What can lesbians do for you? pt. I

*Let's try this over again.*

Of the four people that will read ths they, most won't really understand what it is I'm trying to say.(Which is why I stopped these in the first place.) Anyway...

IDK if it's all the uploads I had or all the ranting done on my page(or the easy troll bait) but I'm growing weary of not only being the defacto lesbian on this site and having everyone and the mother tell me their life stories, but all the people spewing their stupid opinions at me like it's fact. In this particular case, about girl/girl porn or trying to single out everything they said, because someone else is different.
There's a few common, blatant misconceptions that lead people to conjure up these weird as lesbian fetishes and to think they have a thing for "lesbians". It's insulting, jarring, and you in fact do you. And I'll prove that just like everyone else, you don't really care about "lesbians" at all. Or you don't like "lesbo" sex or whatever else you want to call it. (And just for the record...why do people so wantonly use the term lesbo or dyke? It's just as offensive as mick, nigger, chink, spic, wop, fag, kyke, tranny, etc.) You just enjoy watching two girls pretend to have sex. Nothing more, nothing less.

First of all only about 5% of women admit to having same sex intercourse:

The Kinsey Institute Bibliography: Prevalence of Homosexuality
In an analysis of national survey results from 2006-2008, The percentage reporting their sexual identity as homosexual ranged from 2% to 4% of males, and about 1% to 2% of females. The percentage reporting their sexual identity as bisexual is between 1% and 3% of males, and 2% to 5% of females. (Chandra, Mosher, Copen, and Sionean 2011)
About 4%–6% of males ever had same-sex contact. For females, the percentage who have ever had same-sex contact ranges from about 4% ... to 11%–12%. (Chandra, Mosher, Copen, and Sionean 2011)
While about 7% of adult women and 8% of men identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual, the proportion of individuals in the U.S. who have had same-gender sexual interactions at some point in their lives is higher. (NSSHB, 2010)
In a national survey, 90% of men aged 18-44 considered themselves to be heterosexual, 2.3% as homosexual, 1.8% as bisexual, and 3.9% as 'something else' (Mosher, Chandra, & Jones, 2005).
Among women aged 18-44 in the same survey, 90% said they were heterosexual, 1.3% homosexual, 2.8% bisexual, and 3.8% as 'something else' (Mosher, Chandra, & Jones, 2005).
The incidence rate of homosexual desire for men is 7.7% and 7.5% for women (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).
6.2% of men and 4.4% of women are attracted to people of the same sex (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, Michaels, 1994).
4% of men and 2% of women consider themselves homosexual while 5% of men and 3% of women consider themselves bisexual (Janus & Janus, 1993).
88.2% of adolescent youths as a Minnesota junior/senior high school described himself or herself as heterosexual, while 1.1% described himself or herself as bisexual or homosexual, and 10.7% were not sure of their sexual orientation (Remafedi, 1992).
Kinsey Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale - also known as "the Kinsey scale"


Yet pretty much every female porn star happens to do g/g scenes. See how the numbers do not correlate? Lesbians don't just grow on trees like crap apples. (Which begs the question, why is there so many "lesbian" profiles on this site...cough*fakes*cough.)Women don't just get drunk or have a cup of coffee with another attractive woman and turn gay...it's not like that. 90% of women are 100% straight and have no physical or sexual interest in other women. The average woman is disgusted by the thought of being with a woman sexually or otherwise. So remember that when you see the same actresses out there who just finished a bukkake do a scene with a woman. It's just.a.job. Nothing more.

Most of the women doing scenes can't stand women and would likely rather be doing any of the myriad of b/g stuff, but when there's more actresses than scenes available...whatever pays. Or perhaps they have boyfriends that won't "allow" them to do b/g, scenes, or they just consider g/g scenes less straining work. But in most cases, it's NOT due out of sexual preference. Like ever. Imagine if all the men who did b/g were gay or something. How jarring would that be to the male audience? Most of these women have no idea how to touch another woman, don't want to,(let alone taste them) and then they're forced to use "toys" in the equation...so..

