A naughty midweek night
It's that time again where I feel like sharing a recent experience. Even though nobody else here does (sort it out! lol)... But anyway, it was different to the norm, so worth writing up. Excuse the memory gaps - it's fair to say I was incredibly drunk.
My parents went on holiday recently, leaving me home alone for the first time in ages. I'd decided to make the most of it of course, seeing special friends etc, but when I was invited on a work night out I also happily accepted. I think I was desperate for fun anyway, and had booked the day afterwards off as holiday knowing I would be at least super-hungover. I wore a cute black dress and heels, with a coat to keep warm. Classy and not overly slutty: my colleagues think of me as an innocent girl-next-door type. Oh and matching bra and thong(pink), just in case I needed to show off haha. The night was fun: a large group of us hit a few bars and were getting quite merry.
Anyway, we headed into another bar and I soon noticed this pretty hot blonde girl heading out of the toilet and to the bar - it was my round, so it'd be a shame to pass up on the opportunity. She was in a dark pencil skirt and light shirt - obviously a professional, probably in some cool marketing or media career or something - with a great smile and rather fabulous breasts pressing against the shirt buttons. I was at a 'confidently drunk' stage, even if I wasn't totally coherent. I nestled up next to her, checking her out. I've not usually been the one making the first move, but something silly told me I should: "my friend thinks you're totally hot". WHERE did that come from? lol. She laughed, replying along the lines of "ok, thanks, which one is he?". This made me laugh of course. I took my time to answer, ordering a round of shots for my friends before responding "SHE is a little tipsy and crazy horny", or words to that effect. Ok, so it wasn't exactly smooth, but it did make my mark. She left me with my drinks, smiling over her shoulder. I didn't notice where she was heading, other than she was not leaving the building - I was adamant she'd be mine tonight! Our eyes met a couple of times across the room, enough for me to know she at least wasn't offended by my chat-up attempt. I didn't care who she was with, why would I?
Our group left for another bar, much to my annoyance, but still optimistic there may be an even hotter girl just around the corner. There wasn't. This bar was a little emptier and our group soon disbanded to three of us. We drank more shots. I was hammered. We decided too it was best leaving, which was sensible (it would have been around 2-3am at this point), but i wasn't feeling sensible. I waved my goodbyes and stumbled back to the previous bar - it was worth a go, surely. And to my delight the blonde girl was still there... but with this bar also now less crowded I could see who she was with - a guy. Not a group or anything, just one guy. They were a couple (or at least on a date). Still, this didn't stop me - I was desperate, ok?!
I saddled up beside them, pissed as a fart. I probably talked nonsense for a while, but in that time I do remember saying "Sophie and me are gonna go back to mine, you should go home" to the bf. Which was dumb, obviously. Especially dumb as her name was Becky, which she'd told me a couple of times, and I'd still got it wrong. After a while, Becky relented and we danced: I tried to make it all sexy of course, but was no doubt a bit embarrassing. The bf (James) came over for a while, making sure I wasn't stealing his girl, giving us pats on the arse before getting us more drinks. I was hammered and pretty unstable, and open to anything. When Becky said in my ear about fucking her would mean fucking him too, I thought nothing of it. In fact, we kissed. She meant it alright.
The next (and last) shot went down and I was leaving with them. I was a wreck, stumbling all over (losing/forgetting my coat too), but managing to keep a hold of Becky's hand. When we left the bar, we immediately kissed - I remember the night air and her cherry-flavoured lips - and I was aching for her. Apparently (read on) I tried to pull her to a taxi without James, but they were obviously much less drunk than me and instead we all ended up in a close-by alleyway (the city I live in has a lot of alleyways in the city centre). Dangerous can be fun, right? It was a pretty secluded place anyway, particularly at 4:30am or so. Becky and I made out; James and Becky made out; James and I made out. It was a mixing pot of tongues and wandering hands - there were hands up skirts and inside jeans, and I didn't really mind whose they were when kissing Becky. James' jeans became loose, and his cock sprung out hard - I felt it, I wanked it, somehow I was on my knees sucking it along with his gf. She sat upon a picnic table in the alleyway belonging to a now-closed bar - I sat with her, reaching under her skirt to a very slippy pussy, rubbing and teasing, just as she reciprocated. Fuck I needed this! And I bet James was loving the show!
