Prolonged denial, then restrictive chastity, and e

Those of my friends who have taken the time to get to know me, know that I am married, but not in an open relationship as such. Due to health issues on my wifes part, what was a healthy, if not particularly adventurous sex life, has effectively disappeared. I do have 1 or 2 close lady friends, one in particular, who I have been lucky enough to meet on an all too occasional basis, but for the most part I am left to my own devices these days.

As much due to my healthy imagination, as to my friends on Hamster, and my lady friends, I have found that as one door closed, more have opened, and more and more I have explored my feminine side, some of the results of which you will have seen on my profile. Latterly, this has led to my enforced denial, becoming something that I rejoice rather than detest, and coupled with my growing interest in my feminine side, have become something I enjoy.

So why this post?

As of today (Mon 30th Mar 2015) I am now 3 weeks in to my latest period of denial, though I regularly bring myself to the edge of completion, and thank you to my favourite Hamsters for their efforts in ensuring I stay on the peak of arousal most of the time.

Add to this, from Friday April 17th my wife will be away, and returning Sunday 19th. I have decided therefore that as well a continuing to deny myself until she's away......6wks in total, and of course regularly bringing myself to the edge. On the morning of the 17th I shall be locking myself (doubtless with much difficulty) into my chastity device, for the final leg of the challenge.

That Friday I shall spend in the office 'locked in', and as soon as I arrive home I shall assume my alter (girlie) ego, and remain that way Friday evening, through Saturday and in to Sunday morning.

Between now and then I intend to escalate the amount of teasing, denial and arousal that I subject myself to, and it shall peak thru that final weekend. On one hand I now intend to provide regular blog updates as to my progress, and I am hoping there shall be numerous pictures, videos and online escapades as I finally reach the end of my 'journey'.

Meantime however, I would welcome any encouragement, or source material that my friends might want to provide in order to ensure that I remain at the peak of condition.

I am sure by that Friday it will be an extremely difficult feat to lock myself in, since you will all ensure my balls are as full as possible, but you all know I'll try my best.

Will keep you all posted!!

Published by noseyman99
9 years ago
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Gerry69 9 years ago
Just read part 4 and thought I would start from the beginning.

Arousing stuff, enjoy your self denial. It would be good to help you release that when you are ready!