And crap like this is called lesbian porn....WTF?!

Female porn stars don't do g/g porn because they like women or anything(sure a few have had ACTUAL relationships with women...but 99.9% of them are straight as an arrow and only entertain men in their personal life...even most of the women who only do g/g.) It's work. That's like assuming all those women like anal or facials, or gangbangs IRL because it's featured in their scenes.(which most dudes do anyway, but I digress) Wake up people. They're better actors than people give them credit for.


Brad Pitt doesn't really run a Fight Club, Jennifer Lawrence isn't really starting a revolution with poor people and those women don't really like other women. But of course, men think it's hot to see two women have sex, so naturally women just have to randomly be gay all over the place. (but ONLY when it's convenient for their sexual fantasies) Sorry to burst that bubble(ok, I'm not) but it's just a stupid fantasy.


Next order of business...the perception of what "real lesbians" scenes are. I imagine there's no one "true" way heterosexual people have sex. Like all straight people just do it the same way. That applies to lesbians, you ignorant sheep. I would get so many stupid comments on videos from people talking about how hot it was to watch to lesbians do it "they way they're supposed to" or some other passive-aggressive, off-hard comment. "Oh, they all use toys, or strap-on, or dildos or whatever", or "they wall really want a cock" or some crap. No, that's what porn that's made for YOU tells us. That's what YOU want to see, and since "lesbian" porn is shot BY men for MEN 90% of the time, it's reflects what you people want to see, not an accurate depiction.

Oh wow, look at this natural, amateur women they at least must be ga-NO, THEY'RE STRAIGHT, TOO!

Why is there so many "reverse gang-bang ,squirt, dildo, stap-on, fisting" videos? I wonder what audience is supporting them. Basically you want to see a b/g scene, but with two women, hence one of them has to be treated as inferior to the other...or hurt or whatever. That's why so many of these scenes are made too rough to the point any possibility of actual enjoyment is gone. It's turned into the same degrading stuff with the men. I wonder why...


I'm not going to go into what "real" lesbian sex is, because it's subjective and it's not even worth a response.(and I'm not interested in discussing it.) The point is, I'm tired of seeing people refer to straight people filming porn with two women for straight people and calling it lesbian sex. There's dildos, anal beads, fisting, giant toys, women sucking strap-ons, or a woman being the "man" of the scene because that's what they want you to see. And that's the only reason. Stop calling it something it's not.

This may come as a massive system shock, but not every woman needs to see a phallus depicted to get off. Some women actually only need *gasp* THE OTHER WOMAN, and that's enough. Dildo and the lot are primarily used for who? Women with an affinity for men. It makes no sense for it to be used in scene where the lesbians are actually intended to be gay. Bi? Yeah, whatever. But not in EVERY single scene where the women are "played" as lesbians. I'm sure gay dudes aren't constantly using fleshlights in their videos or whatever. Hooray double standards.

"Here on display are the lauded "Porn Lesbians" in their natural habitat. (I.e, a cheap porn studio apartment.) Notice their bad acting and penchant for phallic utensils? See the voracity in which she strokes the strap-on as if it were a actual penis? Such instincts. A most ferocious creature, indeed."

And of course, the over-sexualizing and minimizing of lesbians to nothing but sex objects that can get you off. Time and time again I get the "lesbians are so hot", "I love jerking to lesbians" "wow, those kooky lesbians sure know how to fuck!" "them lesbo dykes sure are mighty entertaining!" "I can't get enough of dykes humping and scissoring, LOL!" Now, it's a free site. and I'll say this right now:

But when men feel the need to come to MY profile and mention every little thing it's going to inspire a reply in turn.

Seriously, imagine a gay dude sending you a message about how "those straight people sure know how to have sex!" or "I love to watch straight people thrust for hours!" It's insulting, ignorant and stupid. Like lesbians are paraded around like a****ls at a zoo as nothing but sex fiends. And not to mention it's just gross and offensive. IDC what gets you off. It's bad enough all the girl/girl porn is made for you people, I DON'T want to hear about what you do with it. Damn sense of entitlement.