My hand was pulled away by him, for his cock to have its turn fucking Becky. I watched intently, through hazy eyes, as this (actually quite cute) couple fucked right beside me. I continued to kiss Becky, grasping at her gorgeous cleavage. The whole thing was filthy and sordid, but I guess I instigated it all in the first place. I took my place by James, reaching down to his throbbing dick and slyly pulling it away from his gf - she was who I wanted of course. I bent down and began to lick and kiss her inner thighs, appreciating her slightly swollen, very wet, very neatly trimmed pussy before I gorged on it. Tongue flicking her clit (as I love doing) and pressing in and out of her. Whether or not she'd been with a girl before, I didn't know or care: this was going to make her come, that was for sure. I could sense them kissing again, James leaning over me to get to her, James' hips pressing into my lower back and ass, James'... what the?! I could feel him inside me, slowly hitting my inner pussy with his (bigger than average, if not huge) cock. I hadn't asked for this, or somehow hadn't appreciated it may happen - he was fucking me from behind in front of his gf. I took a few seconds (or a few minutes, I've no idea) of letting him have me before deciding I wanted to continue with Becky - I needed her orgasm and desire for me. A finger or two inside her yummy pussy, her clit on my tongue, her bf fucking (and I'm pretty sure I could say he was ploughing me) me right in front of her - of course she orgasmed ;) knew I'd have her!
But it was still weird. I mean... I knew what I was getting into (kind of - drink responsibly people!), but still hadn't expected this guy - kinda cute but probably not my type - to be hammering me, let alone in such a public space. I yelled a couple of times to stop and got free - this confused them I expect. I held that cock and wanked him slowly, all the time looking at, kissing, licking Becky's lips, neck and face. He came a lot. Over my hand and arm, over Becky (think her legs/skirt took the worst of it). And that was the end of it. I knew it wouldn't go any further, and I had some shock reaction thing where I didn't want it to go any further. I liked Becky, I wanted her, but only her. I gave her one last kiss before leaving with my things, again confusing them. They shouted some stuff but didn't follow me. I grabbed a taxi and headed home.
Apart from a serious hangover, some terrible shame, two grazed knees and some missing underwear, I thought I'd got away with my sins that night: as far as work were concerned, I left when they did. Three days later though, I got a text from an unknown number. A picture message actually: a lady's hand holding my missing underwear from that night, along with the note "just my fit, you filthy slag". I replied with a fake "Who is this?", but this was only followed by a couple of texts filling in some of the above details I'd forgotten. Embarrassed, I've still to reply...
My parents went on holiday recently, leaving me home alone for the first time in ages. I'd decided to make the most of it of course, seeing special friends etc, but when I was invited on a work night out I also happily accepted. I think I was desperate for fun anyway, and had booked the day afterwards off as holiday knowing I would be at least super-hungover. I wore a cute black dress and heels, with a coat to keep warm. Classy and not overly slutty: my colleagues think of me as an innocent girl-next-door type. Oh and matching bra and thong(pink), just in case I needed to show off haha. The night was fun: a large group of us hit a few bars and were getting quite merry.
Anyway, we headed into another bar and I soon noticed this pretty hot blonde girl heading out of the toilet and to the bar - it was my round, so it'd be a shame to pass up on the opportunity. She was in a dark pencil skirt and light shirt - obviously a professional, probably in some cool marketing or media career or something - with a great smile and rather fabulous breasts pressing against the shirt buttons. I was at a 'confidently drunk' stage, even if I wasn't totally coherent. I nestled up next to her, checking her out. I've not usually been the one making the first move, but something silly told me I should: "my friend thinks you're totally hot". WHERE did that come from? lol. She laughed, replying along the lines of "ok, thanks, which one is he?". This made me laugh of course. I took my time to answer, ordering a round of shots for my friends before responding "SHE is a little tipsy and crazy horny", or words to that effect. Ok, so it wasn't exactly smooth, but it did make my mark. She left me with my drinks, smiling over her shoulder. I didn't notice where she was heading, other than she was not leaving the building - I was adamant she'd be mine tonight! Our eyes met a couple of times across the room, enough for me to know she at least wasn't offended by my chat-up attempt. I didn't care who she was with, why would I?
Our group left for another bar, much to my annoyance, but still optimistic there may be an even hotter girl just around the corner. There wasn't. This bar was a little emptier and our group soon disbanded to three of us. We drank more shots. I was hammered. We decided too it was best leaving, which was sensible (it would have been around 2-3am at this point), but i wasn't feeling sensible. I waved my goodbyes and stumbled back to the previous bar - it was worth a go, surely. And to my delight the blonde girl was still there... but with this bar also now less crowded I could see who she was with - a guy. Not a group or anything, just one guy. They were a couple (or at least on a date). Still, this didn't stop me - I was desperate, ok?!
