Jerks on xHamster

This is a list of users that act like jerks, or are mean. :( - 2025-03-14
(Another stupid dork loser that can't read.) - 2025-03-13
(Asked me to do something I didn't want to do, then blocked me when I refused.)
(Another idiot that can't read.)
(Blocked me for no reason because I didn't respond back to their messages soon enough.)
(I was chatting with this guy and all was cool, then suddenly with no known reason he blocked me. Good riddance!)
(Another idiot that can't read that blocked me for no reason..stupid privileged white whore!)
(I really hate adding this guys to this list because I thought he was very cool. We chatted quite a bit. He contacted me and I told him I was partially occupied with a real life friend playing a video game, but still answered his messages pretty often. I came back to answer him and he had blocked me because I took a little too long to respond. What a selfish and childish type of behavior. You ruined a good friend contact with your little temper tantrum..such a shame.You call yourself a Master but you need to grow up!)
(Another idiot that can't read.)
(Invited me to be friends, then blocked me for no reason. I guess he can't read well.)
(this guy claimed to be a Dominant, but being a jerk and an asshole doesn't make you a Dom it just makes you an asshole. Since he was already being an asshole I told him "Your profile name makes no sense for a Dom Black man."
DominateBlack sounds like you're a Black man that wants to be dominated by others.
DominantBlack would be more appropriate if you are the Dom looking to dominate others.
He got pissed off and blocked me. Good riddance dumb ass.)
(Invited me to be friends, then blocked me for no reason. I guess he can't read well.)
(Blocked me for no reason because I didn't respond back to their messages soon enough.)
(Here is another fake mofo that is using a big dick pic that has been floating around on the internet for decades. What a loser!)
(This dork sent me a friend invite, then blocked me for no reason. I guess the jerk couldn't read my profile description before he sent me a friend invite, then blocked me for his stupid mistake of adding someone he didn't want to)
(Another person that can't read. He invited me to be friends, then blocked me when he found out I am not a girl. What a loser.)
(This guy is a total jek. He sent me a message and wanted to chat. He talked dirty and sent fake pics that weren't even his. After he got his own little jollies he then blocked me for no reason.)
(This stupid girl can't read apparently. She friended me, contacted me, then asked if I was a boy or a girl. I pasted the text from my profile About Me section and the stupid bitch blocked me for no reason. Right back at you loser!)
(This guy seemed all nice and we were chatting fine. I told him right at the start that I was at work. Things got busy at work and I couldn't respond. I came back later to find he said I was ignoring him and he blocked me. I am glad he obviously has plenty of time to chat with no interruptions. What an immature person. Good riddance!)
(These people are literally like the worst kind of scum that exists on this earth. First of all, I was not interested in them but was at least nice enough to politely answer their messages to me. They are the ones that contacted me, not the other way around. They apparently try to hold people to standards which are infinitely far beyond what they are able to meet. I was completely polite, but was blocked for no reason at all, but I am actually glad. Karma is a bitch and I hope some comes their way.Total scumbags!)
(This guy sent me a friend invite. He obviously cannot read because he thought I was a girl. He then acted like everything was cool, but then blocked me like it was my fault. What a lame total wanker. He thought his dick was big too and sorry, but it wasn't. Good riddance!)
(I sent this guy a friend invite which he accepted. He sent me a private message and I took like 10 minutes before I was able to respond, but then realized he had removed the friend invite and blocked me. What a sad miserable person. )
(This guy was chatting with me and seemed nice enough, but was very insecure about his sexuality, then suddenly blocked me for no reason. Weirdo!)
(This guy contacted me and sent me pics. On his profile it said No Men. I told him I was a submissive boy and he said it was okay I could pay him enough and he would overlook it. I told him I don't need to pay anyone and I get plenty of interest. He then said come over let's fuck. I told him I didn't live near him, then he blocked me. WHAT AN ASSHOLE!)
(I was very nice to this person and always chat with him. I gave him my Kik and he contacted me. The first thing he asked for was cock pics. I did not want to share any cock pics so he got mad at me. He has NO PICS of himself at all on his xhamster profile, but wants something from everyone else)
(This person sent me a friend invite and I guess I took like 4 hours to accept, so they blocked me for no reason at all. Talk about being impatient and mean)
(I normally love Egyptian Men big time, but this guy was the exception. He invited me to be friends which I gladly accepted. He then acted like a complete jerk. He had almost no content. The one picture he had was password protected. I think he is just mad at the world because he has a tiny penis.)
(This person sent me a friend invite and I guess I took too long to accept, so they blocked me for no reason at all. Talk about being impatient and mean)
(This person sent me a friend invite and I guess I took too long to accept because I was out of town on business travel, so they blocked me for no reason at all. Talk about being impatient and mean.)
(This guy sent me a friend invite and I guess I took too long to accept because I am out of town on business travel, so he blocked me for no reason at all. Talk about being impatient and mean.)
(This guy sent me a personal message. I told him I would like to get to know each other and be friends to which he agreed. I told him the basic details about myself including my name. He would not tell me anything about himself and then started acting like a complete jerk, then blocked me for no reason at all. What an asshole.)
(This guy sent me a personal message and I was chatting with him. I told him I could not see his private profile. He then said he could not see my picture gallery which is bullshit because it's open to everyone. He sent me a friend invite witch I accepted. I tried to post a thank you note on his profile, but I was not allowed. I then tried to talk to him in the private message again, but it said I was not allowed. This total fucking asshole blocked me for no reason at all. Fuck you weirdo.)
