Leaving. But not exactly "leaving".
Hi !
So, I've been attention whoring lately about leaving and some people were curious enough to ask why, and what it would mean in the long run. Nothing too fancy, but here are a few explanations anyway because I do think you deserve them. Warning, sucky English ahead.
I recently became a mommy in September (which means, I'm technically a milf now I guess, lol) Yes, I still work on the side too, which means it gets harder and harder to find some free time for myself alone, and when I do, I just like to enjoy very simple things. (Not to mention hubby, who still ignores all this xHamster mess and who's always looking over my shoulder, peeking at the things I do :d ...)
I also stopped WoW earlier that same year (January). As some of you already know, I solely joined this website because of that game and the perverted community it has, and I feel like it's way, waaaay harder to fit now that I'm not one of you guys anymore. So yeah.
The result is pretty predictable. I'm not around much, and I think it's best to warn everyone that honestly, I won't do much here anymore. New content will be next to non-existent, and I wasn't already the most loquacious girl to begin with. (Which reminds me, sorry to all of those I never replied or never took the time to get to know properly, nothing personal) In any case, you get the picture.
I really, really thought about dropping the whole thing but I've met very nice people, which still baffles me considering it should be ALL ABOUT TEH P0RN!!1 In their honor, and for being such adorable persons, I'll annoy the fuck out of you guys a little bit more. :3
That's pretty much it ! I still log in almost everyday, read comments and watch stuff but don't expect much.
See you :3 !
10 years ago
X, E7
Bref, j'avais vu ton message disant que tu partais mais je voyais que tu postais toujours des choses et je me suis posé la même question que ton trollface xD Du coup je suis tombé sur cette publication et je tenais a te féliciter pour le fait que tu sois devenue maman ^^ et également te souhaiter une bonne continuation et plein de bonnes choses parce que tu as l'air d'être quelqu'un de bien
I'm a mother, and work full time too, so i completely understand. I can tell you put a lot more time into your profile, and into playing, than i did. And i remember how little spare time is left when you have a newborn. You are one of the sweetest people I've met on here. Hopefully you aren't gone for good. But take care, and enjoy parent hood. It's the hardest, but best, thing that has ever happened in my life. If you ever want to just swap completely innocent mom stories and rants, just let me know.
porte toi bien, c'etait un vrai plaisir de tribute ton avatar
It's understandable (but still... we'll miss you!! Well, I know I will!)
X, E7