For singles who want to get acquainted with couple
Instruction for a single man who wants to get acquainted with a married couple.
You're going to meet a swing couple. To begin, sit down, pour yourself a cup of coffee, a smoke if you wish, and ask yourself this important question: "Why do I need this?"
Try to answer this question honestly to yourself.
Some of the answers of newcomers are:
1. I have heard that in the swingers couples in bed men allow women to anything. I would like to have sex for free and safe. Without fear on the part of male aggression.
2. I heard that in a swing couple women are sexually dissatisfied with their men. Because I decided to "give a helping hand"
3. I do not want a serious relationship, and there's just sex, and that's what I need.
4. I just want sex! Without flowers and restaurants and other shit.
Another part of the singles try to characterize their aspiration:
5. Swing is interesting, but so far nothing is clear, and afraid to dedicate my wife into it. Here I come explore what and how.
6. I love companionship, not restricted to the limits of decency. Sociable, cheerful, hope to be able to any company - and with glass in hand, and at the club and in the gallery, and in the bed.
7. I love group sex, and I do not have a woman who shares this passion for me.
The rest of the singles give any other answers like: "I do not know.", "Why, is not it a dance school?", "Is not this a ski club?"
So, on the basis of the responses:
If you are in the first group
Go to Wikipedia and type in "swing". There everything is clearly written. Read it.
Keep in mind that you did not come back. You go to a brothel. because:
1. Swing is the participation of a couple. Single men are invited to get acquainted only as an exception, when a couple wants to, not a loner. The husband will not stand by and watch you have sex with his wife. This applies not only sex but also friendships, too.
2. Families in which a man can not satisfy a woman will never go on a swing because of the real danger to their relationship. So do not worry, if a couple is practicing a swing A woman gets everything she needs in sex. And you as a replacement for her husband she does not need.
3. Just type in google "sex for money"
However, there is a more difficult way - perhaps you will go through face-control in a gangbang party, where couples come periodically, do not want anything from men, only sex.
There are couples who enjoy such entertainment. But keep in mind, even there, If women do not interest you, not one of the women will not be obliged to be engaged in sex with you. And you just lose time…
4. On any dating site for one woman from a swing couple, there are a lot of men who want to meet. Even with dubious beauty these women have a lot of male attention. The amount of time and effort will be very significant. This is much more difficult than meeting and communicating with a single woman. you do not belong here, you're wrong door.
If you come in the third group It's not for you, here people clearly know what they want. Understand yourself first then come back and go talk.
If you selected items From 5 to 7 Welcome (but with one reservation).
5. Bear in mind the status of "scout" works only when it is true. Once the couple understand that you did not plan to bring your wife to your plans (As they understand it well before the expected bed) you will be sent to hell just because they do not want to mess with a liar, that they can not trust.
6. At first glance it may seem that the answer is something similar to the version 4, but in fact the difference is huge! The difference is at least in the level of intelligence of the one who voices these options. And also the willingness of a single person to go with couples not only to physical contact, but also to psychological. So in this case, if you are seriously interested in getting acquainted with a couple, read on.
7. As the 6th answer is similar to the 4th, and this response is similar to the 5th And also radically different from him: honesty! Honesty is much appreciated. But be honest to the end and if you need from a couple just sex, do not waste your time and those who need something more. However, couples who need a third exclusively as a live fack-machine, on swingers sites, too, enough, so that the chances of success you have are large enough, just read the profile carefully.
Acquaintance with a couple
The most important part - it's your profile. Is 90% most of the impression of you. It depends on your profile, if you get a response to your message or not.
It is necessary! A single man without a photo receives the label " jagoff" This profile has no desire open and immediately sent to the trash.
If you are afraid for your anonymity, take a photo from your back or edit your facial features.
Create two albums, one by altering the photo and make it your profile picture, and the rest, without retouching - to a private album. It will be seen by those to whom you want to show it.
We recommend making 4 photos. One is where your face is close up. The second is where you can evaluate your figure. No need to sniff, 90% of women looking at male figure.
This is a very significant factor, because you need to get her attention? Photos from the beach in a bathing suit is fine. The remaining two - at your discretion. BUT:
- Strictly! should not post photos of your penis close-up - it will look foolish, not heroism.
You're not going to surprise anyone with genital organs. But to make an impression "stupid jagoff" you can get quite.
- The ladies are interested in the man himself. What kind of interior is around you is just an illustration of your mental development. And if you think that "rich" means very attractive, then you are mistaken. If you think that the photo is in an embrace with the beauties - it's cool, then you're wrong again: the first reaction to such a photo is "here with them fuck," it is, as a rule, the last one.
