
The first memories I have when I was a younger are with Rilo. I loved playing with him and still remember vividly our time together. He was a birthday gift given to me by my mother, but considered an annoyance, as well as a liability, by my father.

One of Riloā€™s favorite things was having me pet his belly. Often when he saw me, he would jump and bark, then suddenly lie on the floor and turn over, exposing his vulnerable, pale side,legs high in the air. Every time he did that I couldnā€™t help, but oblige him with my small hands and watch him close his eyes in contentment. I noticed a curious thing happened when I petted his belly: something began protruding from the area in which he peed. It glistened with wetness and when I touched it, gently, Rilo gave little yelps and pumped himself upward as if encouraging me to touch him more. I wondered what Rilo felt when I did that to him and for some reason watching him make such sounds and close his eyes fascinated me. One time, as I was touching Rilo, my dad spotted me and pulled me away.

ā€œWhat do you think youā€™re doing?ā€ he asked angrily.

I remember my mom coming over, my dad whispering coldly to her, while occasionally looking at me with a mixture of horror and disgust. The two began arguing and I started crying. The next day, Rilo was gone. I never saw him again and when I asked about him my mother said he decided to go out on an adventure. When I asked my dad, he only encouraged me to play with my action figures. Later on, when I was old enough to understand, I realized why dad had given Rilo away.

I have since forgiven my father for taking Rilo away from me. Each time Iā€™m with a man, however, and my hands wrap around his flaccid cock until itā€™s warm and firm in my fingers, I smile. Not only for the man Iā€™m pleasing, but at the playful thought of my father walking in and seeing us, seeing me. It gives me a special kind of satisfaction knowing that I have the last laugh.

Published by RaisinBran
10 years ago
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