Virtual sex
"Virtual inheritance impotent and freaks that women in real life do not give, or failed writers," the opinion of the interviewee from the chat.
Yes, this opinion is quite often. Many men and women of different ages from 15 to 55, believe that virtual sex is something wrong. Often, when you hear that research on this topic, ask: "What is bad?". And when asked why the interviewee believes that it is bad, do not say anything intelligible: "So what good is it?". Often, the people who were saying that they themselves did not have any experience in virtual sex. But to appreciate this side of life they tear. This situation is reminiscent of the time when there was a TV and a lot of people foaming at the mouth argued that this de - trend the devil, razvratitelie humanity, etc. Give the same try to understand whether virtual sex something dangerous, contrary to human nature, or is just another tool to meet sexually erotic needs of men and women.
Yes, this opinion is quite often. Many men and women of different ages from 15 to 55, believe that virtual sex is something wrong. Often, when you hear that research on this topic, ask: "What is bad?". And when asked why the interviewee believes that it is bad, do not say anything intelligible: "So what good is it?". Often, the people who were saying that they themselves did not have any experience in virtual sex. But to appreciate this side of life they tear. This situation is reminiscent of the time when there was a TV and a lot of people foaming at the mouth argued that this de - trend the devil, razvratitelie humanity, etc. Give the same try to understand whether virtual sex something dangerous, contrary to human nature, or is just another tool to meet sexually erotic needs of men and women.
I thought long and hard about the reasons for the popularity of virtual sex. I am greatly amused by the strained attempts of domestic and Western "silver carp" to understand these reasons. Some talk about some changes in the psyche of the people "information age", the other at all angles screaming that virtual sex is a sign of abnormality, they say the average person it should be incomprehensible and disgusting. Conduct some research - say what proportion of all engaged in virtual sex really experience orgasm! Why? I do not know. Me personally, everything seems much easier.
Whoever is engaged in virtual sex? Well, teenagers. Before Masturbation in front of a magazine, a TV, now in front of the monitor. So what? Essentially, nothing has changed. Before imagination joined by a visual stimulus, now seemed to have felt a sense of belonging. They do not have more opportunities to do really. What can we do? To live somehow. And here it's like and not quietly to himself, and even like with someone. Well imagination is there to help. And before that, it was different? Yes the same thing. Only it seemed someone was achieved using exclusively the stirring brains. And now there is a new tool to satisfy normal human desires. Well, and what changes in mental or perversion? Okay. With teenagers then a special case.
But how to explain that grown men and women doing the same thing. To them it is possible and so. And then suddenly some sort of virtual sex. Can't smell perversion? But no. And it's simple. What about adultery? Oh yeah! Well this is just the public norm of morality. Education so to speak and everything. And in thinking that? Yes, there are people who are faithful to each other solely out of love for their neighbour, freely, voluntarily and about anyone else not even imagine. Heard of such. In the movie a couple of times, Yes in the literature, more classic. But for real what? Well even if there are, who your spouse or spouse is not changed, but who said that at heart they are the same experience?
Another reason for this. Now go into the chat of guys and girls. Get acquainted. How are you doing, what life do? I learn! While I work! Oh cool, what? Manager. And you who are studying? And I'm a lawyer. Cool! And what else to do? Oh, a little bit - go to discos, read books, play billiard. And you? Yes, the same thing. Still go to aerobics. Now: what next? Further ideas you need something more intelectual talk. But to discuss the problem of turning the Northern rivers in Central Asia in the chat like as not with hands - and the people heap is uncomfortable, and the situation has not. You can talk about something more personal. But the trouble! We still don't trust each other! We shall often with the first comer on personal topics to talk, their lives and problems to discuss! And it's not even that hide in fact us apart nothing. It's just a lot of people understand. But as a person who does not even see, and which probably never will see, which met for the first time in the chat, to begin to talk about their problems and joys, that you care about? You can see it may even not every acquaintance, and only close friends. Why whole life to tell that the other person has understood what you are. And for this we need to talk at least a couple hours. And not with 3-5 people at a time, and only one. Yes, sometimes it happens. But very rarely. And more - well, talked a few minutes, met. Asked each other a few standard questions. Learned about each other biographical data. What's next? But more and start talking about sex, with the transition in the notorious virtual sex. Why? Yes because this is a topic no. You can talk to anyone, not even knowing much man. Yes, people who are unfamiliar with the chat, this may seem strange as well! Sex is after all, a higher stage in the communication between people. So it is true. But not quite. Even in life, sex is not always a high stage. And only in virtuality:
An interesting fact is that most people believe that the feeling of virtual sex is much weaker than real. But why talk about virtual sex is very popular and many people continue with persistence interested in this side of virtual relations. For example in chat rooms on the subject of virtual sex is very common. However, the majority can not Express their attitude to this subject. Many people believe that virtual sex allows them to relax, others use it to start a real relationship.