(This guy sent me a friend invite and I guess I took too long to accept, so he blocked me for no reason at all. Talk about being impatient and mean.)
(This guy sent me a message and we were chatting, then he just stopped responding. I asked him why he stopped responding, but he would never answer. What a rude person. I blocked him.)
(This guy sent me a friend invite and I guess I took too long to accept, so he blocked me for no reason at all. Talk about being impatient and mean.)
(This guy sent me a friend invite and I guess I took too long to accept, so he blocked me for no reason at all. Talk about being impatient and mean.)
(this guy sent me a very naughty comment on my main profile page, but when I tried to reply it said I was not allowed. I then tried to comment directly on his profile and it said I was BLOCKED. What gives?)
(I was talking to this guy being very nice to him as I am to everyone. He was very slow to respond. Next thing I know I try to respond to him and I am blocked. What gives?)
(This guy sent me a friend invite and I guess I took too long to accept, so he blocked me for no reason at all. Talk about being impatient and mean.)
(This guy sent me a friend invite and I guess I took too long to accept, so he blocked me for no reason at all. Talk about being impatient and mean.)
(This guy sent me a friend invite and I guess I took too long to accept, so he blocked me for no reason at all. Talk about being impatient and mean.)
(This guy sent me a friend invite and I guess I took too long to accept, so he blocked me for no reason at all. Talk about being impatient and mean. I did not want to do it, but I removed the friend add and blocked him too. If this was an error please have another user let me know and I will unblock.)
(Sent this guy a very nice general message asking to be added as a friend. He blocked me for no reason at all. If he would have just said no I would not have bothered him again. What a jerk!)
Published by longcockluvr
9 years ago
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to Mando64 : i just have issues lol 
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sexybradgsa1963 1 month ago
There are lots of non genuine people on here. Some just don't think. Maybe it's because when their in a state of horniness they can't think. Other's simply don't read through profiles properly before sending a friend request.
simpsonss345 5 months ago
Like said, this site is full of ****’s who don’t even have basic human decency, a lot of ignorant people who can’t be bothered to read my posts, and, those who leave daft comments that aren’t related to the post in question. Plenty who argue and leave bad comments then block you straight after too, obviously they don’t like any come backs lol.
taureau40 1 year ago
Its fucking right,i dont understand ,its free ,and people acting like jerks
taureau40 1 year ago
taureau40 1 year ago
Skdsh 1 year ago
to OneFifty : Some people just love hurt the others. It's gives them satisfaction that you have any kind of troubles,  sothey trying to get you in trouble.
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longcockluvr Publisher 1 year ago
to OneFifty : Yep, haters gonna hate and there's not much we can do about it. It's jealous and angry types that do that shit. Hopefully they'll get bored and move on.
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someone flags just about every comment that I leave on videos that I've favorited, it's so weird like what's the point
Mando64 2 years ago
There’s too many fake people with issues on this site and scammers 
taureau40 2 years ago
I loved,what you wrote,its all true,they are too many jerks
Hirsuteboy 2 years ago
Add this jerk to list too man.  She blocked me right after I sent her some cute emojis too.
Hirsuteboy 2 years ago
Add that arrogant evil nasty obnoxious bitch Mommmylovescocks to that list too man.
Toti-frouti 3 years ago
Xhamster full of this shit ? 
PNWgirl 3 years ago
I think it's often a generational thing, younger guys, whose whole life is on social media, expect real time interactions.
mikey1329 3 years ago
There are sooo many of theses douche canoes on here!
FerringxLunabbi 3 years ago
I think the reason why there so many people like that on here because, they think that when ur busting a nutt you dont have to be a nice person just be an asshole or maybe because this specific quote from The Amazing World of Gumball, it had a quote in one of its episodes that Gumball saying "I love Elmore plus, its like real life but with none of the consequences". Those are my theories
darthsatanikus 4 years ago
there are ton fucking assholes on here
Tokumane 4 years ago
There is great variety of people, here...
vtscubaguy 5 years ago
I wont be mean, I promise.
There are lots of mean people here just like there are lots of mean people everywhere.  I dont understand why here so much since you can choose to look at whomever's profile appeals to you.  Ive had men call me faggot and sissy and all sorts of other stupid names which is kind of funny because they are hiding behind the keyboard, but what amazes me is why do they stay on my page if they dont have an interest in a biman?  
sissyhoze 6 years ago
I think we have to accept the fact that some people who are on xHamster aren't the most psychologically secure individuals. Goes with the territory. i love your stuff, though.
grannyg 7 years ago
I've had contacts with several of the people on your list and yeah, they're jerks.
Interesting list. Some could be scams though. I've run into a few myself, just ignore them and move on. There are plenty of us out here to chat with.
MPLSbiGUY 8 years ago
to longcockluvr : Thanks, baby!
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longcockluvr Publisher 8 years ago
to MPLSbiGUY : You are my friend. :smile:
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MPLSbiGUY 8 years ago
So weird! I'd be your friend anytime! lol - Dave
745muscleboy745 9 years ago
Sometimes you don't know wth is in people's minds -- and it's not worth spending 3 seconds worrying about it.
hehe,I know what you mean,some people are just plain weird.