Message 43
I do have a suggestion about something different for you to try one day if you want to, and that requires you to wear a knee length or longer skirt and a nylon-half slip (if you have got that) and satin panties. A man take a chainsaw then, starts it up and starts (from behind) cutting the skirt open (in the middle between your legs) from the hem of your skirt and up to your panties or ass and (if you dare) letting the saw cutting the satin panties too (or the skirt only) in the middle between your asscheeks. But tell the man to be very careful with the saw so you do not get hurt . Does this sounds like something interesting you would like to try? i would suggest you wear a jeans-skirt or a satin skirt or a silky skirt or a leather-skirt, a dress is ok too to wear. It can be done but the man have to very steady and very careful ofcourse and you must keep your legs spread and keeping them absolute still. BUT REMEBER THIS IS JUST AN SUGGESTION , OK?
9 years ago