My Gang-Bang Last Night

I had to go to a birthday dinner for a friend in Montreal last night, and I happened to have a friend who lived right around the corner from the restaurant we were going to be at. We ended up setting up a little Gang-Bang with me and a few of his friends since I was going to be close-by! my husband and I went for dinner, and then we headed over to the guy's place.

I walked in, expecting 4 or 5 guys, but there was 8 there, all in their mid to late 20's. My friend has mentioned the Gang-Bang to a bunch of his other find's and they all knew who I was and wanted to take part. We quickly got down to the fun right there in the living room, and for the next 2 hours I sucked and fucked all the guys, with a cock constantly in me somewhere over those 2 hour! Only 2 of the guys had ever had anal sex, so I became the first for the other 6, and not one lasted long at all, quickly cumming in my ass. One guy came in my ass 3 times!

Every guy came at least twice with a few cumming 3 times, and I only had one load in my mouth the entire evening...and that was from my husband! All the guys ended up finishing in eithr my ass or my pussy, and I was leaking CUM all night! All in all, it was a good night, and I am feeling a little sore as I am sitting here writing this. But it's a good sore :)


Like most of you, I am not able to take pictures and videos of everyone. How many of you would actually allow your face to be shown in a Porn Video that will be on public display? Yet, you bitch at me because I share what I did but I don't have pictures of it! As you can see, I do take them and share them when I can. But I have a life too, and I play with people who do not want their images up all over the 'net. But the small minded among you just can't understand that.

I have "defriended" people who posted about the lack of pictures. I post things that I can to share, to have fun, but not for comments that are derogative or that piss me off.

If you do expect me to post pictures of every little thing I do, then I ask you to please defriend me and find a woman who can do more.
Published by carolcox
10 years ago
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ferdaddy 2 years ago
would have loved to seen that
curiousman266 3 years ago
Damn your husband is a lucky man!  Would love a wife into this kind of fun!
schcott 4 years ago
Great story to share, looking forward to reading about more gangbangs
 that is so hot.
martanyan 9 years ago
Gawd, that is so hot. I can only imagine what a hot sloppy mess you must have been... love it!
bigj97218 9 years ago
marshmarsh47 9 years ago
I've yet to see a porn film out there that matches this description - guys cumming multiple times in all holes. Someone needs to do it!!
Marcia42BBC 9 years ago
I love nights like that myself. As for those who complain about lack of picture and/or videos, screw them. Keep doing what you enjoy first.
HORYTHECLOWN 9 years ago
If I was hubby I would be delighted all that cum in your ass. I couldn't resist eating you cum farting asshole
gregor11 9 years ago
hi carol - i love your stories
thanks for sharing
blinkblurgone 9 years ago
killer story
oleman2 9 years ago
Great story Carol,like it very mutch.
ratpackx 9 years ago
awesome story...
renegadebob2 10 years ago
WOW what a great story and I have to say it again you have a VERY lucky husband
horndogharrold 10 years ago
Love this story. You are insatiable!!!!!
HORYTHECLOWN 10 years ago
If I was there I would eat cum farts from your ass with pleasure
love your pics and movies and your work your beautiful and sexy
funtimeguyga 10 years ago
You post plenty of pictures. Love them when you can. Don't sweat it when you can't. When me and you finally hook up I won't wan't pictures plastured everywhere. Maybe a private, no face, video for my personal use. lol
cunningcanuk 10 years ago
You certainly know how to ring in the new year! Well done Carol!!
comsome 10 years ago
What you gave us was wonderful. Makes too many people wish they were there (myself included). Your detail of the evening is great food for ones imagination...if one has an imagination. I thank you. You share so much with us. Every time wishing I was there. oh well I can't have everything. :wink:
bimmerfanm356 10 years ago
Super sexy story. Wish I was there!
plink616 10 years ago
Love your updates Carol!
manny2426 10 years ago
Wow your ass must feel so good to make him bust 3 times! Amazing!
hotnharder 10 years ago
Sounds very very hot...thanks for sharing the tale. You have given your friends and fans on here more than enough to keep me hard for hours. Dont loose sleep over the haters they are not worth your time.
gentlel0ver 10 years ago
Wow. lucky men xxxx
ndamood4sum 10 years ago
Wow that was hot
mulder_2 10 years ago
That sounds hot, I wish i could have participated as well :wink:
DoctorCocktopus 10 years ago
Great story Carol. I just want to say that I always enjoy what you share with us and appreciate that you respect the privacy of others when they ask you not to post their pictures or video. You've already shared plenty of hot videos and photos so thank you for that. At least I know that if I was ever lucky enough to hook up with you but wanted it to be kept private that I could count on your word to do so. Those were 8 lucky guys and it sounds like you had a lot of fum and cum. I can't wait to hear about the next encounter.
jerzeemd 10 years ago
Wow, what a great time!! Sounds like fun was had by all! Lucky guys!
yick 10 years ago
No words to describe !
Those lucky guys must had a very good time..........awesome