Measuring Pleasure In Inches
Measuring Pleasure In Inches
I can see you're feeling some
special type of way about me
today because it's only a little past three and you're dressed
like you need sleep yet leaking like you need to visit
my sick bay so I can clot that
spot with something dark
and hot, I call sex employment with a different
kind of working arrangement
because if you know what
you're doing every stroke
offers a check that won't bounce like a moan that lets
you know she's glad she's not alone and happy to
resist so she can gain more
training on being submissive or a sigh accompanied by
some deep breathing and
squeezing of her thighs
fighting to keep you inside
until her body gets to open its
Let's not waste that, spray me with your make me smell
like you dew so I can be fully
dressed and ready to go back
to work after you're done with
your break because it's Friday
the best day of the week to get paid for making you do as
I say.
I can see you're feeling some
special type of way about me
today because it's only a little past three and you're dressed
like you need sleep yet leaking like you need to visit
my sick bay so I can clot that
spot with something dark
and hot, I call sex employment with a different
kind of working arrangement
because if you know what
you're doing every stroke
offers a check that won't bounce like a moan that lets
you know she's glad she's not alone and happy to
resist so she can gain more
training on being submissive or a sigh accompanied by
some deep breathing and
squeezing of her thighs
fighting to keep you inside
until her body gets to open its
Let's not waste that, spray me with your make me smell
like you dew so I can be fully
dressed and ready to go back
to work after you're done with
your break because it's Friday
the best day of the week to get paid for making you do as
I say.
10 years ago