Love me or hate me.
Imagine a woman: she’s young, a college student, double majoring, worked since her first semester, and on multiple school organization executive boards. Overall, she’s a hard, determined worker.
What would you think of this person? Would you say she’s respectable? Would you think that she’s a good person and has worth?
Imagine another woman who works as a cam girl. Men pay to talk to her online. Sometimes that might involve sex talk.
What would you say about her? That she has no self-respect? Would you even shame her for her choice of occupation?
What if I told you that the first girl, the student, and the second girl, the cam girl, were one in the same? This is my reality. I am a college student that has goals and aspirations, and at the same time, I go online and speak to guys who pay me to talk to them.
I became a cam girl over some years ago because of an unexpected family emergency; I decided it was the best way to be financially independent. Before I became a cam girl, I never thought it was something I would do. I thought it was degrading. Yet I met someone my second year in college, and she was completely open about it. I was curious and asked her questions. It wasn’t until I finally started that I realized that it wasn’t what I thought it would be like.
Of course, the work is partly sexual. Men are paying to see me get naked on camera or they want seductive photographs of me. Yes, of course some men just want me as a commodity; it’s a mutually beneficial exchange and that’s all. But with others, it’s not about sex or lust. Some of the best people I’ve met while camming have been men that just want a connection with someone. Some men don’t even want to see me naked. Crazy, right? I talk to these men about politics, philosophy, music, movies and everything in between. These men ask about my life, ask how school is going. Some listen to my problems.
But there’s an issue with this lifestyle. I can’t really tell people. The same reason I’m writing this anonymously is the same reason why I go by a pseudonym and why I’ve blocked my state, all bordering states, and any state or foreign country that I know people in from my site. I don’t want to have to explain myself.
I don’t feel shameful for what I do, but society tells me I should. Society tells me that my worth is with my body and what I do with it. Apparently people believe that getting naked means you have no self respect and therefore you deserve no respect. Yet, I promise you, I love myself. If I didn’t love my body or myself I wouldn’t be doing this.
It’s sad that society sees women like this. I’m a college student; if you met me you’d probably think that I’m independent, determined, hard working. Yet if you knew that I spent some nights online talking to men, all those traits would go out the window. Why? Because I get naked? Is that really all that matters?
I’m a cam girl and I have self-respect and value. Society shouldn’t shame or dictate what I do with my body. Why is something that I find so empowering and liberating something that would shatter anyone’s positive views of me?
What would you think of this person? Would you say she’s respectable? Would you think that she’s a good person and has worth?
Imagine another woman who works as a cam girl. Men pay to talk to her online. Sometimes that might involve sex talk.
What would you say about her? That she has no self-respect? Would you even shame her for her choice of occupation?
What if I told you that the first girl, the student, and the second girl, the cam girl, were one in the same? This is my reality. I am a college student that has goals and aspirations, and at the same time, I go online and speak to guys who pay me to talk to them.
I became a cam girl over some years ago because of an unexpected family emergency; I decided it was the best way to be financially independent. Before I became a cam girl, I never thought it was something I would do. I thought it was degrading. Yet I met someone my second year in college, and she was completely open about it. I was curious and asked her questions. It wasn’t until I finally started that I realized that it wasn’t what I thought it would be like.
Of course, the work is partly sexual. Men are paying to see me get naked on camera or they want seductive photographs of me. Yes, of course some men just want me as a commodity; it’s a mutually beneficial exchange and that’s all. But with others, it’s not about sex or lust. Some of the best people I’ve met while camming have been men that just want a connection with someone. Some men don’t even want to see me naked. Crazy, right? I talk to these men about politics, philosophy, music, movies and everything in between. These men ask about my life, ask how school is going. Some listen to my problems.
But there’s an issue with this lifestyle. I can’t really tell people. The same reason I’m writing this anonymously is the same reason why I go by a pseudonym and why I’ve blocked my state, all bordering states, and any state or foreign country that I know people in from my site. I don’t want to have to explain myself.
I don’t feel shameful for what I do, but society tells me I should. Society tells me that my worth is with my body and what I do with it. Apparently people believe that getting naked means you have no self respect and therefore you deserve no respect. Yet, I promise you, I love myself. If I didn’t love my body or myself I wouldn’t be doing this.
It’s sad that society sees women like this. I’m a college student; if you met me you’d probably think that I’m independent, determined, hard working. Yet if you knew that I spent some nights online talking to men, all those traits would go out the window. Why? Because I get naked? Is that really all that matters?
I’m a cam girl and I have self-respect and value. Society shouldn’t shame or dictate what I do with my body. Why is something that I find so empowering and liberating something that would shatter anyone’s positive views of me?
10 years ago
I am here to make most campsites besides xhamster more user friendly for my friends and for everyone online
Well, if the cover doesn`t reflect the book then we must fucking change it!
On the other side, I am glad that in this ocean of perverts and sexualy depraved people (aka xhamster) we can find intelligence and honesty.
What I am curious is how do you think this is going to end? Until what point you will do this and how will you recover the years that others of your age used them to build a strog fundation for their future lifes.
just one thing to say... do webcam girl... it's make people happy (no matters the way - sex way orn talk way )...
Me, i meet some awsome people here
ambition to move up high (even getting there.), only the narrow of mind won't like you Jay.
whatever else the situation, the bottom line you're human, with value and character. some can't chew. (i won't pay 2 cam.
whilst going on cam, YOU decide what to show and do. thereby not degrading yours, to yourself.
keeping strong.
"i don’t want to have to explain myself." you don't have too. take it, leave it. for them.
can't take, you leave.
"Some of the best people I’ve met while camming have been men that just want a connection with someone. Some men don’t even want to see me naked." that'wou;d be me, one of those.
"Crazy, right?" on here, unusual. not crazy.
Do what you want and enjoy life, you're work in a cam envviroment is a safe area, you do what you need to do and ignore what feels wrong. Way safer than having to work outside for that extra bit of funding. Society has a perception of what "Normal" has to be but way worse goes on behind closed doors.
You are intelligent & beautiful, have lots to give now and in the future, sure there are some assholes out there who will judge but in the end it's those same assholes who will willingly come here, watch porn and ask all the degrading stuff because they are ashamed that their "polite" little society will uncover them.