One For The Little Guy!

I was an awkward fat shy k** when I started high school. This may not be a surprise compared to now since I'm still overweight, but right before junior year I had lost 50lbs! Some girls had shown interest before and would flirt a little, they really loved my naturally long eyelashes, and vague freckles, but I knew my weight is what pushed them away even before we could hit it off. So I made it my mission to lose my virginity before graduating, and I knew the only way that would happen is if I lost the weight, so I did.

Start of junior year I was a star, I was flirting with all the girls, they were flirting back, I was getting girls phone numbers and BBM's (a time when Blackberrys were still a thing) and right at the start of the sexting era (luckily). Through all of this, I am very aware of my small penis, knowing that I would eventually get to third base to then only get the ball stolen right before getting to home run because of my tiny dick. So I figured, there are definitely more than enough girls at my school, enough to be rejected by many and eventually still have a shot with another. I had to use my judgement, try to find the girls that were horny enough to hook up with me, but discreet enough to not gossip if they were to reject me because of my size. AND I succeeded!

There was an Egyptian girl in my english class that year. She and I had the same math class the previous year, but we never really spoke or noticed each other except to ask for a pencil or to say excuse me. She never had any reason to be interested in me since I was fat, short, and had a disgusting mustache that most boys right out of puberty think are cool. I would only look over to her occasionally to get a glimpse of her huge breasts that fit at least E cups. I really didn't find her face or body attractive but god her breasts looked delicious, especially during spring and summer. And then, a year later she's actually showing interest in me!

We exchanged numbers, we only spoke in school and texted as friends from Sept to about November. She was a tough cookie to break, I would flirt and make inappropriate comments about her big tits or about her sexy polish accent, and she would always bring me back down to reality. She never said it, but I think she was seeing someone at the time, because my intentions were clear, I just wanted to fuck, and being friends was a plus, nothing serious, no talk of relationship, completely unattached, and yet she still chose to hang around with me. My guess was that if things ever went south with the other guy, I would be the rebound, AND I was!

Around Dec she started loosening up, by then I had already groped her a few times and told her about some of my fantasies, and also lied about my sexual experiences. She had started sending me semi-nude pics, and sitting closer, and light contact, but nothing more. She would sometimes ask me to send her a story about what I want to do with her, how would I do it, where would I do it, and all this sexual tension started to build even from a distance and no where for us to release it. It was definitely a rough couple of months from Dec to Feb, because we both lived with our parents, no cars, and she was much too scared to try and pull anything off at school, so there was definitely no privacy.

March came around and it was like the heavens opened up. My parents joined a club that required them to meet up every Tues and Thurs night from 7 to 10, and I became ecstatic! I tried very hard to keep my composure, to seem mature and manly when I told her that my house would be empty during that time, so she could over whenever she wanted, she said that that was nice and thanked me for telling her. I freaked, that first week passed, and I had gone two nights trying to play it cool, telling her that we could finally be alone if she wanted, without hinting I was so desperate my balls were about to explode from all the accumulated cum.

The second week she finally came over on a tuesday. I was frantic, I cleaned up my bedroom, made sure it smelled good, put fresh sheets, fresh boxers, a condom, fixed the living room up, made sure there was something to give in the kitchen, I was ready! And after an hour of talking, she never even saw the inside of my room... As she walked out the front door, she smiled and said goodnight, and with a smirk on my face and a tiny hard cock in my pants, i said it back.

I played it cool, I didn't text her so I didn't seem desperate, but also I think I was just disappointed and exhausted. I had put so much energy and worked myself up with excitement, that when there was no release I just felt like giving up. I had to be realistic, even if she did go into my bedroom, and we started to undress I would only be even more disappointed when she walks away and leaves there after being so close, so I gave up. I didn't text her for about the next two days, until she texted me Thursday afternoon telling me she wanted me to go over that night. Again, I was frantic! All those thoughts about giving up and not trying when out the window completely. I brushed my teeth, I shaved, I even trimmed my pubic hair, put on fresh underwear and socks. She didn't say why she wanted to meet or what we were gonna do, but I was ready at her front door.

I went in, it was an amazing home, much better than mine, and she starts to give me a tour, and suddenly I find her mom in the kitchen. That caught me off guard because I had assumed we would be alone or how else would we fuck? and now all my thoughts are jumping out the window, again! She took me downstairs, showed me her brother's game room, then the garage, since we were alone I kissed her and groped her huge tits to see how she would react. She pushed me away, I took the hint. The she took me all the way up to her room, I sat on her bed, she sat by her computer and started playing music, nothing sensual, we just talked about school, family, and other things. I was sitting on the bed leaning my back against the wall, she finally came over, pulled out a stack of playboy magazines, then fully laid down on her back with her legs on my lap. She started to talk about her favorite issues, and positions, and I just kept on looking at her body, and the music was still playing, and I was overcome with such lust. I don't have a foot fetish, but I was so horny that I was willing to lick anything so I grabbed her foot and started to suck on her toes. She kept on her saying no, no, but didn't pull away so I just kept going. It wasn't my proudest moment but I was desperate, and I as I'm getting really into it I hear the door open and her older brother barges in! Luckily, I put her foot down the moment I heard the door knob turn just a spit second before he entered, but I'm sure I was red and seemed flustered. He had just come on in to say hi and left, but what had bothered me was that he was not bothered at all by me being there, which led me to believe that he was used to seeing guys in her bedroom. Any way, I got up and said I was leaving because clearly nothing was going to happen here now that more people were in the house.