I saddled up beside them, pissed as a fart. I probably talked nonsense for a while, but in that time I do remember saying "Sophie and me are gonna go back to mine, you should go home" to the bf. Which was dumb, obviously. Especially dumb as her name was Becky, which she'd told me a couple of times, and I'd still got it wrong. After a while, Becky relented and we danced: I tried to make it all sexy of course, but was no doubt a bit embarrassing. The bf (James) came over for a while, making sure I wasn't stealing his girl, giving us pats on the arse before getting us more drinks. I was hammered and pretty unstable, and open to anything. When Becky said in my ear about fucking her would mean fucking him too, I thought nothing of it. In fact, we kissed. She meant it alright.
The next (and last) shot went down and I was leaving with them. I was a wreck, stumbling all over (losing/forgetting my coat too), but managing to keep a hold of Becky's hand. When we left the bar, we immediately kissed - I remember the night air and her cherry-flavoured lips - and I was aching for her. Apparently (read on) I tried to pull her to a taxi without James, but they were obviously much less drunk than me and instead we all ended up in a close-by alleyway (the city I live in has a lot of alleyways in the city centre). Dangerous can be fun, right? It was a pretty secluded place anyway, particularly at 4:30am or so. Becky and I made out; James and Becky made out; James and I made out. It was a mixing pot of tongues and wandering hands - there were hands up skirts and inside jeans, and I didn't really mind whose they were when kissing Becky. James' jeans became loose, and his cock sprung out hard - I felt it, I wanked it, somehow I was on my knees sucking it along with his gf. She sat upon a picnic table in the alleyway belonging to a now-closed bar - I sat with her, reaching under her skirt to a very slippy pussy, rubbing and teasing, just as she reciprocated. Fuck I needed this! And I bet James was loving the show!
My hand was pulled away by him, for his cock to have its turn fucking Becky. I watched intently, through hazy eyes, as this (actually quite cute) couple fucked right beside me. I continued to kiss Becky, grasping at her gorgeous cleavage. The whole thing was filthy and sordid, but I guess I instigated it all in the first place. I took my place by James, reaching down to his throbbing dick and slyly pulling it away from his gf - she was who I wanted of course. I bent down and began to lick and kiss her inner thighs, appreciating her slightly swollen, very wet, very neatly trimmed pussy before I gorged on it. Tongue flicking her clit (as I love doing) and pressing in and out of her. Whether or not she'd been with a girl before, I didn't know or care: this was going to make her come, that was for sure. I could sense them kissing again, James leaning over me to get to her, James' hips pressing into my lower back and ass, James'... what the?! I could feel him inside me, slowly hitting my inner pussy with his (bigger than average, if not huge) cock. I hadn't asked for this, or somehow hadn't appreciated it may happen - he was fucking me from behind in front of his gf. I took a few seconds (or a few minutes, I've no idea) of letting him have me before deciding I wanted to continue with Becky - I needed her orgasm and desire for me. A finger or two inside her yummy pussy, her clit on my tongue, her bf fucking (and I'm pretty sure I could say he was ploughing me) me right in front of her - of course she orgasmed ;) knew I'd have her!
But it was still weird. I mean... I knew what I was getting into (kind of - drink responsibly people!), but still hadn't expected this guy - kinda cute but probably not my type - to be hammering me, let alone in such a public space. I yelled a couple of times to stop and got free - this confused them I expect. I held that cock and wanked him slowly, all the time looking at, kissing, licking Becky's lips, neck and face. He came a lot. Over my hand and arm, over Becky (think her legs/skirt took the worst of it). And that was the end of it. I knew it wouldn't go any further, and I had some shock reaction thing where I didn't want it to go any further. I liked Becky, I wanted her, but only her. I gave her one last kiss before leaving with my things, again confusing them. They shouted some stuff but didn't follow me. I grabbed a taxi and headed home.
Apart from a serious hangover, some terrible shame, two grazed knees and some missing underwear, I thought I'd got away with my sins that night: as far as work were concerned, I left when they did. Three days later though, I got a text from an unknown number. A picture message actually: a lady's hand holding my missing underwear from that night, along with the note "just my fit, you filthy slag". I replied with a fake "Who is this?", but this was only followed by a couple of texts filling in some of the above details I'd forgotten. Embarrassed, I've still to reply...
9 years ago