In flight entertainment

Writing our last story Anne reminded me of our visit to England before we could afford business class. The plane wasn't crowded and on our row of seats there was the two of us and a guy in his late thirties, I have to admit he was probably one of the nicest traveling companions you could hope for. James was well spoken, didn't smell, (a blessing)was well dressed and kept to his own seat space. On such a long journey we used to chat to people, though there have been times when we wouldn't want to, James was a chatty sort of a person happy to chat about anything telling us about his job (diver) his family (not married). Long distance flights are not my favorite things to do but at least on this flight when the lights went down it went quiet and I went to sleep. As I slept Anne dozed on waking one time she found James turned slightly towards her in his seat with his cock out slowly masturbating, at first she thought she was dreaming but another glance showed she was right. Her eyes weren't fully open as she continued to watch him with no one moving in the cabin there was little likelihood of him being seen, the only thing was watching him masturbate was making her feel horny. James turned more towards her and she got a better view of his cock, she later told me he was large and circumcised, on one of his strokes he gently touched her thigh his cock beyond the arm of her seat unable to resist temptation Anne reached out and ran her fingers over the head of his cock. It seemed like an electric shock to both of them Anne pushed his fingers from his cock and replaced them with hers and over the next ten minutes she jerked him off until he came in a handkerchief he had taken from his pocket. After cleaning up himself and Anne had cleaned up her hands he reached over sliding his hands under her skirt and pantie elastic he slowly brought her to orgasm, fortunately she didn't let out her regular scream just a muffled moan. Of course when I woke up I knew none of this and I wasn't told until we were in our London Hotel, of course this resulted in my cock getting rigid and us fucking for the afternoon. I wondered after if James would meet anyone on another flight that would do him the same favor.
Published by petercee
10 years ago
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SancheZ069 3 years ago
hot :smile:
Bi_photographerACT 10 years ago
Thanks for sharing got to travel with you guys
chrisukbishare 10 years ago
Great tale - thanks for sharing. Off on a longhaul together very soon. Let's see who our travelling companions may be.