"I don't like girls at all, but I sure hope the dudes watching are getting off on me exploiting them...cause it's two girls..and stuff..."

For the 1,200th time I DON'T want to hear about how some mans sees two women as nothing but sex objects to get him hard and how the same douchebag thinks I care. Jesus christ. How coincided and clueless can people be...At the end of the day, it goes back to what I said earlier. You're NOT watching lesbians. You're watching straight women. In the GGF films, the SHV ones, the euro girls, AW, they're ALL straight.(pretty much) So for the LOVE of god, STOP calling them lesbians. These are the same people who've never met a lesbian in their entire life, don't care , but claim to be experts on them or something.

I love how people can only care about an entire orientation of people to the point of how much they can arouse them. It's unhealthy and all it does it further distance from actual reality and the perception of what straight people think of gays. Let alone sexually. I don't see any straight women go around worshiping fake gay men...It literally baffles me. For all you people talking about admiring lesbians, or how cool they are or "lesbian" love or what the fuck ever. Jump of a bridge. Please. Good day.

Published by Thelambofdeth
9 years ago
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George178 8 years ago
I know I'm sticking my neck out there and risking getting my head knocked off, but I'm gonna put my two cents in, anyway. I don't disagree with anything you said. I'm a hetero male and I've been enjoying porn for a long time, both hetero and lesbian. I sometimes even am fascinated with tranny porn (is that word obnoxious? I don't mean it to be). I'm not here for any lascivious reason. I'm too old to really care about "getting off;" I'm just here to see what all I've missed in my life, and honestly I've missed a lot.

I've heard say that porn is an addiction. I can't disagree with that. Aside from porn I'm addicted to caffeine and nicotine, and I wouldn't recommend any of them, especially nicotine. That stuff will kill you! Plays hell with your libido, too. I'm really fond of strawberries and dark chocolate, too. But that's beside the point. Your point is that there is a very big difference between lesbian porn made for a male audience and that which is aimed at a strictly lesbian one. I've noticed that.

Real lesbian porn is loving and caring and tender. Toys may or may not be included but they're not needed. I've watched scenes of two ladies just kissing. Period. Nothing else. And those scenes are some of the most erotic that I've ever seen. I've seen scenes with a bit of S&M, too and I've wondered if those scenes might appeal to a lesbian. I'm not big into that in hetero videos, but with two girls it seems erotic. Maybe that's the male in me that is reacting. I have no idea. I'd welcome any feedback on it.

I've read other ladies lament the exact same thing you talked about. There really is very little real honest-to-God lesbian material out there, and that's a damned shame, too, because it is some of the very best. Men get into more ...aggressive kinds of porn. We cum in a different way than women do. We're "one trick ponies" as it were, but you can reach higher and higher plateaus. The only time I've ever achieved anything like that was one time a long, long time ago when I was on a very illicit drug, and I wouldn't recommend that, either. I do envy you your ability to cum that way, though.

