Athletes and Special treatment of the law
So we've all heard the headlines over the past few years. From Aaron Hernandez killing Odin Lloyd to Ray Rice abusing his wife to Greg Hardy assaulting the woman he was dating... It's time to stop giving professional athletes preferential treatment in the eyes of the law because they make a lot of money and entertain others... Greg Hardy will play football again this coming season, who knows if Aaron Hernandez will be found guilty or not? What about Oscar Pistorius, the South African Olympic Runner who shot and killed his girlfriend and got off with a culpable homicide charge and a fire-arm related charge. He will serve 5-8 years for taking the life of that woman. Anyone remember Michael Vick? There are so many cases where professional athletes get lenient sentences because of their money and influence and many are able to return to play professional athletics again. This needs to stop. Athletes are not above the law and should be judged the same as the rest of us.
9 years ago