On Punishment, Part 2: Solitary Confinement

Hi all,

This time I am going to be addressing my take on, and use of, solitary confinement as a punishment tool.

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My Thoughts on Punishment, Part 2: Solitary Confinement

This form of punishment I use a little less frequently, but still relatively often. That's because, in some ways, it's one of my favourites and I will confess to sometimes using it just because I feel like some peace and quiet, in order to get the “Me” time that I sometimes need!

Again, like extended denial, at its base level it is a very simple punishment and also very effective – it also gives the subject lots of time to think about their misdemeanour.

So, firstly I will talk you through the logistics of how I use this punishment, including giving you a few photographs of the “set-up” just so you can get a better idea of how it works here, for me, in practice. I'll then talk about a few embellishments that I change from time to time, just to keep things interesting and to make every punishment experience a bit different.

Ok, so my set-up.

It's an empty cupboard, that's all – just a cupboard lol. It's a good size, can get the subject inside whilst standing upright, and also has ample room for crouching, kneeling or sitting inside, but without there being too much space so a feeling of confinement is still generated.





It also has a clothes rail that is permanently attached to each side (not one of those that can be more easily taken out). This can be incredibly useful for those times that I want to secure the subject inside via his wrists.


Once the subject is prepared appropriately inside, I then close the doors and secure them. For this purpose, I use a simple elastic band wrapped around the two handles a couple of times. This is enough to secure the door closed, making it impossible to open to any extent without breaking the elastic bands. Using elastic bands in this way gives me the security that's needed, but also means that should there be an emergency, the subject can always barge the doors open. Of course, if he does this, it is impossible for him to get back inside and reseal the doors so it will be clearly obvious that he has broken free. I make it clear that a pretty severe punishment will follow should this happen without good reason (i.e. risk of life or limb!) - I really hate to see perfectly good elastic bands wasted ;) Unsurprisingly, this has never happened!

I also sometimes leave a bamboo cane leaning against the door such that I can tell if there has been any significant movement or pressure on the doors from the inside – Just extra peace of mind!


There are a few embellishments that I use to keep this punishment interesting and varied:

a) Securing the subject

If I am going to be around whilst the confinement takes place, then I sometimes choose to secure the subject inside the cupboard. I do this by using cable ties to attach his wrists to the clothes rail. I always use releasable cable ties - it makes the job of taking him out again so much easier and means I don't have to waste cable ties each time.


This makes him stand for the duration of his incarceration and also provides an extra sense of confinement. For safety reasons, I never use the hand restraints if I ever leave the property during the incarceration, just so I know that should the worst happen whilst I am out, the subject is able to evacuate if he needs to.

b) Sensory deprivation

I have tried being inside the cupboard with the doors closed and, it is pretty dark inside; because of the design of the doors, there is no real gap between them when the door is closed and so no real light gets in from the outside. I maximise this effect by also closing the curtains of the room and sometimes putting a back to front balaclava over the subjects head; that way, it is virtually completely dark inside the cupboard. This deprives the subject of light. I also sometimes choose to put a pair of wireless headphones on the subject. This way I can pipe anything I want into his ears whilst he is in there. That could be white noise...the sounds of a storm...an absolutely awful music track on a loop (try this for one of my favourite examples!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0 – any suggestions you have are most welcome by the way!). Other times I prefer him to remain there with total silence all around.


c) Longer periods of confinement

For those times where the subject is confined for longer periods of time, nature inevitably comes to call! With this embellishment, I have no need to be constantly letting the subject out for this purpose – No!, instead I provide a bucket. This way there is no need for the subject to have to leave the comfort of his cupboard!



Given all the above information, you can probably see why this is one of my favourite punishments! There are lots of nuances to play with and I get some peace and quiet thrown into the bargain to watch a programme or film on TV, read a book or catch up with friends. It's also fun sometimes to use it and have him confined whilst I go out and enjoy myself with friends etc! A double punishment that way – not only missing out on socialising fun, but incarcerated with sensory deprivation instead!

It's also fun to keep the subject guessing, so when he goes into the cupboard he often doesn't know how long he is going to be in there for. I think the passing of time is very very hard to judge when the senses are deprived of meaningful information and this is probably one of the harder aspects of the punishment to deal with!

Periods of confinement can be as short as an hour if it's a minor indiscretion or I want to just watch a short programme on TV in peace. The longest period of incarceration to date has been...12 hours (yes, really! 10am-10pm) – that was really fun (for me, that is!) and absolutely deserved (part of the punishment for the example indiscretion I mentioned in Part 1 of my blog).