2. II Text part of your profile
Do not be too lazy to fill. It is enough in detail. About yourself, about who you are looking for, and about what you are waiting for. BUT:
1. Do not load the heap profile))))))))))))))))))))))), smilies, exclamation marks. This is not perceived as positive.
2. Do not let everyone know that you're just a fountain of sex for ladies. No need to write that the sex you are macho, superhero, not knowing weariness, master cunnilingus, blow job, etc.! It is not necessary to describe in detail your penis - it is also a sign of concern and moveton. Specify the size, it may be important, and indicates the actual size, whatever it was.
3. It is not necessary to describe themselves beautiful and flattering words and write that you are very sexy, inflated and in every way to praise himself. Modestly write the parameters: height, weight and body type. No more!
4. It is not necessary to notify the whole world about your desire for sex. Everybody understands so perfectly that you came here not to study the poetry of Byzantium. Profiles with the phrase "I want", "WANT WANT !!!" "I want a lot of sex", and similar right pigeonhole "concern" and a questionnaire sent to the blacklist.
5. Do not ignore the question of marital status. Indicate you are married or not. The line "I'm married, but my wife does not care about swinging" will save a lot of time, and for you too.
6. Many, if not most swingers, need not just a lover, but a kind of family friend. Ready for this, more serious than just a swing, relationship, not enough to indicate the words "Looking for friendship and sex." Since you are going to be friends, try to make it easier for the couple to find with you also common interests other than sex. Sign for more their hobbies, interests, perhaps even professional features,
3. Chat with a couple
1. The main rule of the swing: "Anyone has the right to say NO." But to look for the answer why "no", and even more so arrange a scene showing your grievances - it's not accepted. On the answer "no" (and you will often receive such an answer), your reaction should be like this: "I'm sorry, sorry for disturbing." So do all the swingers and all the normal and experienced swingers do not take offense at refusals and do not ask unnecessary questions. Even very beautiful couples get rejected for intimacy. And this is normal, because everyone has different tastes.
2. Carefully read the profile of those you are going to write to. If the profile says that the couple do not want to get acquainted with single men, do not check whether it is so or not. Only rush on the negative reaction
3. Be prepared to show himself as a person starting from the very first letter. It is better to ask a question about a topic that is affected, but not sufficiently disclosed in their profile - Show the couple that at least read their profile, and do not spam everyone the same thing;
4. In the future chat, if you were asked about something, do not give monosyllabic answers, give detailed answers
5. If the couple shows that they are willing to look at you in real life - offer a variant (or better - a few), where and when. If a couple is interested in something from your hobbies and here is just scheduled for some kind of event on this topic - invite them, this is an excellent occasion for the meeting! Just do not take rejection as a refusal to continue dating: after all, the couple have exactly twice as many reasons why they may not be able to get out to a meeting than a single woman.
And the rest - the usual normal human courtesy. Elegant courtship for a lady, unobtrusive friendliness towards a man.
1. When you are going to a preliminary meeting, do not forget that you are going on a date. Look and behave accordingly.
2. When communicating with a couple in a cafe the initiative must come from you. You need to impress a woman, with just her husband, then just do not annoy enough - here is your task so do not be silent, talk.
3. Ladies love with their ears, so watch your tongue. In addition, remember the compliments never too much.
4. Do not delay the preliminary meeting
5. After an initial meeting does not force events, and does not bother the couple. If you liked it, then soon or after a while you'll know about it.
6. When they let you know that the couple is ready for a thematic meeting, be a man and organize the meeting. But with all the wishes of the couple. This does not mean that you need to take on all the financing. As a rule, couples prefer to pay their share of the costs themselves
7. You took an initiative for a long time: in acquaintance, and in communication, and in the preparation of a meeting. And it is right. But directly at the thematic meeting, the initiative is first handed over to the couple Wait for the moment when it becomes clear that the lady does not mind moving from words to deeds. Look for an excuse to touch the lady. Dance, massage and other simple methods, As a rule, speed up the process, but, naturally, do not guarantee it. "No means no".
8. Show the couple that you are here not only for yourself, but for their pleasure too. If they do not smoke - abstain from cigarettes and you. Do not drink a lot of alcohol, But (better way) do not drink alcohol. And please turn off your mobile for these 2-3 hours.
9. Remember that the meeting does not end at the time that when you cum. But only after the click of the door lock so try to the last step in an open elevator to behave so that behind you there was a sigh of regret and not of joyful relief. Even if the couple eventually you do not really like If circumstances do not allow you to meet again never again, bear in mind: the recommendation given to you by this couple to other couples - extremely important, and in the case of negativity, it is often a decisive factor in how readily these other couples will go with you to the contact.
