Please help me make a decision!
Hello to my xhamster friends :)
I have a favour to ask of all of you, it should be pretty easy for you really. It has to do with my Final Fantasy character.
In short, I'm thinking about using my one time appearance hange to change the way that my character looks. But i'm not sure. And I'm hoping you'll help me decide. I put up an online poll at
Please go vote!
Should I keep my current appearance?
Or switch to this?
I've been playing, and really enjoying Final Fantasy XIV for a while now. It's a fun game, and it's beautiful. But I haven't really been able to get into the role play side of it as much. And for me, that's what it's all about. If i'm going to keep playing, I've got to get that part to work.
I think that one of the reasons is the server I joined. I did a little research before I picked one, but it probably wasn't enough.
It looks like there are two roleplaying servers, Giglamesh and Balung. I just sort of randomly picked Gilgamesh.
But now that I've been reading more, it sounds like Balmung has a bigger roleplaying community.
So my first step is going to be making a server change to Blamung. Thank you to everyone who has made Gilgamesh fun, I have no complaints. But If i'm going to keep playing, I need at least a little bit of the roleplaying side too.
The other part is that I don't think I'm identifying with my character. In World of Warcraft each of my characters is a bit of my own personality. Slipping into those personalities is like putting on a favorite pair of shoes.
In Finaly Fantasy I made 2 characters right away. The first was a video game version of me. Or at least as close as I could get it.
The second character was one of the Miqo'te.
...pretty much a cute little cat girl.
For whatever reason, I ended up playing her more. And like I said, it's been fun. There hasn't been a lot of roleplaying, partly because of the server, but it's more than just that. In world of warcraft, there are days when Sarendiel just walks around blood Hoof villiage talkking to the Tauren NPCs.
Or Sarapheena just goes through a completely normal daily routine. Waking up, doing her "job" (selling Sarasita's stuff on the auction house lol), exercising, going home.. just a normal day.
And I love those times, as mundane and uneventful as they are. I still get lost in them and it's a nice little escape from reality.
But in Final Fantasy, I just can't seem to get into it in the same way.
I've formed a theory.
I think it might be because my little cat girl, as cute as she is, just isn't me
I can be playful, and a little funny (well i think so, based on how people react to some of my jokes i might be the only one though). But I'm more sarcastic than silly. I might laugh, but I rarely giggle. I just don't think I have a part of me that is a frivolous little cat girl. I kinda wish there was, but I just don't think it's there.
You get a one time appearance change in Final Fantasy. And I'm thinking about changing my appearance back to the first character I made, a fairly close version of me.
I'm not good at decisions like this though.
Decisions that once I make I can't unmake. So I'm hoping that my friends here can help me make up my mind!
Thank you.
Oh, also, I made Skype and Kik accounts. I'll do another post about those specificly. For now, feel free to ask if you want either. I don't have them open all the time, or even often right now. And For now I just want to use them for game and roleplay related things. It's sort of an experiment, I don't know how well it will turn out.
I have a favour to ask of all of you, it should be pretty easy for you really. It has to do with my Final Fantasy character.
In short, I'm thinking about using my one time appearance hange to change the way that my character looks. But i'm not sure. And I'm hoping you'll help me decide. I put up an online poll at
Please go vote!
Should I keep my current appearance?
Or switch to this?
I've been playing, and really enjoying Final Fantasy XIV for a while now. It's a fun game, and it's beautiful. But I haven't really been able to get into the role play side of it as much. And for me, that's what it's all about. If i'm going to keep playing, I've got to get that part to work.
I think that one of the reasons is the server I joined. I did a little research before I picked one, but it probably wasn't enough.
It looks like there are two roleplaying servers, Giglamesh and Balung. I just sort of randomly picked Gilgamesh.
But now that I've been reading more, it sounds like Balmung has a bigger roleplaying community.
So my first step is going to be making a server change to Blamung. Thank you to everyone who has made Gilgamesh fun, I have no complaints. But If i'm going to keep playing, I need at least a little bit of the roleplaying side too.
The other part is that I don't think I'm identifying with my character. In World of Warcraft each of my characters is a bit of my own personality. Slipping into those personalities is like putting on a favorite pair of shoes.
In Finaly Fantasy I made 2 characters right away. The first was a video game version of me. Or at least as close as I could get it.
The second character was one of the Miqo'te.
...pretty much a cute little cat girl.
For whatever reason, I ended up playing her more. And like I said, it's been fun. There hasn't been a lot of roleplaying, partly because of the server, but it's more than just that. In world of warcraft, there are days when Sarendiel just walks around blood Hoof villiage talkking to the Tauren NPCs.
Or Sarapheena just goes through a completely normal daily routine. Waking up, doing her "job" (selling Sarasita's stuff on the auction house lol), exercising, going home.. just a normal day.
And I love those times, as mundane and uneventful as they are. I still get lost in them and it's a nice little escape from reality.
But in Final Fantasy, I just can't seem to get into it in the same way.
I've formed a theory.
I think it might be because my little cat girl, as cute as she is, just isn't me
I can be playful, and a little funny (well i think so, based on how people react to some of my jokes i might be the only one though). But I'm more sarcastic than silly. I might laugh, but I rarely giggle. I just don't think I have a part of me that is a frivolous little cat girl. I kinda wish there was, but I just don't think it's there.
You get a one time appearance change in Final Fantasy. And I'm thinking about changing my appearance back to the first character I made, a fairly close version of me.
I'm not good at decisions like this though.
Decisions that once I make I can't unmake. So I'm hoping that my friends here can help me make up my mind!
Thank you.
Oh, also, I made Skype and Kik accounts. I'll do another post about those specificly. For now, feel free to ask if you want either. I don't have them open all the time, or even often right now. And For now I just want to use them for game and roleplay related things. It's sort of an experiment, I don't know how well it will turn out.
10 years ago