To :HD 6363

I don't know if you remember me but i was once your cam slave. Since then I've become more experienced and I've started to suck pussy. It is totally delish. Firstly I'd bring you down to a mineral bath on my island Jamaica in the early morning. Bring you into the cool waters that are said to have healing properties.Sit close to where the water is seeping through the rocks then press your ass against my hardened cock. Move my hands slowly from your hips downwards gliding my fingertips along the curvature of your body. Take some of the water into my hands and drip it down your bosoms.After getting your breasts drenched.I'd move from behind then dive into the water to gnaw at your panties slowly sucking at the clit until i can feel it on my tongue.Next Step is to rip the panties from your thighs. Let you get comfortable in the water and place you on a stone, elevate your legs then spread them as wide as the pacific.
Kissing from your ankles leaving hickeys along the way until I'm at the jaws of your honey hole. Take my cock into hand and strike it on both sides of your pussy. Use my tongue to outline a trail around your luscious vagina. Once I'm satisfied I've cleared the perimeter, kiss your hole and blow gently on your clit. Insert a finger to test for wetness then dive face first down into your crotch sucking your hole ravenously like an untrained dog. Stiffen my grip on your legs and push my tongue as far up into you as possible getting all your juices to rejuvenate my skin as you cum to the sunrise .
Published by Finaltouch
9 years ago
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Finaltouch Publisher 9 years ago
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