leashed (note the irony). And they hunger to experience whatever their man challenges them with and sate him with the gift of their bodies and their talents.
For the man who can appreciate my words - I promise you - the dance on the fringe can be a most inspiring journey of sensual delights with a smart, talented girl.
The organizing principle of female sexuality is the desire to be desired. Female desire, is activated when a woman feels overwhelmingly desired, not rationally considered. Female erotic literature, including all those shades of gray, is built on this fantasy. Sexual desire in this view does not work according to our expectations and social values. Desire seeks the path of desire, not the path of righteousness. It thrives not on social order but on its negation. This is one reason all religions and societies try to control, contain, limit and re-direct it. Female sexuality is more self-centered than a maleās - male fantasies focus on giving satisfaction, not on receiving it. Men see themselves in their fantasies bringing the woman to orgasm, not themselves. Women see the man, set aflame by uncontrollable lust for them, bringing them to ecstasy. Men want to excite women. Women want men to excite them. At the end of the day, the accumulating evidence appears to reveal a paradoxical element at the core of female desire, a tension between two conflicting motives. On the one hand is the desire for stability, intimacy, and security ā picture the flame on the burner of a gas stove: controlled, utilitarian, domesticated, and good for making dinner. On the other hand is the need to feel totally, uncontrollably desired, the object of raw, primal lust ā a house on fire.
Women need the desire of a man who is himself desired. This contingency is responsible for much of the contradictory nature of female intention that befuddles inexperienced men. Yes, a woman loves the idea of the man so struck by lust that he loses control around her, and yet she knows that a manās lustful abandon means nothing if he surrenders himself to any willing provocation. His surrender means so much more when itās wrested after a string of battlefield victories, and his self-pride is at its zenith.
This is the impetus for the female attraction to men who walk the line between strong sexual intent and cavalier dismissiveness. To solicit a woman, then push her away, then coyly reconsider, repeated as necessary and with emphasis at each step added or removed according to its reception, until the passionate coda, is the formula for winning seductions.
A woman wants to be desired and taken, but she also wants to feel like she, alone among women, is capable of inflaming that desire, and what better proof of her power to arouse and capacity to awaken well-fed b**sts to the hunt than the b**stās initially cagey appraisal of her worth as prey?
Male desire is a conflagration. Female desire is tinder waiting for a match.
9 years ago
And I said "well read" not "educated." There is no general "education" in American today. There is only socialist inculcation & indoctrination. I'll go waaaay back to one of those old dead white dudes - John Stuart Mill: "A general State education is a mere contrivance for molding people to be exactly like one another; and as the mold in which it casts them is that which pleases the dominant power in the government, whether this be a monarch, an aristocracy, or a majority of the existing generation; in proportion as it is efficient and successful, it establishes a despotism over the mind, leading by a natural tendency to one over the body."
And finish with another one - Mark Twain: "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."
They're out there - just gotta find 'em. I have. Good hunting my friend.