I play all sorts of games Kingdom Hearts, God Of War, Dragon Ball Xenoverse, Halo, you name it. I have a Youtube but it's pretty baron besides one vid and a whole bunch of likes and favs XD
I like to play older games if I do play any video games. I tend to play games up to the 6th Generation with some exceptions but they don't come often. I mostly play 16-bit games, and few 8-bit ones along with their handhelds. Not in to the newer stuff as gaming has became something completely different to me nor I have any strong interest in the newer handheld consoles as well for the most part.
Just got my Xbox One a few weeks ago, so playing that a bit more. I have Dying Light, Dragon Age Inquisition, Halo Master Chief Collection, Assassin's Creed 4, Metro. I also have Monster Hunter 3U and 4U, Wii U, and on PC: Skyrim, Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I do have a youtube, but I have not uploaded in forever. I do want to start doing Let's Plays one day
to marcox99 :Classic Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and Fatal Frame are some of my all time favorites. Like Fighters, but I'm not all that good at them.
to cathlea :I have TERA installed actually but I havent been playing league recently because theres been a huge amount of bad players on, giving it a break. Btw good to see u around still cathlea
I used to play a lot of mmorpgs, now i play only Guild Wars 2 (Piken Square)
Huge gaming nerd since like the Nintendo. Although my family had, and now I have again, an Atari 2600. I play all kinds of genres, but most often find myself drawn to the Adventure and RPG games.
Monster hunter 4 ultimate and super smash bros wiiu is all i play now lol, I pretty much played everything that's not FPS only ones i played were all the borderlands im a huge RPG geek love Fire Emblem any any RPG that's technical/tactical