Let's face it. Well, real sex that is understandable. There is especially nothing new, at least in this article, I will not say. But Masturbation. According to statistics, at least 40% of married people periodically I masturbate. But what is Masturbation? If we discard all the medical terms and the philosophical investigations, Masturbation is the process of obtaining sexual gratification without the presence of a real partner (partners). Often Masturbation is accompanied by various erotic fantasies (often about what to do in this society is taboo) or watching an erotic or pornographic materials (print or video). At the same time, and this is very important, people imagine various episodes of sex life that is well-known satisfaction. If virtual sex generator fantasies" is the virtual partner. There is a mutual broadcasting fantasies on each other. And here we must distinguish two complementary aspects: the first is if Masturbation man is limited only by the limits of their imagination, while virtual sex his imagination plusultra with fantasy partner; and second, if these fantasies are complementary, likely partners will be satisfied, and if not possible very different ways.
What follows from this? Well, first of all, in my opinion absolutely do not think that virtual sex is something "bad". If watching television and reading books, then I would say that the book is more developmental (regardless of content) - after all, you need to make some effort, albeit u*********s, to move the icons, written on paper, in the images that we imagine when we read. When watching a movie, these images are already given. The same thing I see in the problem of virtual sex. I consider it more "useful" than watching different kind of erotic or pornographic material, or Masturbation. I'd like to say. I don't promote virtual sex. Not promote or rejection of it. It is a personal choice. I only Express my opinion regarding the impact of these three types get satisfaction - Masturbation, watching videos or erotic print materials and virtual sex.
If you try to tell whether the phenomenon of virtual sex "dangerous" to society, then I believe that it is not. But this is my personal opinion. More precisely, is not more dangerous than itself virtual communication. That is, there is a danger that at some point people will focus purely on virtual communication, leaving reality without attention. It seems to me, is only possible if the technology will allow you to create a virtual world that provides an experience indistinguishable from reality. Then humanity can stand a real risk. Is this possible? Why not. But this problem is much more extensive than the problem of virtual sex. Yes. Everyone knows that sooooo much information on the Internet devoted to sex. So what. Is it a network issue? No. It's just a reflection of what most interested in. If people pay money and time to review materials about sex, it talks only about the current needs of these people. By the way, a stupid ban one or the other to achieve, in principle, nothing is impossible. Permitted activities, including of a sexual nature, may be legally controlled. And Smoking
Yes, this opinion is quite often. Many men and women of different ages from 15 to 55, believe that virtual sex is something wrong. Often, when you hear that research on this topic, ask: "What is bad?". And when asked why the interviewee believes that it is bad, do not say anything intelligible: "So what good is it?". Often, the people who were saying that they themselves did not have any experience in virtual sex. But to appreciate this side of life they tear. This situation is reminiscent of the time when there was a TV and a lot of people foaming at the mouth argued that this de - trend the devil, razvratitelie humanity, etc. Give the same try to understand whether virtual sex something dangerous, contrary to human nature, or is just another tool to meet sexually erotic needs of men and women.
Yes, this opinion is quite often. Many men and women of different ages from 15 to 55, believe that virtual sex is something wrong. Often, when you hear that research on this topic, ask: "What is bad?". And when asked why the interviewee believes that it is bad, do not say anything intelligible: "So what good is it?". Often, the people who were saying that they themselves did not have any experience in virtual sex. But to appreciate this side of life they tear. This situation is reminiscent of the time when there was a TV and a lot of people foaming at the mouth argued that this de - trend the devil, razvratitelie humanity, etc. Give the same try to understand whether virtual sex something dangerous, contrary to human nature, or is just another tool to meet sexually erotic needs of men and women.
I thought long and hard about the reasons for the popularity of virtual sex. I am greatly amused by the strained attempts of domestic and Western "silver carp" to understand these reasons. Some talk about some changes in the psyche of the people "information age", the other at all angles screaming that virtual sex is a sign of abnormality, they say the average person it should be incomprehensible and disgusting. Conduct some research - say what proportion of all engaged in virtual sex really experience orgasm! Why? I do not know. Me personally, everything seems much easier.
Whoever is engaged in virtual sex? Well, teenagers. Before Masturbation in front of a magazine, a TV, now in front of the monitor. So what? Essentially, nothing has changed. Before imagination joined by a visual stimulus, now seemed to have felt a sense of belonging. They do not have more opportunities to do really. What can we do? To live somehow. And here it's like and not quietly to himself, and even like with someone. Well imagination is there to help. And before that, it was different? Yes the same thing. Only it seemed someone was achieved using exclusively the stirring brains. And now there is a new tool to satisfy normal human desires. Well, and what changes in mental or perversion? Okay. With teenagers then a special case.
