
People ask me a lot about my makeup. I don't do anything terribly out-of-the-ordinary with my makeup (aside from use a lot of it) and am often asked for tips.

Keeping in mind that I LOVE eye makeup, this article is written with a heavy slant.

In no particular order, they go like this:

1 - Buy good stuff. Seriously. Cheap makeup is cheap for a reason. There are deals, but you need to do your homework to find them.
2 - Use actual tools. A cheap set of makeup brushes goes a long way. This is a good time of year to find them, as most of the big-box stores have gift sets with JUST brushes. If you're nervous, go to Wal-Mart and use the self-checkout of claim they're a gift (no one cares either way!)
3 - Learn. Youtube videos and still pictures with step-by-step instructions are incredible. Personally, i love reddits /r/makeupaddiction
4 - AT LEAST forget bad habits. So you have a shaky hand or you're uneven - NO BIG DEAL. Nothing is worse than being locked into bad looks/technique. STOP circling your eyes with eyeliner, STOP partially and terribly trying to mask your eyebrows, stop with the over-contouring endemic of Drag Queendom (unless that's your thing). There's a lot in this #4 category, but these are my personal pet-peeves.

Published by LilyUnleashed
10 years ago
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Jasmine2cd 4 years ago
I find this at the perfect time in my life!!! You nailed it....shakes hands, nervous at check out.....I’m weak in the knees reading your stuff...thank you thank you thank you 
FemmeBoi67 10 years ago
Agree with all actually Lils.
mail4play 10 years ago
most times I would say - the less make up the better - but you pull it off and always bring it together for a good and unique look