Almost 21 years and still a virgin

In 3 months from now I'll be turning 21! I live in Texas and the Rangers are having a home game on my birthday so I'm planning on going to Arlington for my birthday! I'm planning on taking 2 of my friends with me to have my first legal beer and I also plan on taking a girl! I'm hoping to get a hotel so we can stay the night! I was hoping to loose my virginity today but things didn't go as planned! The person I was planning on doing it with is moving after her graduation in 2 weeks and 2 days! Its hard to find someone who wouldn't mind doing it with me! I'm hoping to loose it before my birthday but if it doesn't go well and it happens to turn August 10th (My 21st Birthday) I'll be a virgin for 21 years but like I said I'm hoping to loose it before my birthday or I would love to loose it on my birthday! Anyway hope to loose it if you have any ideas of how I can get a woman to have sex with me let me know because there is one sexy lady who lives in Gainesville who I would love to loose it to! She has the best body I've ever seen! No I will not post pics because the last time I posted pics of a friend it got deleted!
Published by alaskaxxx
13 years ago
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MainePlayful 12 years ago
Dude, I dont wanna say anything buy prostitutes in this case might help a lot. They are not old nasty bitches, they are your ladies next door (believe me a lot of them have kids and husbands), and just enjoy sex for money. Ever though of hiring one? It's a lot of fun!