There are a couple profiles on xHamster that have what I think you're talking about. Yours seems to be one of them. It's a pity there aren't more.
starfly 9 years ago
I've read this and while I could question some of what you say, I would have to admit that I would only be doing so to play devils advocate...
.I think one of the issues I have is the name or term..."Lesbian" ...hate the word...like "swinger" hate that as well....the titles that the hetero vanilla world place upon us are designed to be patronising smug and veiled insults aimed at shaming us into reverting back to become the straight laced moral repressed that they are too scared NOT to be ...she
thevillian77 9 years ago
As a guy i actually took the time to read this. It's a good post indeed.
peachstdreamer 9 years ago
This was well-stated.
Chessmistress 9 years ago
Sister, what you say about dildoes on movies, it's absolutely true. But be careful in supporting antipornography, because, as far as I know, they wish to bann EVERY kind of pornography, even the one I like: just only oral (particulraly: without piercing and shaved) with a lot of foreplay and some plot.
Sjm045 9 years ago
to Thelambofdeth : I agree with a lot of what you're saying, a bugbear of mine being woman ( I include friends of mine) who say they are Bi cause they have a drunkin kiss in a bar, but the purpose of that kiss is to get the attention of the men in the bar.
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trou113349 9 years ago
Now all you need to do is get more men to take there heads out of their asses and really read this start to finish...You Ladies have A good night now :wink:
Thelambofdeth Publisher 9 years ago
Yeah, gender bias is no surprise and it's only worse once sexual orientation is thrown into the mix. My issue is as always with perception...as well how how people claim titles or operate contrary to what they claim. And this is just my opinion, but TBH I'm not a huge investor in the "sexuality is fluid" motif. It comes off(mostly, anyway) as an excuse to allow bi women to "play" with women before they go and marry their man. "Fluid" or not the outcome is always the same with them. You never see a bi woman with a strong ROMANTIC(not sexual) preference for women. You pretty much never see a bi woman marry or start a family with a woman in lieu of a man. Like never. Odds simply couldn't work out that way if these women happened to be attracted to both sexes equally or whatever. It most cases it seems sex is the only attraction for them.

It leads me to believe sexuality is a more static than some want to admit. But people want to have their cake and eat it, as well. I do believe there are people who've has their sexuality repressed via society, peers, parents, etc but it's not the same as pretending you like women to impress men or to seem progressive. Yet when the chips are down and it's time to commit to the more difficult path, it's always a man in the end. But again, just my observation.

Of course the whole "gay men are just gay" while lesbians are just "going through a phase" or will grow out it is another maddening issue entirely.
Sjm045 9 years ago
Good post, I enjoyed reading it. It's funny how life is the opposite of porn, if a womam has sex with another woman in real life, she "confused" or "experimenting"' but if a previously straight guy has sex with another guy, he's now100% gay. I believe that there are butterflies in life, they will flutter from one relationship to the other, no matter what the gender, there are those you are 100% sure what they are and what they want in a sexual relationship, but there are those that felt they had to confom to what was expected of them... It wasn't till they were older and more confident that they could say "No", this isn't me. Keep up the good work x.
Thelambofdeth Publisher 9 years ago
to isildur101 : Thank you. Gala is literally the only model from AW that's left any ambiguity toward her sexuality that I know of. And like you said, since their intended audience is male I imagine he stating that would just be "too offensive". I don't think people comprehend how maddening it is to have all of your porn made for someone else.

As I said, it's simply my opinion and I only speak for myself. I'm in no position to tell someone how gay they are nor is it my business what anyone does in their personal life. My issue is perception. It irks me in which the manner, how common, and the reliance in which the strap-ons are used in porn. The user has to be the "man" of the scene and she starts forcing the other to suck it, or she jerks it, or she's moaning like it's real...emitting some "penis envy" cliché. Or it has to be used as the climax of the scene because a woman just CAN'T be truly satisfied without a phallic apparatus. If not that then a dildo or whatever. I just hate how often sex toys have to be used in g/g films...I just hate the message it sends.
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isildur101 9 years ago
Great article :smile: It's so hard to find scenes that actually appeal to me, as a gay woman, precisely because everything seems to be geared towards men. Even the amateur AW stuff - if you do find a girl who might be gay (Gala, for example) she's not allowed to come right out and say she's gay - it might harsh the buzz of the Neanderthal male watching the scene. Might make him feel less like he could possess the girl onscreen, feel less like her actions are directed towards him.

One thing I take exception with: I've often made use of toys (specifically, a feeldoe strapless phallus) in my lovemaking. I don't think using it makes me any less gay, nor do I think it made my lovers any less gay. In porn it's definitely used to create a non-threatening "protagonist" on screen to represent the male sexual urge. For me, though, and for the girls I'm with, it's just a tool we use to enhance our lovemaking.
drchuck 9 years ago
"In anyone who matter's eyes, the profit margin trumps all."

that says it all right there. that would be the same reason jamie dimon gets millions in bonuses after shoving the economy off a cliff instead of having his head on a pike outside the federal reserve bank of new york.
Thelambofdeth Publisher 9 years ago
to drchuck : Well things are they way they are for a reason. The porn industry is WAY to profitable to attempt to legislate it. And why? There's upside in doing so.(to those who matter) In anyone who matter's eyes, the profit margin trumps all. The abuse and whatever else is moot. It's more damaging to smoke weed than it is to dehumanize someone in the US, anyway.

