Masturbation survey, I was completely honest!

Are you male or female? Male, for the most part.
Age? 31
At what age did you start masturbating? 12
How many times a week do you masturbate? 1-2
How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? Sometimes never, sometimes as many as 5 orgasms.

Where do you masturbate:

In bed? Sometimes. I wake up erect and just have to take care of myself.
In the shower? Oh yes
In the bath? Yes, Probably my favorite place to. A nice hot bath really gets me horny.
Outdoors? I used to camp a lot, so yes.
At work? No
Every room in the house? Working on it ;)
In a car while traveling along the interstate? No

What do you fantasize about when you play:

A significant other? Sometimes
A friend? Yes. The friend zone sucks.
A friend's spouse? No
A stranger? Sometimes.
A co-worker? Eww, no
A member of the same sex? Usually.
A member of the opposite sex? Sometimes
A past lover? Yes

What position do you play in:

On your back? When in the bath or in bed.
Standing? Sometimes
Kneeling? Only if toying, or am lucky enough to have a cock in my mouth.
Sitting? Yes
Lying on tummy? And humping a pillow!

How do you play:

With left hand? Sometimes
With right hand? Usually
With a toy? Occasionally. I do cum harder with something in my booty.
With water from bath? Sometimes
Written erotica? Yes
Pictures? Yes
Movie clips online? Sometimes
Videos? Sometimes
Something on TV? It has happened before.

What is your favorite porn:

Straight sex between man and woman? Yes
Gay or lesbian sex? Gay yes, Lesbian, no. Not my thing.
Group sex or orgies? No
Blow jobs/oral sex? Oh yes, I love blowjob vids!
Cumshots? Very much
Age play? No
S&M? Not really
Role playing? Eh, Depends.
Kinky? I am kind of vanilla.

Have you ever masturbated to:

Email messages? Yes
A chat room dialogue? Yes
Exchanged stories or pictures? Yes

Have you ever:

Been caught masturbating? Yes
Masturbated for a man/woman? Yes
Masturbated for the same sex? Yes
Masturbated in a group? Yes
Masturbated for a photo? Yes
Masturbated for a webcam? No
Masturbated for a video? No

Do you ever:

Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? I love nipple stimulation!
Insert something or play with your ass? Probably more often than I should.
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? Not really, I love to jack off while sucking cock though.
Use pain as a method of playing? No

Final questions:

Do you taste your cum? Sometimes. I prefer to taste the cum of others.
When was the last time you masturbated? 3 days ago, I did not orgasm though.
Are you wet or hard now? Not really.
Are you going to masturbate now? Oh yes.
Are you a masturbation addict? No.
Does it turn you on to talk about masturbation? If I am talking about it with another person, and fantasizing about all of the wonderful things we could be doing together.
What is the most you have played in one day? Couldn't tell ya. When I was younger, I beat my dick like it owed me money.
Did you touch yourself while answering this survey? No
Published by process357
10 years ago
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