
Aum is a half-mad jet-setting yoga instructor that loves to troll the blogs I frequent.

She is also very proud of her South Asian heritage, which is commendable - it's just a pity that she tends to rub other people's noses in it. She's smart. She's well-read. She's bloody irritating - I have matched wits with her quite a few times.

One of the last battles was on contraception. I was not doing very well. So how did I shut her up ?

I drank a few beers and wrote the following :

... well in that case I'm just gonna use my lips and fingers on her bum-hole until she starts begging me for anal sex ... and yes, I know this upsets you very much Aum, so if that bumhole just so happens to be yours,

I solemnly promise to 'Salaam Salaam' it as well.

Hell, I shall even recite some romantic poetry for it.

I shall even dance and jiggle-jiggle a la Elvis for it, and inhale deeply from the Bhuddist incense reverently placed near it, when that bumhole of yours finally roars its approval.

And to top it off, I shall then anoint your bum with some fragrant oily glistening stuff, which I got in the discount container located outside the entrance of Moodly's Chemical Bazaar in Marabbastad Pretoria.

It's near Weskoppies Mental Hospital you know.

And then my dearly esteemed madame Aum, I am going sprinkle lots and lots of sticky glittery sparkly thingies on your bum ... and take a picture of it.

Oh yes Aum, I am going to take a picture of your oily sparkly glittery leetle bum, and make my way to the Astronomy Department of UNISA.

And there I'm gonna bribe some ganja-smoking telescope operator into locating a galaxy that resembles that picture, and name it after your bum.

Yes my dearly esteemed Aum, somewhere in this Universe there is a galaxy floating around that's gonna be called Aumsanus.

Kapeesh ?

Now bugger off.

Published by sazelus
10 years ago
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sazelus Publisher 10 years ago
... but I will admit to this: on another comment thread we were at each other's throats again.

I have never seen another woman, who received what's essentially the text version of an eight-punch combo with an uppercut, and pick herself rightup and start swinging back. This happened countless times.

She's the only one I've ever seen,

... and she can write 7 world-class haikus in 47 minutes,

... and for that ... I admire her deeply.

I really do.