You're going to meet a swing couple. To begin, sit down, pour yourself a cup of coffee, a smoke if you wish, and ask yourself this important question: "Why do I need this?"
Try to answer this question honestly to yourself.
Some of the answers of newcomers are:
1. I have heard that in the swingers couples in bed men allow women to anything. I would like to have sex for free and safe. Without fear on the part of male aggression.
2. I heard that in a swing couple women are sexually dissatisfied with their men. Because I decided to "give a helping hand"
3. I do not want a serious relationship, and there's just sex, and that's what I need.
4. I just want sex! Without flowers and restaurants and other shit.
Another part of the singles try to characterize their aspiration:
5. Swing is interesting, but so far nothing is clear, and afraid to dedicate my wife into it. Here I come explore what and how.
6. I love companionship, not restricted to the limits of decency. Sociable, cheerful, hope to be able to any company - and with glass in hand, and at the club and in the gallery, and in the bed.
7. I love group sex, and I do not have a woman who shares this passion for me.
The rest of the singles give any other answers like: "I do not know.", "Why, is not it a dance school?", "Is not this a ski club?"
So, on the basis of the responses:
If you are in the first group
Go to Wikipedia and type in "swing". There everything is clearly written. Read it.
Keep in mind that you did not come back. You go to a brothel. because:
1. Swing is the participation of a couple. Single men are invited to get acquainted only as an exception, when a couple wants to, not a loner. The husband will not stand by and watch you have sex with his wife. This applies not only sex but also friendships, too.
2. Families in which a man can not satisfy a woman will never go on a swing because of the real danger to their relationship. So do not worry, if a couple is practicing a swing A woman gets everything she needs in sex. And you as a replacement for her husband she does not need.
3. Just type in google "sex for money"
However, there is a more difficult way - perhaps you will go through face-control in a gangbang party, where couples come periodically, do not want anything from men, only sex.
There are couples who enjoy such entertainment. But keep in mind, even there, If women do not interest you, not one of the women will not be obliged to be engaged in sex with you. And you just lose time…
4. On any dating site for one woman from a swing couple, there are a lot of men who want to meet. Even with dubious beauty these women have a lot of male attention. The amount of time and effort will be very significant. This is much more difficult than meeting and communicating with a single woman. you do not belong here, you're wrong door.
If you come in the third group It's not for you, here people clearly know what they want. Understand yourself first then come back and go talk.
If you selected items From 5 to 7 Welcome (but with one reservation).
5. Bear in mind the status of "scout" works only when it is true. Once the couple understand that you did not plan to bring your wife to your plans (As they understand it well before the expected bed) you will be sent to hell just because they do not want to mess with a liar, that they can not trust.
6. At first glance it may seem that the answer is something similar to the version 4, but in fact the difference is huge! The difference is at least in the level of intelligence of the one who voices these options. And also the willingness of a single person to go with couples not only to physical contact, but also to psychological. So in this case, if you are seriously interested in getting acquainted with a couple, read on.
7. As the 6th answer is similar to the 4th, and this response is similar to the 5th And also radically different from him: honesty! Honesty is much appreciated. But be honest to the end and if you need from a couple just sex, do not waste your time and those who need something more. However, couples who need a third exclusively as a live fack-machine, on swingers sites, too, enough, so that the chances of success you have are large enough, just read the profile carefully.
Acquaintance with a couple
The most important part - it's your profile. Is 90% most of the impression of you. It depends on your profile, if you get a response to your message or not.
It is necessary! A single man without a photo receives the label " jagoff" This profile has no desire open and immediately sent to the trash.
If you are afraid for your anonymity, take a photo from your back or edit your facial features.
Create two albums, one by altering the photo and make it your profile picture, and the rest, without retouching - to a private album. It will be seen by those to whom you want to show it.
We recommend making 4 photos. One is where your face is close up. The second is where you can evaluate your figure. No need to sniff, 90% of women looking at male figure.
This is a very significant factor, because you need to get her attention? Photos from the beach in a bathing suit is fine. The remaining two - at your discretion. BUT:
- Strictly! should not post photos of your penis close-up - it will look foolish, not heroism.
You're not going to surprise anyone with genital organs. But to make an impression "stupid jagoff" you can get quite.
- The ladies are interested in the man himself. What kind of interior is around you is just an illustration of your mental development. And if you think that "rich" means very attractive, then you are mistaken. If you think that the photo is in an embrace with the beauties - it's cool, then you're wrong again: the first reaction to such a photo is "here with them fuck," it is, as a rule, the last one.
