On Punishment, Part 1: Extended Denial

Hi all,

Do let me know in the comments below if you read and enjoy this blog entry - all feedback is gratefully received and helps me to tailor my content to what my friends want to know/read about.

This is the most common form of punishment that I use and so it is appropriate to address it first.

It is both incredibly simple and yet very effective as a punishment. True, it perhaps doesn't have the "short, sharp, shock" effect that some punishments might, but I find that it allows an awful lot of time for the subject to think about what they did wrong and how to avoid doing it again. It is quite a powerful tool in that regard.

I use this punishment for relatively minor indiscretions (and in truth sometimes if I just don't feel that a release has been fully earned), e.g. extended procrastination regarding something I have asked; doing something wrong to the extent where it needs to be done again, or I have to get involved myself when I shouldn't need to; forgetting things that have been asked for (e.g. item(s) in a shopping trip) etc. etc. If the misdemeanour is more serious, then I will probably use a different punishment, but it may very well go hand in hand with an extended lock-up time as well.

When a misdemeanour happens, I make sure that I inform the subject straight away that I am displeased and that I consider it worthy of punishment. I *always* then take some time (usually just a couple of minutes, but sometimes hours or even a day!) to consider what punishment to use. I find this stops me making knee-jerk decisions and helps me to maintain some consistency in my decisions. It also gives the subject a little time to worry about what I may decide - I always find that adds to the punishment in itself and can leave the subject unsettled for at least a short time! I always explain exactly what was wrong and what should have been done to either avoid it, or correct the situation and I will then pass sentence.

The length of time I add is completely dependent on the misdemeanour, but I do try and be as consistent as I can, for everyone's benefit and for my sense of fairness! For very minor indiscretions it may be a day or so, for more serious ones a week, or two. The longest, to date, was an additional month (this also went hand in hand with another punishment). This was a little while ago now, but was for forgetting to pick a relative of mine up from the railway station resulting in them having to walk 2 miles, with a walking stick (I was NOT happy as you can imagine!). Let's just say he was very apologetic and he hasn't forgotten any relatives since LOL.

If time has been added, then I always remind the subject of why he remains under lock and key on at least two further occasions:

1) The time when the normal scheduled release would have happened without the punishment, and

2) Immediately before the actual release following the additional time.

I will also invariably make the release after an extended time a very efficient and rapid affair, my disdain is usually clear! I will sometimes make him take care of himself, under supervision of course. To the best of my ability and timing, the orgasm will be ruined with as little pleasure as possible. This adds to the punishment and helps to hammer the message home.

In summary, I find this a very simple and effective punishment - particularly when you want the subject to have lots of time to contemplate why he is sat there locked up for so long; because of this, it is very effective for behaviour modification!

The next in the series will be: MToP Part 2: Solitary confinement / sensory deprivation

Until then, take care,

Emily ylimE

Published by EmilyylimE
10 years ago
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soverysoft 3 years ago
I am a male sub and I agree this punishment is still very effective
Bo_reD 6 years ago
this doesn't work with impotent slaves of course
a_ramis 6 years ago
Miss Emily showing such control and firmness is what makes this such of punishment so terrifying. No wonder it is a good way of controlling and modifying behaviour! I feel wary of you just by reading you!
EmilyylimE Publisher 6 years ago
to alan_inlondon : Thank you
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alan_inlondon 6 years ago
wow  Miss Emily  You certainly know how to control Your subs    most respectfully  Yours  alan
to EmilyylimE : Im a huge fan of yours. Ive watched all your vids (more please :smile: several times and it is very evident that you think things through. You can be cruel but you are sexy and loving in your delivery, and this excites me so much...and makes me jealous of him.

I really do love that you make his release non-pleasurable. As I said, it's powerful, and as a man who needs strong woman around him, someone like you who thinks things through and delivers the way you do, well, you are really quite special. Thank you for sharing and for your reply. Would enjoy more like this, but perhaps move to pm?
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EmilyylimE Publisher 8 years ago
to bluframe : Thanks so much for your feedback. I am really pleased tat you appreciate my approach - I spend a lot of time considering things, to try to be as effective as possible :smile:
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Overall I think this is effective treatment but what I love the most is that when he finally gets his release that you go out of your way to ruin it, to minimize the pleasure. This is so powerful!! Thank you for sharing.
anrianri 8 years ago
KCUM 8 years ago
Of course anyway, the male release should never be considered pleasurable for him except under the circumstances where he is being milked of his sperm to provide maximum quantity or quality for his Mistress to use.
hankmoodyblue 9 years ago
The waiting before punishment and the time locked away provide ample opportunity for improvement.
buckets69 9 years ago
something very erotic about this.do you make him eat his reward, Miss Emily?
submale34 9 years ago
Absolutely spot on, as per usual. I don't know if you have found the same that there is rule of diminishing returns when it comes to chastity? My longest was three months and actually, somewhat perhaps contradictory, but because of the duration I was just resigned to it and it lost impact accordingly. Two to four weeks and I go insane because I am still horny and used to being on here etc.
red222 9 years ago
Nice insight
mcfisch 9 years ago
alan_inlondon 9 years ago
wow such an interesting blog - thank You Mistress for sharing it with us
joejoe1983 9 years ago
Fair means forever in control. Great blog I can only begin to imagine thx Emily
funwatford 9 years ago
He would be very fortunate to have a ruined orgasm afterwards too..I know I'm guilty of things myself, but we never learn, despite the harsh lessons we receive
RockSlave 9 years ago
This is so cruel that excites me soo much!!!
ceasor1225 9 years ago
denial is very effective, makes a slave want to do better just to be able to cum, very cool
chastity: i think it's the real WAY MMMM
tryinghard69 9 years ago
Mistress I like the punishment..will teach him to listen next time.
kraut_in_scotland 9 years ago
I love your sense of fairness, Emily, and to be honest, in a way dreaming of a woman like you.... :smile:
MistressBStilll 9 years ago
Miss Emily...
Very good decision...
Clearly thought out..
Thanks..will keep it in mind..
Ringorob 10 years ago
Very interesting I like it
dennis_32 10 years ago
Oh I like it. Please combine it with a ruined orgasm, if and when you release him...
Ms Emily i belive Your blog on punishments is spot on, exactly how i view the subject. i like the way You describe the way you think and deal with administering punishment, humiliation, denial etc. i cannot comment yet on chastity devices for i have not been lucky enough to be put into one, but hopefully one day i might be. xxjake Your most humble of fans
nicolaslut 10 years ago
that is the way it should be looking forward to next one thanks
sextudent 10 years ago
Great reading Emily, thanks for sharing it.