I understand. And far be it from me to tell someone what they can/not identify with. I just don't in ANY WAY understand how a gay or straight person can have sex with the opposite/same sex respectively, and not consider themselves bisexual...just with a strong preference or whatever. Considering how "through" and "in-depth" these scenes are and just how many they do, porn or not it's still sex and in the literal definition it deems them bisexual. But I'm strongly biased and judgmental, so I digress.
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drchuck 9 years ago
to Thelambofdeth : "As far as the industry goes? To be blunt I see it as a cesspool of shit that's damaged beyond all repair."

reading through various links you've posted and others besides, evidence suggests you're right. it would be one thing if we had representatives who gave a shit about labor and with enough pressure could be nudged towards giving protections to the people working in the porn industry. right now our legislative majority is a group of people who side with business over labor anyway, who publicly are opposed to porn, and would vote to make all the lgbt an oppressed group if they could get away with it. tl;dr you're right, it's broke, i have no clue how to fix it.

the only reason i mentioned dani woodward in that context was that when she retired she said she was doing so to spend more time with her girlfriend. i thought it was possible she might have been doing the b/g scenes for the money just like some guys in the business who identify as straight do gay work because the money is better.
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Thelambofdeth Publisher 9 years ago
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Thelambofdeth Publisher 9 years ago
to christianbalerant : While I find those numbers depressing, they don't seem inaccurate. I should've guessed there's more than gay males than females when you consider how much more women claim to be bi than gay. With dudes they're usually just gay. (And they're everywhere, FFS) Like you don't see many random dudes who experimented in college, or "used to" do other men or whatever. They're just gay. Yet with women there's ALWAYS some kind of qualifier or asterisk: they only experimented, they like both or prefer men, or whatever. I feel like TV, movies and music videos tend to make make lesbians seem more common than we really are. 2% doesn't seem too far off...trust me. And of course advocates are going to lie...they're advocates. I'm sure the numbers fluctuate, though.

.000001 percent. There's Lily Cade and...Lily Cade. As far as active female porn stars who identify as LESBIAN and not bi, well...I've fine-toothed combed and haven't come across a single other one. (IIRC Nikki Hearts identifies as gay, but since half of her scenes are b/g, that's impossible IMO. Rozen Debowe yet she's also done b/g, and Prinzzess said in an interview she's 99% lesbian...which means she's bi IMO) From the US to Euro even to the (major) amateur stuff I haven't found a single other gay female in porn. Considering the industry is so male-centric and how often even straight g/g perfromers are coerced into doing b/g(Karlie Montana, Angela White, Danni Daniels, Bree Daniels, Abigal Mac, Eva Lovia, etc) I don't see an actual gay female existing in the industry w/o compromising at some point.
Gay male pornstars have a market for gay males. They can do guys, and aren't forced to do women or whatever but since porn companies don't produce porn for gay women, and all their "lesbian" porn is intended for men... female porn stars don't have that luxury. I just KNEW at least some of the Abbywinters girls HAD to be gay, but aside from one(I think) they're just as straight as the professionals as you can tell from their interviews. God knows I've been looking for another one, just ONE more actual lesbian porn star. But it seems "bi" is the best you're going to get. I'm sure there's a couple of obscure ones out there. At any rate it correlates to the numbers from earlier.

