Your Inner Seductress


To switch gears in lovemaking from sweet to spicy, you need to mix things up a bit. It’s about changing your approach and who you think you are in the bedroom. Don’t be afraid to take a risk.

Share a steamy fantasy. Always wanted to go at it in an elevator, Ă  la Fatal Attraction? Been daydreaming about a Grey’s-style fling in the hospital on-call room? Tell him. It stimulates the mind in a new way and can lead to unbelievable sex. Let your imagination run wild — just the thought of something totally risquĂ© or out of your comfort zone is enough to get you both hot and bothered.

Blare rock music. Your beau knows the score when you press play on Marvin Gaye — which is all the more reason to send him a signal that tonight’s the night for something different. Pop in AC/DC’s Black Ice with a wink and a nudge. The more intense the tunes, the more testosterone will pump through his system. Before you know it, he won’t be able to keep his hands off you.

Get a haircut. Or a new outfit. Or wear red lipstick instead of your typical clear gloss. If you’re the girl who goes to bed in white undies, throw on a garter belt one night. It lends novelty and excitement and sets the scene for something hotter.


Sometimes you want to have sex just to rekindle the intimacy with your man — and he probably does too. So ramp up the tenderness for a sweet, slow session.

Take eye contact. When men look at pictures of women in the buff, they’re more likely to look at a woman’s face first, according to a study by researchers at Emory University. Why? Women can easily tell by looking at naked men whether guys are in the mood, but women’s bodies don’t reveal much, which could be why men zoom in on their faces – but facial expressions are one way of showing an indication of interest in and enjoyment of sex. Staring into your lover’s eyes lets him know that you’re as into him as he is into you.

Massage his feet. Tickle his back, or rub his belly — anything that makes him feel relaxed. If you can counteract his cortisol [or stress] levels by relaxing him, then you can set the mood for connective sex. In other words, he’ll be able to concentrate on you rather than on those Excel reports due on Friday.

Look at old pictures together. By doting on memories the two of you have made, you’ll trigger those same feelings of overwhelming love (and lust) you had at the beginning of your relationship.


There’s a reason they called that old game Seven Minutes in Heaven: because passion can hit even higher levels when it comes in bite-size pieces.

Try the 90-second make-out. If time is really short, passionately kiss, touch, fondle, and fool around for a minute and a half.

Make a sex date. Know your man’s work schedule slows down a bit on Thursday? Tell your guy you’ll have a 15-minute window of opportunity at 4 p.m. and wink. It’s an appointment he’s sure to keep.

Text for sex. If you heat things up when you’re apart, you’ll both be boiling over once you get together.


Yes, in a long-term relationship, marathon sex may feel like a luxury you can’t really afford, but it shouldn’t be off the table altogether. Make a special point to carve out more time together and dedicate it to sex. The two of you are worth putting something else on hold for.

Play tennis. Or run together, or climb a mountain, or play a board game. Anything competitive will do. Competition will spike both of your testosterone levels for extended periods of time. Translation? You’ll be randier for longer.

Give him a pomegranate martini and a smile. According to a new study from Sussex University, pomegranate juice boosts men’s sex drive. The men in the study were found to kiss more passionately after drinking the juice and looked at photos of scantily clad women 16-percent longer than other men. Bottoms up!

Plan a trip and pack light. Surprise him with a vacation to a beachy destination. Give him the tickets, a skimpy bikini, and note that says, “This is the only thing I’ll be wearing the entire time.” He’ll get the idea. Or, if your budget is tight at the moment, try turning your home into a spa for the night. Take a bubble bath, light oodles of candles, give each other massages, and remind him that the same rules apply: only your teeny-weeny bikini — or birthday suits — allowed.

Big blowups used to mean steamy reunions afterward. Now that life (and fights) are more complex, sex is often the furthest thing from your mind in the wake of an argument. But getting physical might be the very best thing you can do. “Sex is healing,” explains Kerner. “It can take you to a place where words often can’t.”

Be ready to forgive. If you want to have make-up sex, you have to be willing to make the first move. A lot of guys won’t initiate make-up sex because they feel like their ego is on the line. Saying a simple “I’m sorry” takes the pressure off him and can get the ball rolling in the right direction (toward the bedroom).

Tell a joke. Sometimes after a big blowout, the best way to push things in a more harmonious direction is to lighten the mood. Try a flirtatious smile to diffuse the tension in the situation, or a sexy joke. You’ll send him the message that it’s time to kiss and make up. Literally.

Hug him. Once you’re in his arms and pressing your body up against his, unless he’s suffering from hormonal imbalance, he’s going to shift his thinking toward sex. If all else fails: Take your clothes off and say, ‘I want to have sex. Before long, neither of you will even remember what you were fighting about.

Thanks for reading my blog!

If anyone wants to chat with me add me on yahoo messenger, my id is sexy.michelle19
Published by Spicy24
13 years ago
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Spicy24 Publisher 13 years ago
your welcome teetime5!
teetime5 13 years ago
Spicy...this is a fabulous blog....after 43yrs of marriage I printed it and am going to leave it with a rose on my love's pillow. Thanks