2. II Text part of your profile
Do not be too lazy to fill. It is enough in detail. About yourself, about who you are looking for, and about what you are waiting for. BUT:
1. Do not load the heap profile))))))))))))))))))))))), smilies, exclamation marks. This is not perceived as positive.
2. Do not let everyone know that you're just a fountain of sex for ladies. No need to write that the sex you are macho, superhero, not knowing weariness, master cunnilingus, blow job, etc.! It is not necessary to describe in detail your penis - it is also a sign of concern and moveton. Specify the size, it may be important, and indicates the actual size, whatever it was.
3. It is not necessary to describe themselves beautiful and flattering words and write that you are very sexy, inflated and in every way to praise himself. Modestly write the parameters: height, weight and body type. No more!
4. It is not necessary to notify the whole world about your desire for sex. Everybody understands so perfectly that you came here not to study the poetry of Byzantium. Profiles with the phrase "I want", "WANT WANT !!!" "I want a lot of sex", and similar right pigeonhole "concern" and a questionnaire sent to the blacklist.
5. Do not ignore the question of marital status. Indicate you are married or not. The line "I'm married, but my wife does not care about swinging" will save a lot of time, and for you too.
6. Many, if not most swingers, need not just a lover, but a kind of family friend. Ready for this, more serious than just a swing, relationship, not enough to indicate the words "Looking for friendship and sex." Since you are going to be friends, try to make it easier for the couple to find with you also common interests other than sex. Sign for more their hobbies, interests, perhaps even professional features,
3. Chat with a couple
1. The main rule of the swing: "Anyone has the right to say NO." But to look for the answer why "no", and even more so arrange a scene showing your grievances - it's not accepted. On the answer "no" (and you will often receive such an answer), your reaction should be like this: "I'm sorry, sorry for disturbing." So do all the swingers and all the normal and experienced swingers do not take offense at refusals and do not ask unnecessary questions. Even very beautiful couples get rejected for intimacy. And this is normal, because everyone has different tastes.
2. Carefully read the profile of those you are going to write to. If the profile says that the couple do not want to get acquainted with single men, do not check whether it is so or not. Only rush on the negative reaction
3. Be prepared to show himself as a person starting from the very first letter. It is better to ask a question about a topic that is affected, but not sufficiently disclosed in their profile - Show the couple that at least read their profile, and do not spam everyone the same thing;
4. In the future chat, if you were asked about something, do not give monosyllabic answers, give detailed answers
5. If the couple shows that they are willing to look at you in real life - offer a variant (or better - a few), where and when. If a couple is interested in something from your hobbies and here is just scheduled for some kind of event on this topic - invite them, this is an excellent occasion for the meeting! Just do not take rejection as a refusal to continue dating: after all, the couple have exactly twice as many reasons why they may not be able to get out to a meeting than a single woman.
And the rest - the usual normal human courtesy. Elegant courtship for a lady, unobtrusive friendliness towards a man.
1. When you are going to a preliminary meeting, do not forget that you are going on a date. Look and behave accordingly.
2. When communicating with a couple in a cafe the initiative must come from you. You need to impress a woman, with just her husband, then just do not annoy enough - here is your task so do not be silent, talk.
3. Ladies love with their ears, so watch your tongue. In addition, remember the compliments never too much.
4. Do not delay the preliminary meeting
5. After an initial meeting does not force events, and does not bother the couple. If you liked it, then soon or after a while you'll know about it.
6. When they let you know that the couple is ready for a thematic meeting, be a man and organize the meeting. But with all the wishes of the couple. This does not mean that you need to take on all the financing. As a rule, couples prefer to pay their share of the costs themselves
7. You took an initiative for a long time: in acquaintance, and in communication, and in the preparation of a meeting. And it is right. But directly at the thematic meeting, the initiative is first handed over to the couple Wait for the moment when it becomes clear that the lady does not mind moving from words to deeds. Look for an excuse to touch the lady. Dance, massage and other simple methods, As a rule, speed up the process, but, naturally, do not guarantee it. "No means no".
8. Show the couple that you are here not only for yourself, but for their pleasure too. If they do not smoke - abstain from cigarettes and you. Do not drink a lot of alcohol, But (better way) do not drink alcohol. And please turn off your mobile for these 2-3 hours.
9. Remember that the meeting does not end at the time that when you cum. But only after the click of the door lock so try to the last step in an open elevator to behave so that behind you there was a sigh of regret and not of joyful relief. Even if the couple eventually you do not really like If circumstances do not allow you to meet again never again, bear in mind: the recommendation given to you by this couple to other couples - extremely important, and in the case of negativity, it is often a decisive factor in how readily these other couples will go with you to the contact.
9 years ago