I know why they're SO used so often in scenes (men get to see a phallus and two women?! Hooray for them) but aside from girls with penis envy, or some straight/bi girl wanting to experiment with women...they seem kinda stupid. Well, really stupid, TBH. You want to have sex with a man, have sex with a man.
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Thelambofdeth Publisher 9 years ago
to ellenblake : Amen, sister.
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Thelambofdeth Publisher 9 years ago
Thank you.
Thelambofdeth Publisher 9 years ago
to saram3200 : Thank you for reading it.
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Thelambofdeth Publisher 9 years ago
to drchuck : I don't care what people watch, I'm just tired of people pretending one thing is something else, or people who have to declare to me personally how "hot" something is. The only actresses I've ever considered a lesbian was Lily Cade. Considering the amount of b/g Woodward has done I can't buy that's she's gay. Maybe bi, but...Same with Nikki Hearts. But considering you have women who only do g/g who are 100% straight in their personal life...IDK. I assumed many of the AW amateur women were gay, but their interviews prove otherwise. People just need to stop calling them lesbians.

Fantasy is fine as long as people recognize it's just that. I'm not trying to deter people from watching...whatever they want to. But when you have SO many people assuming all the participants enjoy everything done in every scene simply because it "looks like they are"...It just comes down to ignorant people, and having to voice said ignorance. It's porn, nothing more...nothing less. But that's not enough for some people.

I'm repeating myself, but it again boils down to people and ignorance. I would imagine there is no "true way" an orientation of people have sex, yet people see a porn scene and act under the assumptions ALL lesbians have sex the SAME way and have to tell me 2,459 times just how hot it is or what we really do or whatever. I don't care about authenticity in porn because I know at the core, it's all rehearsed, staged and fake. I call a spade a spade, and take it as that.
As far as the industry goes? To be blunt I see it as a cesspool of shit that's damaged beyond all repair. After seeing the articles about how demanding and unpleasant even the g/g scenes are for many women, pretty much any faith I had in any aspect of it is dead. Professional, amateur, foreign, US...the common thread is it all seems broken from the inside out and no one seems to care.
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gantenbein 9 years ago
I love lesbians
I'm not a big toy person anyway, but the whole strap-on thing has always baffled me.
Now what % of female porn actors are in fact lesbian do you think?
Those percentages are lower than I thought...or have been made to believe. It seems that male gay advocates try to claim a higher % of the male pop is gay.
ellenblake 9 years ago
May I be the one to say amen?
saram3200 9 years ago
Thanks for writing this.
Thelambofdeth Publisher 9 years ago
to laurrren : Thanks for reading, and you're welcome.
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drchuck 9 years ago
great post as usual. it is always amazing how difficult it is for some folks to tell the difference between fantasy/acting and reality. lily cade and dani woodward are the only actresses i've heard of who are out as lesbians. there might be a few more who really are lesbian but do some straight for pay work but those two are the only ones i know of for sure.

i watch porn for fantasy entertainment and my tastes range fairly widely but the one thing i need more than anything else is for the pleasure, or at least the feigned pleasure, to be shared among all the participants in the scene. lesbian porn tends to do this so much better than straight porn there's really no contest. gay porn and trans porn can do a decent job of it but 99% of straight porn is focused on the male or males in the shot to such an extent that the fact of the woman in the scene almost seems an afterthought.

as far as what lesbian sex really is i couldn't say from direct knowledge because i'm not of a gender that can experience it directly but i would imagine that just as real straight sex and real gay sex varies enormously from couple to couple so does lesbian sex. when it comes to porn, i don't really obsess on whether or not it's in some way "real" but on whether i find it appealing or exciting. tastes vary and my tastes range over a broad subset of all the different ways we humans have found to get off. there are many aspects of the porn industry that give me pause as i'm sure it does you. i really don't know what to do about that except to lobby for strong labor laws with good protections for workers in the porn industry in the same way i would want anyone in difficult and dangerous professions to have legal protections.

as always i enjoy reading your thoughts. i'll be interested in reading part ii.
laurrren 9 years ago
Great post. Well thought out. Thanks for those links too.
Thelambofdeth Publisher 9 years ago
Thanks a lot! I still can't believe according to numbers there's more gay dudes than women...Talk about depressing.....