Worth a Thousand Words: An Update
Since my most recent blog, my original 'Hotels' gallery has grown to such a size that I've had to add a second. They have much in common, many of the photographs inviting the viewer's personal interpretation, perhaps in the form of a private fantasy sparked by the untold tale unfolding before the camera lens. So far, my friends DanielPortenio and Atomus72 have joined me in conspiring to imagine these secret encounters, leaving them as comments under the individual images, but it would be such fun if more of you could join in. I look forward to seeing what you can come up with! -- Steve
10 years ago
I sat a stool away and she almost immediately sat next to me. She was older than me but it didn't matter, she was beyond beautiful. Her wedding ring was visible and as she looked at my erection I had a sinking feeling that a lecture and possible scene was imminent, but instead a soft but stern smile appeared on her face and she placed a napkin near my hand on the bar. "I'm going to give you fifteen minutes." I tried to reply but she leaned in and said quietly, "Sweetie... this is something you're going to do not think about." She got up and walked away and all I could do was watch; I opened up the napkin and it had her room number written on it.
Fifteen minutes later I knocked on the door and she answered wearing black lace and high heels. I tried to move but all I could do was stare at her as the light revealed everything that I wanted to touch, taste, smell, and feel for as long as humanly possible. "Come in and close the door," she said. As I came in I finally managed to say, "What about the man you were talking to earlier-" she cut me off and said, "Sweetie, that's not for you to think about." I wanted to say something, argue maybe but all I could think about was her. She walked to the window and put her hands on the curtains and said, "Strip and get on the bed." I did what I was told. I don't think I've ever been as hard as I was lying there in that room watching her, waiting for what was to come. She stood there for a moment then looked back with that soft but stern smile and said, "Do you see all those people out there? By the time this is over I want them all to feel everything we do tonight. I don't care how long it takes."
This was supposed to a special night to celebrate our first anniversary, I booked the honeymoon suite weeks ago I bought his favourite lingerie, but now I'm here by myself ,sad and all alone. Why is his phone off?why is he doing this to me?