In summary, this is another simple and effective punishment – and it happens to be one of my favourites – there are lots of nuances that can be changed to keep it interesting and I sometimes like the space, peace and quiet it provides me!

Please post any comments or questions below. I will try to respond to your questions and may even update the blog itself if I think it's something that deserves to be in the main body of the text as well.

The next in the series will be: MToP Part 3: Extra Duties/Loss of Privileges

Until then, take care,

Emily ylimE
Published by EmilyylimE
9 years ago
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dickwall2 1 year ago
still waiting for the third part : ) 
EmilyylimE Publisher 1 year ago
to mrklister : You are very welcome!
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mrklister 1 year ago
12hrs solitary sensory dep oh my…!  When is MTOP part 3 coming ? Thanks for sharing ! 
Lvov1980 3 years ago
Може бути
granat5356 5 years ago
an excellent form of imprisonment, I would like it done to me, presumably the incarcerated subject is naked
This is needed by most loser white limp dick sissy boi.
alan_inlondon 6 years ago
i was just  thinking about  the catheter Miss Emily -  would it be tooooo  naughty to put the other end back into the subjects mouth - that way it would recycle and keep hydration in place - or is that a bad medical thing to do and i am  being silly ?  most respectfully Yours  alan
alan_inlondon 6 years ago
to geraldbernard : wow  Gerald has an interesting idea about the cathertisation Miss
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alan_inlondon 6 years ago
wow  Mistress You are certainly inovative with a fertile and healthy imagination - i am so glad that i am able to read your two postings and view Your profile.   thank You so much for adding me as a friend -  may i wish You anf Yours a lovely weekend -  most  respectfully Yours  alan
I really like that you put so much thought into what you do. and yo even put lots of work into your blog posts with the annotated photos, etc.
I like the idea of the isolation and I believe you are right in that not knowing the duration is incredibly trying to the man.

My wife has not put me in isolation and Im afraid to share your post with her, but she does like to humiliate me in other ways or make my life equally difficult, albeit in clear view of her. For example, I once stood in the corner for 3 hours non-stop. And to deal with the inevitable need to go to the bathroom, she put an adult diaper on me, and she told me Id better use it.. I can sincerely say that any spanking I have received (thats her primary discipline) is not nearly as painful as peeing on yourself and then having to wear the diaper wet until corner time is over.
KCUM 8 years ago
Oh, to have the priviledge of being your slave Miss Emily!
cbt_virgin 9 years ago
Not sure if this would be a good song to listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qj1heGiIehU
andyserves 9 years ago
WOW The more i read the more i want x
Having experienced this similar in the military i know just how he must have felt after 12 hours what a wonderful Mistress x
alan_inlondon 9 years ago
gosh Mistress Emily - that is quite a sever punishment - but very well thought out - thank You
si-cock 9 years ago
wow I love this idea.
joejoe1983 9 years ago
Your methods are guaranteed. Wow
funwatford 9 years ago
Another excellent blog, it reminds me of my former controller,who used to put me in the cupboard under the stairs
skank1250 9 years ago
something i would like to try mistress
ceasor1225 9 years ago
awesome, probably an extreme punishment, alone without guidance, thinking of what is next, but I'd bet effective.
worshipthygoddess 9 years ago
awesome fantasy but what happens when you aren't home? I hope you don't leave him in there alone, very dangerous if there is a fire or emergency
tasumaki 9 years ago
I will admit. This made me laugh and go wtf. But what your doing here is pretty torturous. Why Don't you make him make a gimp mask, and one of those ball things for his mouth if you don't want to show his face? Plus in a way its like a mask of shame. But other than that this is a good punishment. Two thumbs up. I hope to see more ideas
A long period in chastity without release would be very tough.
inferior84 9 years ago
Great ideas... Your slave must be a good boy... :smile:
rakiib 9 years ago
Wow I will do that 2 my slave
Ringorob 9 years ago
Found this very interesting x
pikeson 9 years ago
very nice cage , and be there just becaurse , dont need slave or have some freind on visit , make it most more usefull
EmilyylimE Publisher 9 years ago
to piccolostalloneinsta : So far, yes it has always been closed. But I suppose there could be situations where leaving it open might be more appropriate. Thanks for your question, was useful!
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doors always closed????
Jasegr 9 years ago
Great effort, for the blog entry and the pictures, your subject must feels really blessed and lucky having a Mistress and dominant woman like you.
panteez4me 9 years ago
So simple, but sure very effective.