But how to explain that grown men and women doing the same thing. To them it is possible and so. And then suddenly some sort of virtual sex. Can't smell perversion? But no. And it's simple. What about adultery? Oh yeah! Well this is just the public norm of morality. Education so to speak and everything. And in thinking that? Yes, there are people who are faithful to each other solely out of love for their neighbour, freely, voluntarily and about anyone else not even imagine. Heard of such. In the movie a couple of times, Yes in the literature, more classic. But for real what? Well even if there are, who your spouse or spouse is not changed, but who said that at heart they are the same experience?
Another reason for this. Now go into the chat of guys and girls. Get acquainted. How are you doing, what life do? I learn! While I work! Oh cool, what? Manager. And you who are studying? And I'm a lawyer. Cool! And what else to do? Oh, a little bit - go to discos, read books, play billiard. And you? Yes, the same thing. Still go to aerobics. Now: what next? Further ideas you need something more intelectual talk. But to discuss the problem of turning the Northern rivers in Central Asia in the chat like as not with hands - and the people heap is uncomfortable, and the situation has not. You can talk about something more personal. But the trouble! We still don't trust each other! We shall often with the first comer on personal topics to talk, their lives and problems to discuss! And it's not even that hide in fact us apart nothing. It's just a lot of people understand. But as a person who does not even see, and which probably never will see, which met for the first time in the chat, to begin to talk about their problems and joys, that you care about? You can see it may even not every acquaintance, and only close friends. Why whole life to tell that the other person has understood what you are. And for this we need to talk at least a couple hours. And not with 3-5 people at a time, and only one. Yes, sometimes it happens. But very rarely. And more - well, talked a few minutes, met. Asked each other a few standard questions. Learned about each other biographical data. What's next? But more and start talking about sex, with the transition in the notorious virtual sex. Why? Yes because this is a topic no. You can talk to anyone, not even knowing much man. Yes, people who are unfamiliar with the chat, this may seem strange as well! Sex is after all, a higher stage in the communication between people. So it is true. But not quite. Even in life, sex is not always a high stage. And only in virtuality:
An interesting fact is that most people believe that the feeling of virtual sex is much weaker than real. But why talk about virtual sex is very popular and many people continue with persistence interested in this side of virtual relations. For example in chat rooms on the subject of virtual sex is very common. However, the majority can not Express their attitude to this subject. Many people believe that virtual sex allows them to relax, others use it to start a real relationship.
Let's face it. Well, real sex that is understandable. There is especially nothing new, at least in this article, I will not say. But Masturbation. According to statistics, at least 40% of married people periodically I masturbate. But what is Masturbation? If we discard all the medical terms and the philosophical investigations, Masturbation is the process of obtaining sexual gratification without the presence of a real partner (partners). Often Masturbation is accompanied by various erotic fantasies (often about what to do in this society is taboo) or watching an erotic or pornographic materials (print or video). At the same time, and this is very important, people imagine various episodes of sex life that is well-known satisfaction. If virtual sex generator fantasies" is the virtual partner. There is a mutual broadcasting fantasies on each other. And here we must distinguish two complementary aspects: the first is if Masturbation man is limited only by the limits of their imagination, while virtual sex his imagination plusultra with fantasy partner; and second, if these fantasies are complementary, likely partners will be satisfied, and if not possible very different ways.
What follows from this? Well, first of all, in my opinion absolutely do not think that virtual sex is something "bad". If watching television and reading books, then I would say that the book is more developmental (regardless of content) - after all, you need to make some effort, albeit u*********s, to move the icons, written on paper, in the images that we imagine when we read. When watching a movie, these images are already given. The same thing I see in the problem of virtual sex. I consider it more "useful" than watching different kind of erotic or pornographic material, or Masturbation. I'd like to say. I don't promote virtual sex. Not promote or rejection of it. It is a personal choice. I only Express my opinion regarding the impact of these three types get satisfaction - Masturbation, watching videos or erotic print materials and virtual sex.
If you try to tell whether the phenomenon of virtual sex "dangerous" to society, then I believe that it is not. But this is my personal opinion. More precisely, is not more dangerous than itself virtual communication. That is, there is a danger that at some point people will focus purely on virtual communication, leaving reality without attention. It seems to me, is only possible if the technology will allow you to create a virtual world that provides an experience indistinguishable from reality. Then humanity can stand a real risk. Is this possible? Why not. But this problem is much more extensive than the problem of virtual sex. Yes. Everyone knows that sooooo much information on the Internet devoted to sex. So what. Is it a network issue? No. It's just a reflection of what most interested in. If people pay money and time to review materials about sex, it talks only about the current needs of these people. By the way, a stupid ban one or the other to achieve, in principle, nothing is impossible. Permitted activities, including of a sexual nature, may be legally controlled. And Smoking
10 years ago
I know it is not impossible to meet a "special person" through internet virtual sex, but highly unlikely. Anonymity has its place and we see only what the other person lets us see.
So, at least our fantasies can be fulfilled in a safer way and we can experience a greater range of sexual activities through virtual sex. It beats no sex at all.