First Time Sex With Someone

Doing the deed for the very first time can be a little daunting, even if you both become lost in the heat of the moment and passion takes over, that first sexual experience between two people can still be fraught with clumsiness and awkwardness. Here’s what to remember if you’re having a close encounter of the first kind.

Ah the fuzziness, this one isn’t just for the ladies either. To the fellas out there who think they might be about to get lucky with a lady, make sure you give the hair around your bits a little trim. It doesn’t need to be an all over blitz on your hair resulting in a bit of a chilly willy but just a dash of tidying up so that if you’re fortunate enough to get some oral action, she’s not coming up for air with a mouth full of ‘short and curlies’. Obviously the same goes to gals, keep it neat down there and he’s going to enjoy going down on you so much more. Don’t forget to keep your legs lovely and smooth also!

You’ve been looking forward to this first time coitus and have no doubt got a few expectations about what it will be like, but by putting it on a pedestal you could be setting yourself up for disappointment. If either of you are nervous there could be performance issues and much potential for embarrassment. So should there be any issues, try not to make a fuss as if you and your sexy-time partner do hook up again, they could be so mortified from last time and suffer even more problems performing. Once bitten twice shy as they say!

Both of you need to make an effort, first impressions count and if their first impression of your sex life is you lying still as a corpse and letting them do all the hard work then they may not be back for more.

Last of all, remember to be confident about being naked around them! Chances are that if you’ve got this far with them, they’re going to like what they see when you’re clothes-free but coming across as self-assured in the nude and happy in the skin that you’re in will compliment your sexiness even more-so.

If you’re due your first sexual experience with a date or partner, don’t be nervous and remember these pointers. Most importantly have fun with one another, sex shouldn’t be taken too seriously!
Published by nightswaps
10 years ago
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pet99els 4 months ago
Stiltskins 2 years ago
Amen to that 
earn69sex 10 years ago
So true.
mona69000 10 years ago