So now I'm encouraged! She invited me over, I made some moves and wasn't kicked in the balls, things were moving slowly in the right direction. The following Tuesday she knew my parents were gone so she came over, and again I was excited, I was already hard as I opened the door for her. We did some small talk and then she finally said the magic words... "Let's go into your room" My heart was beating fast, I took her to my bed and she said lay down and she got on top of me and now her breasts were dangling in my face! She started to ride me slowly and I tried not to moan too much, I wanted to play it cool. She asked me if I liked it and I said hell yeah, I tried to pull her top up so I could feel her perfect tits skin to skin but she pushed my hand down as if she was still unsure she actually wanted to do this with me. I didn't think about it too much, she was on top of me and I was enjoying the ride of my life, so I just kept rubbing my hands all over her skin tight jeans.

She was thrusting harder and harder and now I couldn't help but moan and groan, louder, and I couldn't resist, I lifted her top and her bra and put both hands on her beautiful tits and my tongue was immediately drawn to her large round pink nipples, and I sucked and licked them like there was no tomorrow, this was my first time ever playing with such large and I was in heaven, her breasts felt like huge marshmallows and I could tell she liked what I was doing, but then she got up and I guess she really didn't want to go any further. I told her to lay down and I put my face down to her crotch and unzipped her and she quietly said no, I pretended like I didn't hear and proceeded to pull her tight jeans down, now she said gently said no again and pushed my hands away as I insisted, I said c'mon asking why not, I could see her white panties with pink flowers, and I could smell her sweet pussy, but she insisted no and got up. She could tell I was disappointed and frustrated, I walked her down to the door and she gave a sloppy wet kiss I assumed to cheer me up and she left.

Now I was really frustrated, and fed up! It was practically my third chance with her and was rejected all times! I gave up, I had figured that she probably realized my dick was small when she was riding me and gave up on me also. Little did I know, she didn't want to go any further because she hadn't shaved or really prepped so she was worried, but Thursday night she said she would come over. The pressure was on again because now she felt like she had to try and put some effort, and if she felt she did all of that to then have to deal with a tiny dick she would probably never speak to me again. So I took a shower right before she arrived, brushed my teeth, the whole routine, but this time I wore extremely thin basketball shorts commando, and I told myself, tonight I'm getting laid no matter what!

She came up, no more than two minutes into small talk she said lets go to your room, and I noticed a routine. She told to lay down, and she started riding me again all close still on, but I was just so satisfied with her breasts that I didn't care about anything else. My tiny dick was getting rock solid and I knew she could tell that I was throbbing and that I was commando, she didn't have to say it, I just knew that there was no way she couldn't feel me, no matter how small I am, I was just too hard. My precum leaked thru my shorts and left a wet spot on her jeans. After about 10min of riding and get up and leans in towards my crotch, and now I'm getting nervous, its time for the big reveal and I have no idea how she will react. I'm laying down fully extended so I couldn't really see her face, but I titled my head up a little so I could see her facial expression when she pulls my shorts down. My heart was beating, I'm sure was beginning to sweat, she puts both hands on the edge, starts to pull down and once I was fully out and erect she paused, it was probably only 2seconds but it felt like an eternity. What would she do? She could easily get up and leave, or even worse, start laughing. She didn't look up at me, not once, which made me even more nervous, and then she finally moved. She wrapped one hand around my tiny cock, and started to lick my head, and in my head began to sing victory!

She licked and sucked and slurped like no tomorrow, she was was very into it, and I was moaning like a cow. I couldn't contain my excitement, I was twitching and moaning and shaking and I didn't know what to do with my hands. After about 5min, which seemed much longer, she gets up and says thanks but no thanks. My world came CRASHING DOWN. I was at a loss for words, and I could ask was what? and why? why not? She said she wasn't going to be satisfied, and I lied like the devil himself, OF COURSE I CAN SATISFIE! YOU THINK THIS IS MY FIRST TIME! I KNOW I HAVE A SMALL DICK BUT IVE LEARNED TO SATISFY GIRLS, LET ME PROVE IT TO YOU! She was really reluctant but I was more persuasive. I told to lay down and just let me work my magic and inside my head I'm praying to god please let her atleast get wet, but if she cums then I'm golden! She let me take her pants off and I slid her panties to the side and I went in for the kill. Unfortunately, it was a miss. I had no idea of what I was doing and after 5minutes of slurping, tongue poking and fake kissing, all I managed to do was gain her sympathy!

She told me to get up and I got nervous because I was sure she had had enough, was fed up, and just wanted to leave, and then she uttered the magical words... "Do you have a condom?" I said yes with a serious face because I was lost, I didn't know what to expect and next thing I know she tells me to lay down and takes all of my clothes off. She takes her panties off but leave top and bra on which sends me mixed signals, so now I'm really lost. She leans in front of my dick again with condom in hand and with a serious face tells me she knows I've never been with anyone before, I've never fucked anyone let alone eaten pussy before, and that tonight was the first time I ever got head before, she could tell from how over-the-top my enjoyment was. Again I'm a loss for words, I've been caught, I'm a joke and everyone at school will know, I froze! and just as I was about to beg for her not tell anyone she began to slide on the condom and she tells me that I get an A for effort, so she will take my virginity, but that after this night I am hers, she will teach me every thing I need to know and that I will do as she instructs. She asked me if I understood, and as soon as I said "YES, MA'AM" she slid my tiny cock into her and I became a man!
Published by hiking3rd
10 years ago
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anrianri 8 years ago